Full Fluid diet struggle

Apr 03, 2013

I have found the clear fluids and full fluids stage harder than the optifast. I want to "eat" something so badly. I have been picking at things that i cook for the family and catching myself. The first two weeks on clear fluids i hated jello and broth by the end , it was terrible. Then i started on full fluids and I am not an oatmeal kind of person so i have subsituted that for a protein shake, i was enjoying the creamed soups and now i am tired of them too. I have a week to go before I can start "real" food and I feel like i am going crazy!

On a positive note, I am down 17 lbs now since my sugery on March 13th/2013! I`ll take it!


6 days post op!

Mar 19, 2013

Recovery is going well. I am down  7lbs since my surgery six days ago. I feel pretty good. Not really sore at all until bedtime and sleeping on my back is such a chore. I am not hungry at all and doing my clear fluids basically on a time schedule. Its so hard to sip all day long and try to get everything in. I really hate jello! I sent hubby to search for some sugar free popsicles but he couldnt find any. I cant wait to hit the full fluid stage , this soup broth and jello is driving me crazy.

Surgery went well. I was really nervous when we go to the hospital but since we were early and the OR was ahead of schedule, they took me back right away so there wasnt really time to get my nerves up. They did say my pulse was high though.

I sat outside the OR for a few minutes while they finished the patient ahead of me. Then they wheeled me in. The OR was FREEZING.

They hooked me up to IV and gave me oxygen and that the last i remember. Then i woke up 2 hours later in the recovery room in ALOT of pain. They were giving me morphine and i was in/out of sleep. I remember feeling really hot and throwing my blankets off. I was coughing quite a bit and the nurses moistened my mouth with a sponge. I was nauseaus as well and they gave me something for that but it didnt help. I slept on and off until they took me from there to my room. They stopped to get my husband and i was so out of it. I felt like i was awake but everything was surreal. The nurses kept saying keep your eyes open it will help with the nausea. It didnt help.

I got to my room and slept most of that first day. My husband stuck around for a few hours but every time he moved, he said i was trying to talk and wake up and he wanted me to rest. He left in the afternoon and came back the next day.

The pain was basically gas pains until bedtime when i was uncomfortable and couldnt get any sleep. The beds are horrible and my back was killing me the whole time. They gave me more toradol and morphine and then i was out like a light.

The next day I was able to get up and start doing laps around the floor. I also went to patient lounge as it was the only place that had real heat and i was freezing!  Thank god i brought my own mink blanket! I would have froze if not.

On the third day the doctor came in again and said they would unhook my fluid iv and if i could tolerate dinner that i could go home. I left at about 6:30 to come home.

All in all everything is going well. Some gas pains but not really much surgery pain.


Twas the night before surgery......

Mar 12, 2013

and I have finished my last optifast and I am heading to bed. My bag is packed, probably overpacked haha! I don`t have an angel so i wont be posting until i am at home so in a few days. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and smooth surgery. Love to all!


Day 12 of Opti

Mar 10, 2013

I am counting down the shakes til the big day, only two days to go. Today I got my calcium, biotin, d drops, b12 and prenatals. The kitchen cupboard is stocked with all my clear fluids and full fluids. I also have a case of premier protein drinks. Everything is ready to go except my hospital bag. I cant believe this two year journey is almost over and the big day is almost here. I am getting nervous but trying my best to stay positive.


day 9 and the countdown is on

Mar 07, 2013

Day 9 today and 20 more shakes to go til the big day! hard to believe that I am almost through the optifast. When i first started I swore that two weeks would feel like forever and would surely be the death of me, but i have pushed myself and remained postiive in that i can do this.I am counting down the shakes and gearing up for the big day. Nerves are already setting  in but that is to be expected. I am excited to start my "new" life.

Oddly i am not hungry anymore , like i felt in the first few days. I got over my craving for coffee with sweetner and started having decaf apple cinnamon tea. I dont feel sick either just really tired by the end of the day.



day #6 of opti

Mar 04, 2013

and............I have lost 9.2 pounds!!! So excited, its been tough but worth the sacrifice. The finish line is in sight. I have my preop nursing assessment and an appointment with anesthesia in guelph today. Not long now!!


day 3 of opti is done!

Mar 01, 2013

12 shakes down and a zillion more to go!I have been feeling pretty good today, even went grocery shopping for the family. I have been cooking dinners for everyone else and sipping my broth. Food isnt really bothering me, strangely enough. I did have a few moments in the grocery store looking at all the things that i love and the regular things i usually buy myself every week. But i came out with some decaf orange/peach tea and more broth.

I also discovered the tim hortons decaf orange pekoe with sweetner isnt too bad, not coffee but it will have to do. I tried putting decaf coffee in the chocolate optifast and it was horrible!

Admittedly my stomach is growling like a bear tonight! Even with the fact that i just had my last shake an hour or so ago. I will be going to bed early to try to sleep it off.

If , as others have said that the first 4-5 days are the worst, i really can do this. I am almost over the hump! Pre-op appointment in guelph on monday afternoon.

Its finally starting to sink in, how quickly this is going to happen. 11 more days to go!



Feb 28, 2013

yesterday was the first day of opti for me. I felt tired mostly and was ready for bed earlier than everyone else in house! I was never so happy to have  a whole cup of soup broth! I am sure that is sure to change after this two weeks and than the fluids diet phase.

Well this morning i got up to face day 2. I jumped in the shower and boom this severe weakness hit me, the shakiness and just plain blah feeling. I wasnt sure how i was going to get myself out of the shower and back to my room to get dressed. I made it and laid back down in bed and the feeling stopped after about 5 minutes. Then its been smooth sailing since i got that first shake in.

I dont find the shakes that bad, i was really preparing for the worst after reading some reviews but i am pleasantly surprised. I add some SF syrups to them and they are pretty good.

cheers to day 2! off to drink more water.


my story

Nov 12, 2012

Last year i was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left knee, it was unbearable to walk, stand up or do the stairs in our house. Getting in and out of the car i felt like a 90 year old woman. At age 35, I was crippled beyond belief. I was sent to a rheumatologist who was a complete jerk, it was like i was suffering and deserved too becuase i had let my weight go to this point. Tipping the scales at 380lbs. The doctor even refused my cortisone injection because he felt that with my weight, the shot would maybe only give me 1 day of relief. I left the office crying like a baby, walked around the building and then went back there and asserted my right to atleast try the shot, i had nothing to lose and if it worked one day, then that would be one day of no pain and i would accept that. I was paying for the shot anyways, not him.

That shot lasted 3 months, in those 3 months i could workout at the gym, walk, do the stairs again and felt better. When it stopped working and I had to go back for another shot, i dreaded it again. I had to see this jerk again. The next shot lasted a long time and i havent needed to go back for another one.

I decided that i had to do something about this weight. Now with osteoarthritis on top of rheumatoid arthritis, i was determed to take back my life and be healthy.

I registered for the bariatric registry and was assigned guelph general hospital. After a year of waiting , I attended orientation. I had two sets of appointments in the clinic and then was cleared for the post op class , which is coming up on Nov.20/12. In the past 3 months i have lost 30 lbs and feel pretty good.

I am scared of the whole surgery aspect of things and dreading optifst, but i have done alot of soul searching and i feel surgery is my best option.

I want to be around a very long time for my kids and my husband and I am ready to do whatever it takes to make that happen. I want my energy back and my health above all else.



About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 13, 2012
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