swangirl 18 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your success and best wishes for the future!

xiomara 19 years, 1 month ago

Hi Judy I want to thank you for your support and kind words. I saw your profile and may I say you look beautiful. May God keep you safe now & always

judy W. 19 years, 3 months ago

February 8, 2005.............wow I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted! Well, the year has been good to me. Last summer we bought a house to move my mother-in-law down to southern Illinois from Indianapolis. I spent three months painting, wallpapering, cleaning, etc. almost every night after work and on weekends. I simply could not have done it weighing more than a hundred pounds more than I do now. It was wonderfully exciting and satisfying. In the fall, I helped welcome thousands of new students to our University, a very trying time before I lost weight. In December I had an ankle fusion and hammer toe releases on two toes. While I'm still in a wheelchair, on crutches or a walker, I'm back to work and doing fine. I simply cannot imagine how I was able to have 7 other knee and foot surgeries when I weighed so much. I've now lost 115 pounds and kept it off. My sister has lost almost 170 pounds. You can see our before and after pictures on my profile page. While I'm pleased and happy with my own weight loss, I'm so proud of my sis that I could bust! She's struggled all her life and was nearly immobile before she had wls. Now she's endured a couple of additional surgeries and just goes like the Energizer Bunny! To anyone who is contemplating this surgery for themselves, I say do your research, understand the life changes you must make, get yourself a good surgeon and go for it. Don't let the insurance companies stand in your way.....my sis was on Medicaid and finally fought her way to success. Your life will be immeasurably better when you are slimmer and healthier. It's a fight, it will always be a fight, but it's certainly a worthwhile fight. Best to all.....Judy

judy W. 20 years, 3 months ago

Again, long time no post. I'm now down 91 pounds and feeling better than I could ever have believed. Sister Sherri has now lost 130 pounds and is, thankfully, able to take over most of the day to day running of a business and household from her ill hubby. Don't know what they would have done if she hadn't gotten healthy! She's a dynamo! I'm now "preaching" to anyone who will listen about the benefits of WLS. A colleague had her surgery yesterday and came through just great. Peggy, you're now on the "losing" side! Another new colleague has a sis getting ready to have her surgery in Nashville and I'm hoping to touch base with her soon to cheer her on. All in all, life is good. I have no ill effects from my choice and would do it again in a heartbeat. A good friend remarked upon seeing my before and after pictures, it looks like mother and daughter! She lives away and I hadn't told her about the surgery until recently. Anyway, if there's anyone out there lurking around profiles and needs information or encouragement, I'm a real cheerleadeer! Email me and let's talk!

judy W. 20 years, 6 months ago

Well, long time no post! Sister Sherri has now lost 98 pounds, I've lost 77. Dear friend Linda Valerio has now joined the Century Club! I've had to have yet another joint surgery...this time rotator cuff repair on the left shoulder October 1st. Recovery and rehab (as well as surgery itself) are lots easier when you weigh less! Wow. I am thrilled to be successful so far in my journey and feel so much better I can't believe it. I'm altering clothes and buying "new-to-me" things at the Goodwill and consignment shops. I hope to lose about 40 more pounds before I'm done so don't want to spend a lot of bucks on new things yet. I did have to buy new panties and bras, though. What a treat. Visited my daughter in Florida the last week in October and gained a new son-in-law! That was fun and they were amazed at how well I'm getting around. I think they were more proud of that than how I look 70 pounds lighter! Quite a change from the last 10-15 years of canes, walkers, wheel chairs, limping, and pain. I'll always be thankful to my sis who prodded me into doing some wls research. I would do this again in a hearbeat and would help anyone who needs information and encouragement. It may not be for everyone, but it certainly has improved my life well more than 100%! And I'm thankful every single day.

judy W. 20 years, 7 months ago

One of the most satisfying things about my having this wonderfully successful surgery is sharing my experience and encouraging others to better their lives. A couple of weeks ago I lost a dear friend of 25 years who would not explore her surgery options and I am convinced that if her doctor had been supportive (he was very resistant) my friend would still be alive. She was 54 years old and died from obesity-related complications. Yesterday I talked with a new friend who is having her evaluations with Dr. Eagon in November. This lovely lady is so wonderfully focused on improving her health and living a normal life that I know she will be successful. I'm about 6 months out and am no longer morbidly obese. I'm thankful every single day for my wonderful surgeon, my incredibly supportive husband and family, OH.com, and all the new friends I've met through this experience.

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 8 months ago

<b>I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY~*~ I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind, I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all.~*~Hugs~*~</b>

judy W. 20 years, 8 months ago

Been a long time since I updated! I'm 22 weeks out and 63 pounds down since surgery. I've always been somewhat of a slow loser and this doesn't seem to be any different. I don't care! I'm more than halfway to goal, and I am so much more healthy and mobile that I'm thrilled to pieces. I've not had any problems or complications except trying to adjust to how much I can eat, but I've pretty well got that figured out now. I eat what I want with some exceptions, of course, and still maintain a 2 or 3 pound per week loss. I'm facing left shoulder rotator cuff repair this Wednesday and, although it's no picnic, I feel like I can handle it better just because this old body is so much easier to move around since my loss. I met with an efriend who's become very dear to me. We spent Saturday together doing the antique shops, crafty stores, and country shops in Lebanon, IL. What a lovely day we had and how good it was to finally meet this dear lady with whom I've been corresponding since before my surgery. She's two months behind me and doing just great. She's beautiful inside and out and I feel lucky that we've been side by side through this journey. Many thanks to very special Linda Valerio! I think we'll be lifelong friends. Although I don't often have time these days to visit Obesityhelp.com, it was a tremendous, tremendous help to me as I did my research and needed support. I encourage everyone who is looking into this surgery to do as much research and talk to as many people as possible as you start your journey. Every person is different and if you don't seek out many facts and opinions, you could think you weren't doing well or that you were doing things you should or shouldn't just because the one person you've talked to didn't have the same experiences as you. Remember, every one of us is an individual and our experiences are bound to vary. This is all so emotional and traumatic for us that we need to know that #1 we're not alone but #2 we're not like anybody else. Bye for now and keep on keeping on! Judy

judy W. 20 years, 11 months ago

Here I am 9 weeks post op and feeling great! I'm now down 37 pounds and loving every minute of it. What a great thing this WLS is for those of us who need it! My eating patterns are settling down and I'm amazed at each meal how little it takes to satisfy me. Even when I occasionally get the munchies, a few soy nuts or a piece of cheese and I'm a happy camper! Best wishes to all who are journeying with me or who are just beginning their own journey. Get through those first few uncomfortable weeks and life gets really grand! And a million, zillion thanks for OH.com just for being there! There is no other resource quite so helpful and supportive. Good information, good support, good friends. Thanks.

judy W. 20 years, 12 months ago

Me, again~! I'm now 6 weeks post op and beginning to figure out this eating thing. Trying not to estimate the size of a meal, just taking my 5 or 6 bites and stopping. I can always eat again if I'm still hungry, but the chucking was not pleasant. Folks at work are beginning to notice not only my weight loss but the spring in my step and the lack of furrows in my brow from pain. Arthritis pain is lessened already with only a 25 pound loss. Weight is coming off slowly, but that's okay with me. At 58 years old and carrying my weight primarily in hips and thighs, this weight has been there a long time and is stubbornly holding on. I've added Atkins Advantage bars to get my protein and am pushing, pushing, pushing the water! I'm seemingly fully recovered from the surgery. Have had no ill effects at all. Tiny little lap scars are fading and the discomfort I had initially is long gone. Would recommend Dr. Eagon and his team at Barnes in St. Louis to anybody in our ara! They're absolutely wonderful. I was lucky enough to have my surgery at Barnes West in Creve Couer, a smaller hospital than downtown. Everyone there was great even though I was among the very first few wls patients. They were very attentive to my diet as well as responsive and efficient when I needed help of any kind. All in all, a good experience. I am so glad that I made the decision to have this surgery and I know that I will be a much more effective and active partner to my husband as we head into the "golden" years together. I was beginning to think I was going to be an albatross around his neck as my health and mobility kept going downhill. Now as I lose weight and become more active, perhaps I can give him a run for his money!
About Me
De Soto, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
