Promised Myself..

Jun 26, 2009

Well..   so even though I fought with myself tonight.. I apparently lost.  I had promised myself from the beginning that I would post monthly photos for myself, and I did NOT want to post my 2 month photos..  this month I've only lost 13 lbs... and there doesn't seem to be much of a difference from last month    it's going slowwwww and it's annoying but I won't go into that again.. lol.   I actually look smaller in my 1 month photo then my 2 month photo.. lol..     BUT I feel good..  I can actually cross my legs (not perfectly, but it feels good to even get one across the other!! )  and as I was walking down a flight of stairs the other day I could FEEL the difference in my body.. it was kind of a surreal moment.   AND..  I bought my first pair of size 20 jeans in YEARS.. granted they were semi-stretch, but it still felt GOOD.  SOOO.. I'm not going to whine and complain..  I'm just going to say that I love not being 289 anymore.. 

I do want to mention that my back is still completely aweful..  it doesn't seem to be any different and it's a bit depressing.  I don't feel like I can be as active as I probably should be at this point.   Whenever I get up from sitting, it takes me about 2 minutes to slowly walk around before I can stand completely straight up and walk faster..  it's a pain... literally.   At night I toss and turn from the pain, it hurts ALL night long..  I miss my pills something aweful!!!  However, since they thin the blood, I can't have them.  I just want to be normal.  I hate myself for ever letting me get so large and letting my back get to this point.  Since it's a nerve, I was reading last week that even losing weight will probably not help it.. that's a HUGE bummer. 

Anyhow..   I'm keeping this short because I need to go catch up on much needed exercise and the True Blood episodes I've been missing. 

Hope this finds you all doing well!  Thank you to all the people who were kind enough to write me with their food ledgers, it helped a lot!  

