My Non-Negotiables... From Kariks Post

Apr 07, 2013

For all those who asked for a food list for the stages Ill post that next week

1.) Until goal I only ever ate at a table, with a plate and utensils. This curbed all snacking and mindless eating.

2.) 100oz plus of water daily

3.) During loss, two shakes a day and one all protein meal

4.) During maintainance one protein shake per day to maintain protein balance and over comsumption of calories

5.) Stay connected to the WLS community, be it though support groups, personal WLS friends, online support and so on

6.) Try new healthier foods

7.) Always use the sugar free option when there is one

8.) Plan food weekly, I go to TJs each Sunday and get my food for the week. Cooked chicken, ham, eggs, crumpets, walnuts, cottage cheese, pineapple, dried orange flavored cranberries, mixed dried berries, panchetta, lettuce, various dressings, peanut butter, multiple nut mixes, and various cheeses. To this day this is 85 percent of my diet.

9.) Be honest with yourself... on many levels. Dont lie to yourself about your bad habits, own that shit and handle it. Its may be difficult but is easier than dealing with the repercussions of destructive habits that go untamed.

10.) Take a shit ton of pictures

11.) Set small goals, big goals and reward the shit outa everything.... buy yourself clothes not food and buy them tight! No room for gain... Nothing makes you put down the fork like a fucking muffin top.

12.) Dont look at this as a change in your weight and body. Its a change in your entire life! You didnt gain weight just because you enjoy cuppycakes... it is typically a reflection of a lot more. Not all of us are Capitan happy and successful like dear ole Frisco. Love you Friskey boy... (Ill love you more if you brought me back a treat from that last trip of yours) Look at your life, why are you where you are? Is it where you want to be? How can you change things to be the person you want to be? Figure out that shit and make it happen. I changed my entire outlook on life and it was hard. I had to let go of a lot. I had to own that I wasn't honest with ME about how I felt about my life and those feelings perhaps led to many of my bad habits that led to becoming a big ole fatty. Being happy and fulfilled about all aspects of your life will serve you well all around, especially in the weight loss arena.

13.) Ask questions, there are none too stupid... The more you know the better youll do

14.) Make it to your follow up appts. Checking in is good for your head and keeps you in line. Accountability is

15.) Own your process. The ups and the downs, theres no room for blame....

16.) Weigh daily (this was a must for me I know many this wouldnt work for.) In my head if the scale is up I better watch what I am eating to drop back down to where ever it is I want to be and if its down or "normal for those in maintenance" its motivation to keep up the good work. I am at my best when I am well aware.

17.) Always choose the meal you will be eating at a restaurant before you walk through the fucking door. Dont set yourself up to fail. Go online. Choose your meal from their menu and dont even bother looking at a list of tempting foods you cant have. A bite off a friends plate wont kill you... Your own full plate of pasta just might. Okay it wont kill you but itll kill your success.

18.) If you know your about to go somewhere that you know will be tempting you with food. A party, super fatty restaurant, fill up first. I still do this. Have some dense meat or some almonds that will keep you full so you wont be tempted. And for those who say "what will my friends say if I dont eat" What the fuck kind of friends do you have? If my friends only like me because we can sit next to one another while eating, Im guessing I need some new friends!!! My company is gift enough damnit! How hard is it to say "I already ate but I really wanted to visit you cause youre just so fucking awesome" If they haven't noticed your trying to lose weight at this point it may be time for brighter friends anyway.

19.) Realize that your life will probably be ALL ABOUT WLS for a while and thats okay!!! You will get back to real life in time but if you dont focus now... you will have had surgery for nothing! There is a time frame on quick loss, if you dont get with the program it will pass you by and youll be a sad... and still chunky puppy.

20.) NEVER DRINK your calories!!!! There really is no excuse for this shit... I hear people cry about how much they love high cal coffees and shakes and soda. No sympathy folks... I love a lot of things I cant have but you dont see my dry humping Val Kilmer now do you!!!!

21.) Dont whine about all the foods you should be eating but "dont like" "cant stomach" or whatever and use that as an excuse to eat pizza... none of us want to live on fucking chicken and broccoli.... but we find shit we like that is on our food list and eat it. Its not about what you like and what you want.. You had what you liked and did it get you where you wanted to be? None of us wanted to be chillen on the beach in our 3x swimsuits now did we and thats where the foods we so loved got us. Ever notice the skinny bitch next you on the beach had a bottle of water? Didnt think so, why? Cause we couldnt see her ass past our foot long sub and family size bag of doritos... Okay thats it I think... Just the way I looked at shit... to get through it all


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