I was born and raised on a farm.  Needless to say I was used to physical labour.  My parents had a dairy farm which meant the family was at the barn working morning and night.  The animals always came first.  We would eat our meals after chore time which often meant eating dinners late at night.  Although our meals were always healthy, there was an abundance of food and we were always taught to clean our plate. By my teenage years I was weighing approximately 175 lbs.  It was not until I moved away to University, where I didn't have as much work to do or as healthy food to eat, that I went over the 200 lb. mark.  I was dating a wonderful man from Meaford so I came home a lot on weekends.  It didn't help that I would snack on junk food on the drive to and from Hamilton.
     When I finished school I married that man I was dating.  He accepted me for who I was and didn't care if I had gained more weight.  When I was married I was around 250 lbs.  I hated how much I had gained and decided I needed to lose it.
     Over the years I have lost and gained many times.  I have joined Weight Watchers, Herbal Magic and Curves.  I have purchased plans from Bodyflex, Protein Power Plan and Enrich International.  I've tried pills such as Xenical, PGX, Quick Trim and Slimquick.  I've tried many diets; low-fat, low-carb, calorie-reduced, gluten-free you name it I've probably tried it.  I also have a basement full of excercise equipment. My have been looking my entire life for that one diet or exercise that would be the one to help me get the weight off.  I knew having kids wouldn't help with losing weight but we were excited to be pregnant anyway.
     During my first pregnancy I suffered from morning sickness.  In total I only gained two pounds after having my son.  It was during my second pregnancy with my daughter that I started gaining more weight.  I have since gained even more. to Today I am around 380 lbs!  I say around because my scales don't actually weight accurately over 375 lbs.
     I feel embarassed about my weight as well as limited.  It hurts to move around because I have arthritis in my knees.  My back and hips hurt when I try to move let alone exercise.  Stairs are a nightmare for me.  I know my fitness level is very low and my health is at risk.  I feel tired all the time.  It is only getting worse so I know I need to take action now.  I am ready for weight loss surgery.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2012
Member Since

Friends 10
