Hello! My name is Shauna I'm 30 currently living in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I'm 5'9" 310lbs & currently seeking RNY surgery. I have struggled with weight issues my entire life and while I'm not currently at my heaviest i do believe i am the most unhealthy i have ever been. I was diagnosed back in '08 with type 2 diabetes and it has gone downhill since. I currently as a result of the diabetes being uncontrolled for 4 years  (though not due to a lack of serious trying) i have several forms of neuropathy including loss of feeling in my toes and weakening thigh muscles which make getting around pretty difficult and painful to say the least. i also have an enlarged spleen and liver as well as high blood pressure and high cholesterol just to name a few!! I'm beyond ready for this change to take place in my life and ready, willing, and able to do whatever it takes to get myself living a long healthy life!!

About Me
Harrisburg, PA
Apr 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14
