First a little about me. I am a 39 year old male, happily married with 2 wonderful children (2 y/o girl & 8 y/o boy). I have been fighting obesity all my life. I have lost lots of weight on many different diets, only to find it again (along with new weight). I am now at the largest I have ever been and I hope that this tool will help me re-capture my life. Recently my health has been effected by my weight and my cardiologist has recommended that I consider this procedure.

I have made the first step to re-capturing my life. I made an appointment today. A doctor I work with recommended Dr. Garber and I am told he is the best. He must be, I have to wait until May 9th for my first consultation!

I have finally seen Dr. Garber! I called his office on January 3, 2003 only to get his earliest appointment of May 9th.

Now that the first consultation has passed I have to see the other doctors. I have made appointments all this month. I hope I can get this done soon, I have been waiting so long.
I had an appointment with the Nutritionist today, but she canceled. It is scheduled for May 21st.
I had to visit the Nutritionist and Endocrinologist today. The nutritionist canceled last Friday and today when I took time off from work to see her, I was told she was not in today! I am not happy. The visit with the Endocrinologist went well and if the blood work comes back ok I will not need to see him again. I also have to see the Cardiologist later today.


I have seen several of the doctors who I need to get clearance from before Dr. Garber will set a surgery date. The cardiologist and gastroenterologist have 'BIG' plans for me. I think they are going to know me much better then I would like them to... . The GI doctor has me scheduled for sonograms, an upper GI and a lower GI. The cardiologist has me set up for an echo and a nuclear stress test.


Today I met the Psychologist that Dr. Garber recommended. She was very nice, and I am happy to say the interview went better then I expected. Dr. Willo Wisotsky, PhD was very easy to speak to and conducted the interview professionally.

After speaking with Dr.Wisotsky, I know that I am making the right choice about having this type of surgery.

So far so good, I am getting the pre-surgical consultations all taken care of. I have liked all the doctors that Dr. Garber has recommended so far. This is a good sign too (at least in my mind it is).

Today I had a my visit with Dr. Vomero who seems to be a very nice and professional Pulmonogist. He seems to be very supportive of me going for WLS. I did not do so well on the pulmonary function test and the doctor also thinks I have sleep apnea, so now I have to go for a sleep apnea test. My wife and son think I snore like a bear... so I think I have sleep apnea. I will keep you all updated.
Today I had my cardiac stress test. They injected me with radioactive isotope two times, so now I am just waiting for that whole Spiderman thing to happen to me . But on a serious note, the test was easy, they made me feel very relaxed and I trusted them. The results were read and the doctor told me I was fine. Next week I have to return for an echocardiogram.

Today I went back to the Cardiologist to have the echocardiogram done. That went well with no problems found. On another note, I did complain that I am still setting off radiation alarms at the airport (I work there). They said this should wear off soon... or then again maybe the old Peter Parker (Spiderman) thing may be working .
OK, now I am not happy! She did it to me again. The Nutritionist stood me up. Actually, I called before leaving work (at JFK) to confirm that we were still on (she did stand me up 2 times) only to get stuck in traffic and find out that when I got there 15 minutes late (really only 15 minutes, no exaggeration) that she left for the day. First, this is not the only time she left me hanging, but I did call to confirm and tell them I was coming from work. I called and was told that I do not have to use the nutritionist at Dr. Garber's office. I will call my insurance company to see if they have any nutritionists in my town.

I just called Empire Blue Cross / Blue Shield who told me that I am covered for a Nutritionist, and they found one in my plan only 5 minutes from my house.

I just met with Dr. Lombardo who is a Chiropractor and a licensed Nutritionist. He is very nice and seems eager to help me on my journey. His office is very nice, clean and easy to get to (he is only 5 minutes from my house). He had called Dr. Garber’s office to obtain some paperwork and a game plan as to what I am in for. Well next week is the upper GI endoscopy and the following week is the lower. I am almost done with my pre-medical clearances. I am still waiting for the sleep center to call me.

Today I have a gastroscopy (upper GI) scheduled. The idea of someone sticking a telescope down my throat does not really make me happy, but it is much better then what I have in store for me next Thursday. The lower GI is coming... I will update you all tomorrow on how the procedure went.

Well the test went well, I did not know a thing about what was happening. The Anesthesiologist gave me Versed then Propofol (an anesthesia drug), which knocked me out. I recovered well and was able to go to my fire department's 100th anniversary fair later that night.

Now all I have left is the lower GI (yuck!) and the sleep study, both of which should be finished by next Friday. I am going to call Dr. Garber soon to make another appointment, hopefully to schedule my surgery. This is starting to become more real and I am feeling a combination of excitement and nervousness. I know I am making the right choice, but I still am a bit nervous about a life long commitment such as the one I am planning.
Well folks... I had the lower GI and unfortunately I developed pneumonia from the anesthesia. I have been told that my airway was difficult before, and now due to my weight I developed pneumonia from a relatively minor procedure. My family said that it was a sign that I should re-consider having the operation. I said that it was a sign that I need to get this procedure now more then ever. If I can't handle a simple procedure because of my weight, what will happen when I get older and heavier? I know that I am making the right choice, and my family agrees.

I had to re-schedule the sleep study to Tuesday July 22nd, because they thought that my pneumonia might affect the test. This is my last pre-op test! I will update you all after that.
Well the sleep study was canceled again! This time it was their problem. The computer was broken, so now I have to re-schedule again. I will get a new appointment when I get back from vacation. My family has rented an RV with my wife's sister's family. We are going to Niagara Falls and Hershey Park. I will let you all know what happens soon.
Well we are back from vacation and it was great! We are looking into buying an RV now because we all had so much fun.

I did have a few weight related issues this week, and I am wondering if I am getting more sensitive because I am looking into this surgery or if the weight is effecting my life more and more... I found that I could not ride on rides with my kids because I did not fit. This was very upsetting to me and my kids... I will not let this happen again.

Well, I will call the sleep center today and get a new date. I will update you all soon.
Well last night I finally had the sleep apnea test. It was easy but very weird. I had wires strapped to my head, temples, throat, chin, chest and legs as well as a strap around my chest and belly. I slept ok anyway, I was very tired. I should get the results in a week.
Well I did it, I finally was able to call Dr. Garber to tell him that I completed all the pre-surgical tests and evaluations. I have an appointment for next Friday at 3pm to discuss what comes next.
Last night the Pulmonogist called me to tell me that not only did I fail the sleep apnea test but I failed big. I apparently had several episodes of apnea and my oxygen level goes down to about 75%. He also told me that I woke up 45 times during the night (I only was only there 6 hours), which means I woke up more then 7 times an hour. This must be why I am so tired all the time.

The doctor wants me to follow up with the sleep center ASAP so that they can test me again with a C-PAP machine, which pumps air so that my airway stays open.
I saw Dr. Garber today, and he said that everything looks good. He is very supportive and feels that he can help me. He surprised me when he told me that I might have surgery as soon as October! WOW! I can't wait... I even told him to keep me in mind if anyone cancels. I will go tomorrow if I can. This is becoming very real and I am getting more excited. I think I should be worried or scared but, I have a lot of confidence in Dr. Garber and have done quite a bit of research on this surgery.
Well I repeated the test last night. They hooked me up again to all the same wires and added a mask that fits over my nose. They told me that I did well and they will call Dr. Vomero to tell him the settings I need if he decides to prescribe me a C-PAP machine (I think he will).
I started telling people about what I am planning on doing, you see I was keeping it to close friends in case I decided not to go through with it. Well, on Monday I told several friend most of who were very supportive (although several told me that they did not think I needed the surgery). One friend who works at the hospital I plan on using told me of bad stories about the surgery. This was the first time that I have become worried that I may be doing something very drastic. I also started to think about what I don't really know, which is how my life will be affected by this. I have a friend who's husband had the surgery in January and is doing very well, so I will talk to him more and I will take Dr. Garber up on his offer to write him (e-mail) anytime I had any questions.

I still plan on doing this but, I am now feeling that this is becoming more real. 'Till next time...
Well here is a new hurdle... how do I write Dr. Garber and ask him about the concerns? I feel that if the stories I heard were true it would be good to know, yet troubling at the same time. On the other hand, if the reports of complications were exaggerated or incorrect, I may be insulting him. Now before everyone starts to write me telling me that I should be open with my doctor, just remember that it is very easy to say that from your side of the computer and/or operating table.
I have a friend who is a surgeon that I will talk to today. I will keep you updated...........

Well guys and gals... I spoke with my surgeon friend and he was very reassuring. He loaned me a book called "Current Surgical Therapy" 6th edition, by John L. Cameron. Page 104 starts a good section on obesity and the surgical options to address it. I recommend it to anyone who is having the surgery.

As far as the concerns of surgery, my friend tried to put things in prospective. He again stated that all surgery has risks, and that I have to weigh the positive vs. negative aspects of the surgery. I still believe that my weight will have a greater negative effect on me then this surgery. Thanks Doc.....!
I just sent an e-mail to Dr. Garber addressing some of my concerns and thoughts. I also pointed out that we did not discuss what my goal weight should be. Let's see what he has to say.
WOW! Less then 12 hours later Dr. Garber e-mailed me with the answers to my questions. And if that was not good enough I replied to him with another question which, he answered in, get this.... 15 minutes.

Well, Dr. Garber said that I should aim to loose 80% of my excess weight based on the Met Life chart. So now I have a goal and I also feel better about the risks. Dr. Garber answered the question about the staples coming loose or leaking. He told me that there is a 1% chance of that happening and that is one of the risks of this surgery. But, the risks of being severely overweight are much greater then 1%. Well, I hope to hear from the surgeon's office by the end of the week with a surgery date.
I received a very nice e-mail from a woman who is planning on WLS and had seen my (this) web page. She told me that she is also seeing Dr. Garber and is traveling from upstate NY to Long Island to see him. Good luck, and I know that you will be happy that you chose to have this surgery and to trust Dr. Garber also.
I am still waiting for my approval and surgery date, but I guess I have to first allow for at least the 2 weeks they told me it would take.
My wife just called and told me that I have a surgery date! October 30, 2003. That is going to be my re-birthday. This is starting to feel very real and I can't wait. Please everyone keep my in your thoughts and prayers... pray that I am doing the right thing.
Friday the 19th, the Respiratory Therapist came to set me up with a c-pap machine. The machine and head gear is weird. The machine is very quiet and does not make any noise, which is good as my wife was concerned about that. The headgear on the other hand is a sight to see. It looks like a halo with a hose attached to an arm which is fitted so that it sits in my nostrils and pulls slightly upward. (I will try to put a picture of this in my Yahoo profile that I am setting up tonight.)

Well 2 days into wearing the C-PAP and I feel a little better and my wife said that I did not snore at all. The nose attachment is awkward and makes my nose a bit sore, so I am going to call the Resp. Therapist and ask for softer adaptors.

Each day seems to make me feel that I am getting closer and closer to changing my life for the better forever. I am excited and also have some anxiety, but I think this anxiety is normal.
Well it has been a few weeks since I posted anything here so I figured it was a good time.

I have been telling more people about my planned surgery, and to my surprise, almost everyone knows or is related to someone who has had this type of surgery. This makes me feel much better and helps with my next problem. I have been having a bit of anxiety lately. I called Dr. Garber's office and his staff was very helpful. His office manager had the surgery 2-3 years ago and spoke with me for a while. She should be a Psychologist, because she had a great calming effect on me. She spoke to me about my diet and assured me that I will adapt well. She also encouraged me to go the group meetings, the next one though, is on my surgery date. The following one will be the Thursday before Thanksgiving. I will definitely be there.

Well until the next update, ...
This week my mother called me concerned that I may be making a bad choice in doing this surgery. She saw a news report about the new "pacemaker" for the stomach and wants me to have that put in "because it is not as permanent" as the surgery. She does not know all the facts. In fact I did do some research on this new option and from what I can tell it is at least 3-5 years away from approval. Furthermore, in the clinical trials so far, the new device has helped only 2/3 of the people who have had it installed and the total weight loss has been an average of only 18%. I am a bit more then 18% over weight . I do respect and appreciate my family's concern but, have decided to continue with the choice that I have made.
Well, today my wife called me at work to tell me that Dr. Garber's office called. They want me to re-schedule my surgery date. I have 2 choices, 1 day earlier or 21 day's later. Gee... guess what I decided... YUP! I am going a day earlier. The idea of waiting any longer is just not for me. So, here I go.

As a note to all, the reality has clicked in big time. I am nervous now. I have been pacing and fidgeting all day and feel that my anxiety level has elevated a great deal. I will work on trying to relax. Maybe watching the Yankee game tonight will help.
Well the Yankees won but my anxiety level has not gone down. As a matter of fact, I barely slept at all last night. I fell asleep during the game, and woke up at 2am and have not been able to sleep at all since. So, now off to work and those poor souls there will have to deal with
Today I went to Huntington Hospital for my pre-admission testing. The testing went very well and I was in and out of the hospital in about 1.5 hours. The hospital staff were all very supportive and friendly, some of who told me positive stories of patients, who have returned to say hi and thank you, who have had great success. I know that I will be ok, but I am still nervous. Gee... did I use 'I' 3 times in that last sentence? I am getting a bit crazy here.... I am going back to watching the Yankee game... GO YANKEES!
Well here it comes. The day I have been 'weighting' (waiting) for all my adult life (and for the most part of my adolescent life too). Tomorrow I will have surgery, which will help me start my new life. I am nervous, but I still know that I am doing the right thing. I wish everyone well as they are completing the surgery and tell those who are planning for surgery to hang in there. It is a long road, but when surgery time comes, it seems like it came so quickly.

I have a great family and my friends are wonderful. I have been very blessed to have such supporting people who have been cheering for me all this time. Thank you for you thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Please keep me in your prayers for tomorrow's surgery.
Here I am, it is 4am and I have surgery today. I am nervous, and anxious and I don't know what else... I have so many emotions going on it is hard to explain. I have received so many wonderful well wishes from friends and family, and from people I don't even know from here on Thank you all so much, I means so very much to know that I have such wonderful people out there keeping me in their prayers.

Today my wife will be taking my before pictures... I can't wait to share them with you all... the pictures that everyone has shared have been a great inspiration to me. It is true that pictures say a thousand words.

Well, I am going to go back to pacing around. I have to be at Huntington Hospital at 9am, so I figure that the surgery time is about 10:30a. I will write again as soon as I can. Keep well and God Bless you all.
Sorry I have not written sooner, but I was in the hospital an extra day (due to a fever). That resolved and was most likely from not moving around enough and my lungs were getting all "gunked-up".

Well I am sure you all want to know how I did, so, I did fine. Dr. Garber said my surgery went perfect, and he expected me to do well. I do have pain, you should all know that. I did have a poor reaction to the morphine, as it made me nauseous. Being nauseous means to me that my stomach is churning or twisted, which after surgery is bad. So.... I decided upon my own not to push the PCA (patient controlled analgesic) button. I was miserable. A wonderful Angel who identified herself as a PA told me that I needed to use painkillers. I told her of my dilemma and she understood me very well. She changed me from Morphine to Dilaudid with Zofran, which helps with the nausea. This combination was just what I needed.

I am home now, and a bit sore still, but I know that this will pass... So here I go on to the road of recovery. I will update you more later....
Well here I am 2 weeks post-op and doing much better. I did develop an infection, which is being treated with antibiotics and wound care. This is not the most pleasant feeling (packing and un-packing the wound every day) but I am getting better. My insurance company has approved a visiting nurse who has been here everyday since I have been home. She is great and has greatly helped with my recovery. My wife has been a real trooper, and has been helping me with everything that she can. I must say, the first couple of days I did wonder what I got myself into. But now I am feeling the benefits of the surgery and my wounds have been healing for the most part.


That was so cool to say! I have to meet with my friend who is a Nutritionist soon, as I need to increase my protein intake and also start working on planning my diet for the future. Right now I am still on a liquid diet, although I did have a soft poached egg. A friend I met through, who had the surgery the same day at the same hospital (we were in recovery together) has been doing much better then me. He has the advantage of having a wife who had the surgery in August, so she knows the in's and out's of the diet world (hi Angie and Danny!).

Well I am going now, I will keep updating as often as possible. Thank you again to all of you who have sent me well wishes, they do go a long way! PEACE TO YOU ALL.
It has been a week since I have written anything here so I felt that I needed to update everyone. Last Friday I saw Dr. Garber and I was down another 2lbs, for a total of 30 pounds in 16 days!

Dr. Garber still thinks that one of the incision sites is still infected, so he put me on another antibiotic. This one (Levaquin) wrecked havoc on me. I was very nauseous and dizzy. So much so that by Monday I had to stop the medicine. Now we are treating the infection (still) with packing and local care. My visiting nurse said she is going to call the doctor to see if she can start some new wound care called a VAC dressing. Apparently it works on some vacuum principle and should expedite my recovery.

My diet has consisted of Jell-O (sugar free), Ensure, High Protein Soup (from Dr. Garber), Egg Drop Soup, Wonton Soup (blenderized), High Protein Hot Coco and High Protein Cappuccino (both also from Dr. Garber). I have been forcing myself to eat, as I have little to no appetite. And the protein supplements are a must, as Dr. Garber wants me to get 60 grams of protein everyday. That may sound easy but trust me it is not. Also another battle is trying to drink 64 oz. of fluid each day. I don’t think I have been doing that and I must try harder.

Today, after the nurse comes to re-pack my wound, I plan on going to work. I am going nuts at home and actually am looking forward to returning to work... something I never thought I would say . Well I will update you all later.
Hello everyone! I have been feeling much better each day, and the infection seems to have cleared up. I will see Dr. Garber on Wednesday afternoon to see if I can stop the visiting nurse from packing the wound site. So far, my diet has not changed much. I find it hard to get enough protein everyday, and must try to remember to eat or drink. I have no hunger or desire to eat. Wow, go figure that... this surgery has changed me already. I have lost about 35 pounds in less then 1 month and look forward to going to Dr. Garber’s office to compare scales.

Sunday night I did have a minor set back. I had a small (individual) can of tuna, with lite mayo, and vomited it up for 45 minutes. The vomiting was not painful, but I was concerned about why I couldn't handle the tuna, which I ate only 2 days earlier. I will discuss this with the doctor tomorrow.

Well Thanksgiving is only a couple of days away, and my mother wants to make me special food and all. I have told her not to bother, as I will try some mashed potatoes and some of the softer food, but will most likely only be able to taste a few and then become full.

I wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving, and remember... this means that Christmas is right around the corner!
Hello everyone, yesterday was Thanksgiving and I hope everyone had a great day. I have a few updates I figured that I should post.

I did see Dr. Garber's partner Dr. Heron who was very nice (I have seen hime a few times now). He told me on Wednesday that I no longer need to have the nurse pack the opening where the penrose drain was (the site where I had an infection). This is great. But, the night before I saw Dr. Heron I was miserable. I have developed another kidney stone! When it rains it pours. I wound up in Huntington Hospital again, after seeing my urologist, where they gave me dilaudid for pain. This time it did not sit so well and I vomited from 6:30p to 2:30a. This was a bit rough because I had nothing to throw-up, so I just dry heaved all night long. The next morning I felt better and now I am still waiting for this stone to pass. It keeps reminding me that it is there...

Thanksgiving was another adventure. Dr. Heron told me that I could try some solid foods if I ground them up and chewed very well. I guess I did not chew well enough and maybe I should have tasted only one food. I had very little of a few things, but I think that when I tried a piece of turkey, it was too much. I vomited all night long, and just when I thought I was done with whatever was in my pouch, and thought the vomiting was done, along came the kidney stone again. It caused pain which also made me sick. So back to square one...

On a positive note, I want you to all know that the kidney stone and my WLS really don't have much in common. I do need to increase my fluids, but I will get through it. So until next time, me and my stone will be just hanging out...
YEA! I was able to eat last night... a very little bit, but I still ate. I had some mashed potato with gravy and a slice of american cheese (for 4g of protein). This may not sound like much of an accomplishment, but after the week I had I think it is great! I will write again soon...
Today I saw my Cardiologist, for my 6 month check up. You may remember that I had asked him his opinion about this surgery before I made my final decision to do this. Well, he was very excited for me and gave me a hug. He said he was thinking about me because a friend of his, another physician, had this surgery with some very severe complications. This friend of his is in ths hospital still, 12+ weeks later. Say a prayer for him...please.

Well, today I went on the scale again.... another 7 pounds down. A total of 47 pounds since October 29, this is awesome! I have still been having some trouble with food. First have no desire to eat, none at all. That is weird, it is hard to read that back, I can't believe that I said that... . The second issue about food is that I do not tolerate it very well yet. I know that eventually I will do better, but it is fustrating at times.

On a great note, I have been getting complements left and right. These friends are helping me in ways they could never know... thank you all! I also have been told that I need to get new pants, because the ones I am wearing are too baggy. I am waiting until I get a summons for indecent exposure for having my pants fall down . But seriously, I will have to get some new clothes soon, which is a great thing. Until the next posting... happy trails.
Yesterday I saw Dr. Garber for a follow-up. He seems very happy with my weight loss to date, but is concerned (as I am) about my inability to hold any solid food. He has recomended that I see a specialist (another G.I. doctor) who will scope me and see if I have any constriction or stricture of the intestine which is attached to my new pouch. If there is, I am told that it is a realitivly easy procedure to open it up, and it will be done right there when he finds it. I am not worried about this at all. I told Dr. Garber, that as long as I don't have to have a nurse come to my house and torture me everyday, like when I had that infection, that I can handle anything.

I do wish that I was able to hold down some food at this point. I don't expect to eat alot, but there have been several Christmas parties that I have been invited to that I had to turn down because I did not feel comfortable yet. I am going to a party tonight, but again I will not be eating anything. This will be weird. I don't think I can even have a cocktail at this point. I was going to ask Dr. Garber if I could, but when he said that I needed to be scoped I figured that I better not mess with my insides yet. So... here is to a dry night, I guess that I am the designated driver.
YEA!!! I am now 51 pounds down! This is great!

I saw Dr. Dicker yesterday, and he agrees with Dr. Garber in thinking that I have some stricture in the intestine or pouch. He is a very nice man who seems competent and had explained his proposed procedure to me very clearly and answered my questions nicely. I am scheduled for an endoscopy with dialation on Friday December 19th. I hope that this will resolve my vomiting issues and allow me to start eating some solids. Christmas is coming soon and I have our families coming to my house on Christmas eve. I do most of the cooking and baking and want to be able to at least sit at the table and have a little something with my family.

I will write again soon, hopefully after eating something solid.
Today I went to North Shore University Hospital, where Dr. Dicker did the endoscopy and dialation. The doctor told me that the stricture was about the size of the tip of a pen. Now it has been stretched to about the diameter of my little finger. I was told that the procedure went very well and the doctor was very confident that the problem with my holding solids down was resolved.

I came home and had an egg with a slice of cheese (for more protein). I held it down with no problem at all! This was great, it may not sound big to you all, but remember last Sunday I could not even hold down 2 tiny bites of an egg.

I will try to eat some other foods slowly, although Dr. Garber sent me and e-mail telling me to try anything I want. I am so glad that this is resolved before Christmas, and I am looking forward to having my family over on Christmas Eve. I will keep in touch. Peace!
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and that Santa was a good to you all as he was to me. Let's see where should I start? Christmas Eve we had my wife's and my families over for dinner. That went well and I was even able to eat a little. I had 1/4 meatball and some ricotta cheese from a stuffed shell, I did not bother with the pasta part of the shell... wasted space, I wanted the protein.

Christmas day we went to my parrents' house, where my father made a prime rib. I was able to eat some of the real soft meat from the ends. It was wonderful... mmmmm red meat! Later we went to my wife's sister's house and I was able to enjoy 2 cocktails. Simple vodka and diet Snapple. It did not effect me all that much, but I stayed with only 2 ... not to push my luck.

Overall I have been doing much better since having Dr. Dicker dialate my intestine. I have been able to eat, in very small quantities. I have also noticed that my energy level is out of this world. I have been doing projects around the house and at work, that I have put off. Until next time... peace to you all.
Well, today is Monday and I weighed in again at my Primary Care Doctor's office and I lost another 5 pounds this week! That is a total of 61 pounds down since October 29th.

This past weekend I found that I had an enormous anount of energy. Friday after Christmas, my wife and I cleaned out all our closets and I found clothes that have not fit in a long time now fitting me well to loose. Besides the find of clothes to wear, we were able to send some of the clothes to 'Goodwill' and some to my father. We are going to a party for my in-law's 50th wedding anniversary. I found a suit that I forgot that I even had, which fits well and looks great. It was a great feeling to be trying on clothes and finding them too big instead of too small. I also did alot of work in our den and in the downstairs bathroom. My wife said she is worried about what the next project may be... I am on a roll and it feels great to have so much energy.

This evening I had an entire filet of catfish. It was great and I did not get sick or experience any discomfort. I did take about 30 minutes to eat it and wound up eating it in two sittings. I ate about half did some work around the house and came back and ate the rest. I only ate the whole thing because I felt that I should, not because I wanted it or because I was hungry. I needed the protein, I did not have any shakes or protein drinks today.

Here is an update since I last wrote. New Year's Eve we went to my wife's brother's house where I enjoyed a couple of cocktails. I was able to have a little vodka with diet snapple which was great. To my surprise I did not feel the drinks effects the way Dr. Garber and others here on said I would. I did drink only in moderation.

On the 3rd we went to a party for my in-law's 50th wedding anniversery. I was able again to have 2 cocktails and even was able to eat some. I had a portabella mushroom which was awesome! It did take me 40 minutes to eat but it was worth it. For my meal I had the salmon but it was dry and I only ate about 1/4 of it and became very full. The party was great and I recieved many very nice complements.

Today I spoke with a friend who is considering WLS. I told him that he has to decide for himself whether it is for him, and not let others sway him either way. He said he is going to speak to Dr. Garber to get more information and a conseltation. Good luck my friend....
Well yesterday I weighed in again... 68 pounds down since October 29, 2003! This is amazing, I am looking forward to hitting the 75# mark. I expect that I will hit it before the end of this month. I have been receiving so many complements it is wonderful.

I have been eating ok, but I only really eat 1 meal (very small) a day. Usually at dinner I will have a filet of fish or a soup or something else. I can eat some other foods but I just don't have the desire to eat. I am still supplementing with the protein drinks and sometimes have a yogart for lunch. I have so much more energy now it is increadible.

Until next time..... ciao baby....
YAHOO! I hit a milestone, 75 pounds lost to date!

This is great, I have been feeling better and better each day.
I saw Dr. Garber on Friday and he appeared happy with my loss to date. I will be returning to active duty with my fire department today, after I see the department doctor. This will be great, I miss this alot. I am sure I will feel a big diffrence when working in my turnout gear. As a matter of fact, I bet that I will need it taken in quite a bit.

Speaking of taking in my gear, I have been having fun with dealing with clothes for work. I am shrinking rapidly and I am reluctant to buy clothes. I have found some clothes that I had from a while ago, which fit for now, but they are getting big on me too. Soon I will have to break down and buy some shirts and pants. Not a problem... just a task I was planning on doing in the spring. I don't think I will last in these clothes until then .

Well I am going to have a protein cappuccino now... I will update soon.

Hello everyone, it has been a couple of weeks since I have written anything her so here is a short update. I am now down 82 pounds! Awesome. I feel great and I am constantly being told how good I look.

I recieved a call yesterday from a friend who told me that his wife (who I know) was in pain and upset after having WLS 6 days ago. She will pull through... she is tough and I told her that the first couple of weeks are the worst. I did remind her that she felt better then she did 4 days ago, which was a positive sign that she is recovering. I remember thinking everyday how much better I felt then the day before. Hang in there Caroline!

Until next time.... peace.

P.S. I just called Caroline and she sounds great! It seems that she was taking Tylenol with Codiene #3 in a liquid form for pain management. Well... Caroline was told that the liquid form of the T3 is sweetened with LOTS OF SUGAR. She was dumping already, which is a bad feeling for anyone, but especially someone just out of surgery. She is now on the road to recovery. She will soon be joining us all on the 'loosing side'.
Hello everyone! I weighed in again today and I am now 86 pounds down (in only 3 1/2 months). This past weekend I found that I needed to change to a size 40 jeans, my pre-op jean size was 50. I have had to put several new notches in my belt, everytime I do this it feels better.

I visited Caroline and she looks great! She complains that she is hungry often. I don't understand this as I have not had any real appetite since the surgery. I am now drinking 2 protein supplements and eating 1 protien bar each day. I also try to eat lunch but I have to remember to do that, it is not that I want to. I have been eating alot of fish and turkey chili which tastes great and is loaded with protein.

Well ... I will write again soon, and until then ... stay happy and healthy.
Hello again everyone. I am doing great, and have lost a total of 93 pounds so far! I am being asked constantly if I feel better and I respond... DAMN STRAIGHT I DO! I have more energy then I could have ever expected, and it is effecting me in more ways then I could have ever imagined. I went to a fire with my fire department, and what a diffrence all this weight has made. Normally, I will use a tank of air in nothing flat... well the other day we had a working house fire, and I was on the 1st attack line in ... and stayed for the overhaul ... all on 1 tank of air! If you are not a firefighter you may not appreciate this, but for me this was awesome.

On the 12th of this month I will be seeing several family members who have not seen me since just before my surgery. It will be interesting to see their reactions, as I expect to be close to 100 pounds down by then. I will keep you all informed.
Until then... happy trails to you...
I did it... I am a big looser! 100 pounds lost!!!!

I saw several cousins, aunts and uncles last night, all of whome have not seen me since prior to my surgery. They were all very impressed with my loss and all told me how much better I look. My biggest issue lately is trying to keep up with my wardrobe. Shopping for new clothes is cool but this is crazy. I had to go to a funeral for a fellow firefighter, and my class 'A' uniform did not fit. I had to use a 'hand-me-down' uniform, usually used by probationary firefighters. I found a size 38 pant that fits well... and the matching jacket. I was wearing a size 52 uniform pant...

To all of you considering this procedure, I want to say one thing regarding my past. I have written about the positive and negative issues that I have encountered since taking on this endevor. Looking back, I would do this again if I had to. I have no regrets. My doctor, Dr. Garber, has not only saved my life, but has given me a second chance to live it to the fullest. Thanks Dr. Garber!
Hello everyone. I had a follow-up visit with Dr. Garber yesterday and he was very happy with my loss so far. I am down 108 pounds so far! I am in the two teens... it feels great saying that.

The only issues I have had have been clothing related. I am going through clothes like crazy.

I just spoke with the local boxing school, who advertises "fitness through boxing". I think that I will try this 3 nights a week as my exercise plan to get back into shape. I will keep you up to date on the progress.

As a note... I noticed that when I updated the height and weight which resets the BMI at the top of the screen it shows me at 34.0. At Dr. Garbers office he uses an electronic BMI device attached to the scale, which showed me at a BMI of 27.6... I will look into why there is such a diffrence.
Well it has been a while since I have written anything here, and I am sorry. I have lost another 7 pounds since I last reported in. The weight is coming off still but as I look back it is slower, which is good. Acording to Dr. Garber, I am getting close to my 'goal' weight. He has recommended that I aim for 180 to 190 pounds. I want the 180 . I have lots of energy and have been feeling so much better about myself. My clothing issues are still troubling in a fun way. I need to wear professional attire to work and my clothes have been just hanging lately. I have gone from a 3X or 19 1/2 or 20 shirt to a large or 15 1/2 shirt. My pants have gone from a 50 jeans or 52 dress slack to a 36 jean and 38 dress slack. I will try to keep in touch more.
Well, yesterday was my 40th birthday, and I am very lucky to have such a wonderful wife and great friends. Trish (my wife) had a surprise party for me on saturday, and I was really surprised. Yesterday at work my co-workers had a pizza party for me and that too was a surprise. Thank you everyone.

Well... I have lost another 2 pounds this week, and I still feel great. many of my friends gave me gift cards to clothing stores because they all know of my clothing issues. Thank you everyone!

I will check-in again soon.
Hello again everyone, Monday I weighed in and I have broken the 200 barrier! Yahoo.... I have now lost 127 pounds, and weigh 198 pounds. I feel great and everyone tells me that I look so much better. I have been eating a little better and it seems that the amount is a little more which is expected, yet it is no where near what I used to eat. I had a tough time last week during a social function, where I was out with some people who I did not know very well. They noticed that I was not eating my meal and questioned me several times, worried that I did not like the fish. As it was, the fish was a bit dry and I tried to eat it anyway, this was a bad idea. I had to excuse myself to throw it up in the bathroom. This was the first time I have vomited in over 5 months. I am sure I tried to eat too fast or that I should not have eaten that fish. My wife told me that no one knew that I was sick, and it just appeared that I went to the restroom. Well that is all for now, I will try to write again soon. If anyone has any questions feel free to drop me an e-mail but be sure to put in the subject line that you are from Obesity
Hello everyone! I have lost a few more pounds and now weigh in at 192 pounds, for a total loss of 133 pounds. I feel great and I am still going through colthes like crazy! I have gone from a 50 jeans or 52 dress slack to a 34, and they feel very comfortable. I have been having some issues with excess skin, and some rashes, but Dr. Garber and my primary care Dr. are treating me for that.

We just bought a RV and plan on camping alot this season. I will be picking it up in a few days. I can't wait to go back to Hershey Park and ride the rides that I could not fit into with my son last year.

I will try to write again sooner then last. Peace!
Hello again! It has been a little over a month since I last reported, so here I go. I have lost another 9 pounds in the past month, it is slowing down but I am still very happy with the loss. I figured that the weight would start coming off slower as I approached my goal. Dr. Garber said that my goal weight would be between 180 and 190 pounds. I am there now, but we both agree that I will be loosing more. I am still in the size 34 pants, but now the 36's are too big to wear. In the past I was able to still wear 36's and 34's.

I am now thinking that I will need to address this extra skin issue. I have been having some rashes, which Dr. Garber and my PMD have been treating. And the skin does not seem to be toning at all.

I just returned from vacation, and I had a great time! My family went camping in our new 2005 Jayco camper, and we visited Lake George, NY. While there we went to the Great Escapes Amusement Park, where I was able to go on all the rides. This time last year, I wrote telling about not being able to fit on some of the rides. Well... this year not only did I fit on all the rides, but I also went on a roller coaster for the first time in 30 years! It was awesome! We also went to Maine, where we camped near Old Orchard Beach. That was wonderful also, the beach was nice and the town was great. Our kids along with their cousins who came camping with us, all had a blast.

Well I have to get back to work, I will write again soon... In two weeks we are going camping again. This time to Virgina...

Hello again, I have been having such a wonderful summer. I can not begin to tell you all how much better I feel. So far I have lost 147 pounds! I now have broken the 170's mark weighing now 178 pounds, again down from 325. Soon I will be at the 150 lost mark which is my personal goal. It seems to have changed since I first started, I remember thinking that if I could only break 200 pounds I would be happy. Don't get me wrong, I would be very happy if I was 200 but now in the 170's is so much better.

As I told you all earlier, I went camping again. This time to Virgina, which was awesome. The following weekend we returned to Va. this time without our camper, to stay at my wife's aunt's house. Her home is on Smith Mountain Lake, and it is awesome. I was able to do so much more this visit then I was ever able to do in past visits. Jet Skiing, SkiBobing, swimming, boating and more... Even the drive from Long Island seemed much easier. I was much more alert, my sleep apnea no longer being an issue, and my back injury does not bother me as often. I was able to drive 11 hours each way with no difficulty. In the past my legs would hurt so much from sitting so long as well as I would get so sleepy often while driving, again this was due to the sleep apnea which I did not know that I had.

Well this update is getting long, but I do have one more thing to report. This past weekend I went to my cousin's wedding, she was beutiful, and I had a great time. I saw so many family members that I have not seen either since the early spring or even before my surgery. Their complements made me feel... well I can't describe it in simple words but if you can think of something better then best, terrific, awesome, or any other word then use that as a start. Thank you everyone, your support has made this journey so much easier. Until next time, God bless you all.
Hello again everyone, it has been a while since I have updated and with my 1 year anniversary coming up on the 29th I figured that I needed to review my page here on .

I have added pictures, and people who have seen them have been raving, thank you to everyone for the kind words. I will be updating the pictures on October 29th with my 1 year picture. I hope to be able to loose 2 more pounds by then. I have been holding steady at 178 or 177 for the past month, but I would still like to round off and say that I lost 150 pounds. By the way, if I decide to go for plastic surgery, I know that I will loose more but it is still in my head that I want the 150 mark.

I am eating much better now, although I still very rarely get hungery and often have to remember that I must eat to survive. I enjoy wearing a size medium shirt or 15 1/2 and a size 33 pants down from a tight XXXL or 19 shirt and 50 or 52 pants.

I will write again on the 29th with my 1 year update. See ya.

Hello again everyone. Seasons Greatings and best wishes to all!

I have been very busy lately and having lost 150 pounds has made it much easier to do more. I have been holding my weight for the past 2 months and feel great. I am considering some plastic but it is not a high priority at this time. I am interested in what other people who have lost weight think about plastic surgery.

Well, I am sorry this update is so short, but I have to get back to work. Peace to you all.

Hello everyone! It has been a real long time and I am glad to report that I have been holding at 175 pounds, or 150 pounds down. So far so good.

My surgery has done so much for me, I feel more confident with everything I do. When people ask how I feel, I tell them 150% one percent for each pound.

I have been approached by several people lately asking about my surgery and my experiences. First, I refer them to this site, then I tell them the good and the bad. But I stress the good. I refer all to Dr. Garber, who I believe is the best surgeon and will be able to answer all the questions these people are asking me. I encourage everyone who is considering this procedure to do lots of research and to seek expert opinions. Speaking to people who have had this surgery is good, but should not be the deciding information. Seek a good doctor, who has been doing this surgery for years... It is worth the extra work.

Until my next update, I hope you all have a great Easter. Peace and love to you all.

Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I last wrote. Things have been great for me. I have a lease on life and I truly believe that because of my surgery, I have more confidence in myself. I have been promoted 2 times in the past year, and feel that I am at the top of my game.

I have been holding at 175 pounds, which is 150 pounds lost. I do have a 5 pound swing, up and down ... but for the most part it is steady at 175. I no longer check every week. I just check once and a while, when I feel that I need to.

I have been so lucky and thank all my friends who supported me these past years. The complements still feel great, and I hope that my story will help others who are thinking about this surgery.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, and I will try to write again soon.

Hello everyone! It has been a real long time since I last posted, sorry. Things are great, work is hectic and life is wonderful. My weight has maintained, plus or minus 8 pounds or so, but I only check the scale every month or two.

I am considering getting some plastic surgery, to remove some skin, as I am having some issues. My wife and friends are trying to talk me out of it, but I still am considering it. If anyone has opinions either way, please let me know.

I will check in again. Peace to you of you.



Wow!  It has been a very long time since I posted here on 

Where do I begin?  Life has had its ups and downs, which for people who know me would say is the understatement of the century.  Since my last posting my family and I have experienced several life changing hurdles, including employment issues, major health issues (my wife, son and I), a major house fire and other very challanging issues.  I am glad to say, that through it all, with the help of very close friends, family and great doctors we have survived and are moving on.

But enough of that... so what's going on with my weight?  Over the past few years I had started gaining weight again.  I have been trying my best to be dilligent about what i eat and all, but it is a very hard battle.  In March of 2009 I had a laproscopic repair to the anastomisis or connection where the intestine connects to the pouch.  I have a new doctor, his name is David Buchin and he is great.  The surgery went well and there was very little pain or discomfort, which was great because I needed to get back into the swing to help with my family who were going though major issues.  Unfortunatly that surgery did not hold and 3 years later I am back again looking for help.

Dr. Buchin is now going to repair the 'connection' by suturing the anastomisis "from the inside" by basicly putting a sewing machine down my throat (LoL).  There is a new device from Apollo Endosurgical  (or something like that) called the overstitch device which looks very cool and very promising.  If all works well, the repair will be done as an out patient at Huntington Hospital, and I should have very little recovery time. I am very excited and look forward to updating more soon.  Until then keep well everyone.


Wow... what a ride and I still havn't had the corrective surgery yet.  The new device called the Overstitch by Apollo Endoscopic took much longer to get approved  than we thought.  If that wasnt bad enough, after getting a December 28, 2011 surgery date, the device was recalled! 

Well, here we are in April of 2012 and finally they have corrected whatever had to be fixed and I now have an April 25, 2012 date to have a repair/revision.  YEA!!!!  

I have gained back 50 of the 150 pounds that I lost and cant wait till i get back on track.  I am told that I will be the first patient on Long Island to have this procedure done with this new device.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.  Best always!


Well April 25th came and went, with me driving up to the hospital only to get a call from the doctor while pulling into the parking lot, to tell me the surgery was postponed.  New surgery date is April 30, 2012. 


Well the surgery went well.  I was told that the pouch itself is "tiny" and Dr. Buchin is very happy with its size.  The anastomosis was very dialated, and he said the surgery and Overstitch device worked well. 

Right now I am on fluids only, drinking protien shakes 4oz at a time, and of course fluids, fluids and more fluids.  I have very little discomfort and feel pretty good overall.  I hope this works.  I will update again soon.  Peace!





Overstitch seems to have done a good job, but the effect seems to be only temporary.  2 of the 4 stitches pulled out within 6 months and by 1 year I started feeling no restriction at all again.  That said, I was determined not to let this get the better of me.  I addressed this with Doctor Buchin and he has now put me on some medication to reduce my appetite and increase my metabolism.  This seems to be doing a the magic.  So far so good.  Back down to almost my lowest weight and still losing.  I was worried there for a while before the overstitch, and after the overstitch pulled, but with proper care and attention I know I can keep on track.  I continue to try to make wise food choices, and exercise as often as possible.  To all who have gained after RNY, dont give up hope.  You can get back on the horse.  Heck, if I can, anyone can! 

About Me
Huntington, NY
Surgery Date
Dec 30, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
The day of my surgery October 29, 2003
330 Lbslbs
9 months later taken in July 2004
185 Lbslbs

Friends 2
