If your active publicly you know what I mean about the staring

May 23, 2014

I don't have a car so I run, walk and bike where I need to go. I live in mass, so people are rude here for the most part. Everyday I get sick of people staring while I do my daily activities: working, in the parking lots and when I'm trying to get from place to place. I'm losing weight from meds I was on about 9 months ago. I gained 110 lbs and maxed 250 in weight when I was at one point a normal 140 lbs. I am now 175lbs and still going down, but it irks me when I see the same people everyday giving me the hairy eyeball. I'm a clean eater, no sugar!!! I guess my question is, why do people stare at you like that. It makes me want to run and hide. Do you feel the same way?

...I live in a suburb by the way. :(


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May 23, 2014
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