MY story?  Is unique but the same as many others I have read on this site.  At first I wasn't going to post anything here but since I have used others knoweldge I will share.  I am 40 year old 380lb man.  I grew up an athlete and was active in every sport there was.  I was always pudgy but managed.  I was asked to leave the military for weighing too much,  They wanted me to weigh 205 and I wanted to weigh 240.  In college i blew out my knee playing flag football.  I should have known better than to try and "juke" with those quick little guys.  This was the begining of the end, my weight went up and up after this.  I was no longer able to participate in sports and did not have the money or insurance to fix my knee.  Thje heavier I became the less attention a paid to my weight and ignoreed the problem.  But at the ripe old age of 35 i met a wonderful woman and blew my back out.  After recovering for 8 months and losing 100lbs I told myself I would never gain the weight back.  Welllll here I am.  I have had 6 months to be on a supervised diet and to research this issue.  This appears to be my only hope.  I(I gained 10 pounds during the 6 months)  I picked my surgeon because he was close to my home and i could not find anything bad written about him.  LOL

My fist date was for 1-9-07 but it was cancelled due to me having a cold.  THis was disovered while i was waitning inthe gown at the hospital.  But it seems to be a go for the 1-22-07.

About Me
Jan 05, 2007
Member Since

Latest Blog 3
2 months
19 hard days
