Update 9/16/06- I have a yucky cold that won't go away. This week I had a lot of appointments. Went for the required pysch consult on Tuesday, I really liked her and will definitely go back to her if I have any post-op issues to deal with. Her name is Dr. Donna Abbott and she is on 114 near the Las Colinas urban center. She takes UHC too. She seemed very impressed at my plan for post-op success and felt that I am mentally ready to undergo the surgery and the changes that will follow. Thursday I did my pre-op tests at my PCP's. She does a lot of pre-op work for the Baylor Irving surgeons for different things and knows all three surgeons they use. I had an EKG, that was fun. I wonder why they don't have gowns that actually ever fit?? They tell you to put it on open to the front, well I looked like Pamela Anderson on her way to a club. The girls were all smashed up and basically poking out. Oh well!! Then she tells me that the regular xray person is out of the office and they have a substitute and he's really weird. Fun, I get a chest xray from a weirdo! She walked me over there and she was right, he was a bit odd and very slow moving. Of course, there I get a paper down that opens to the back and doesn't really fit so the whole back is exposed. Nice, all that stands between me and the weird is a giant napkin. Luckily that didn't take long and I went across the hall and gave my blood for the CBC panel Dr. Matin wants. So I am all done with that stuff. All I have left is the Baylor Nutrition class, it's Monday afternoon. Once they have all the results back to the surgeon's office, they will call me to set a date. YEAH!! That's the main thing I want right now. Then it can all be set into motion. I will start training extra backups for my job this week so they can takeover while I am out. Dr. Matin said 2-4wks but I have 3wks paid leave so I am hoping that is all it will take so I don't have to go unpaid. Looks like today is going to be a lazy day, Aaron's watching college football all day and I am going to work for a bit and then gonna do some stamping. I need to get some cards made and then run some errands. Au Revoir! Jamie


Update 9/20/06- I got a surgery date today!!! Yeah! I went to the Nutritionist on Monday, learned a lot. The main thing I learned was my actual height. I've been guessing for awhile but no one ever measured me. I really am 5'10" on the dot, so I guessed right. Most of what she told me, I had heard but there were some new things and I also got all the specifics that my surgeon wanted pre-op. He didn't put me on a restrictive diet, she just said not to eat a big meal the night before. I know some people are on liquid diets the weeks before but I didn't get one. I am going to order some protein samples and some vitamins from Bariatric Advantage to get started. (she gave me vitamin samples, I tried the chewable multi and the calcium in all three flavors, they were good) I have read that taking in protein helps you heal faster.

I called the surgeon's office on Tuesday and they had not received my pre-op test results yet from my PCP. So I left a message at the PCP's office letting them know this. My PCP called Tuesday about 5PM and let me know they were faxing the results over that evening. Called back today and they had the results and I am scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 3 at 10am. YEAH!!! I am so excited, had to share with everyone at work, family, and here online. Work buddies are upset, we were all going to the State Fair together on Oct 10 and I will not be able to go now. We considered renting the Rascal so I can wheel around but I know they will all end up drunk and abandon me on the midway!! Luckily, it did work out that I should be well enough to go see my favorite band, Gaelic Storm the last week in October. They are playing in Dallas Thurs 10/26 and in Austin Fri 10/27. I was hoping to make both shows since we have family in Austin. I am starting to taper away from my anxiety meds since this is something I need to stop right before surgery and you can't just stop them. I took half of each pill today and paid for it with a giant headache. I hope that doesn't last too long, it's not fun at all. My co-worker gives great massages and even the two minutes she did it made a big difference. But my brain hurts, think I am gonna go soak in the tub for awhile. Later!!!

Update 10/1/06- Well, basically one more day to go and I will be headed to the hospital. I am very excited, I am still not very nervous about it. I have everything that was suggested I buy before surgery. Broth, protein powder, liquid protein, sf jello, water, small cups, small bowls and containers, small spoons, etc. I read over all the papers I have for pre and post surgery instructions again today and read them to Aaron so that he knows what to expect as well. I have to work tomorrow so I will be busy as a bee and then get ready Monday night for my big re-birthday!!!!!

About Me
Irving, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2006
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Friends 38

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Stuck Again
Almost Three Months
Six Week Update
Three Week Update
My Surgery Story
Life Two Weeks Out
Things I Want to Do After Surgery
