Week 18 Update.

Jun 19, 2019

Weighed in this morning and I was another 2lbs down for the week. Current weight- 290. I did really good with my eating so I expected a good loss. My goto meal when I am actively trying to lose is canned refried beans. They fill me up and are satisfying to me. It's probably not something I would have ever thought about as a weightloss food to eat, But during the puree stage of WLS I really have come to love them. One can has about 16oz or about 3.5 servings. I like to eat 1 serving for a meal which is just over 100calories. about 110 calories, I then add Salsa and a little bit of shredded cheddar cheese to it after i microwave them for 1 min. By a little bit of cheese I mean just a sprinkling to give it flavor. Id say all in all the beans have about 140 calories. Eating about 5.3oz of beans. I will eat that for 2 meals. Then for my 3rd meal I will have dense protein and a veg if I eat meat that day. But if I don't eat meat I might just eat all 3 meals as refried beans and pair the 3rd meal with a veg. I sometimes Don't eat meat the day before weigh-ins. So I had green beans with my refried beans for the 3rd meal. Yesterday I was Probably at a caloric total of about 520 calories. Which seems crazy low But I actually feel full after I eat a meal..So It's amazing. I usually have 1 day a week where I allow myself to eat whatever I want within reason. For me with in reason means No Refined sugar and No refined carbs, But anything else is in play.

I got the idea for the 1 cheat day a week from a sleep apnea tech at the place I go to. He lost about 150lbs he said without surgery and I asked Him how he did it. He said through calorie counting. and oneday a week he allows himself to eat whatever. And for him that includes potatoes..He said he Loves Potatoes..Anyway prepared. I thought to myself..Interesting. This man considers a cheat day him eating potatoes. Maybe I have been looking at cheat days completely wrong. In the past, a cheat day to me meant going to multiple resturants and getting takeout and having tons of snacks..chips, cakes, cookies, and it always was insanely out of hand. Always buying to much food and having food for the next day after. Before I knew it a cheat day turned into a cheat week, then month. But here is this man that considers a cheat day him eating potatoes. It really put things in perspective.


A couple Non-Scale Victories.

May 21, 2019

So I have had this pair of pants that my mom bought me years ago when I was losing weight. Even though they were about 6 sizes too small..I had been doing really good with my weight loss at the time and she was really confident that i was going to get in them. That was when my psychiatrist put me on Topamax and I lost about 40lbs. About 5 years ago now. Long story short I had to be taken off topamax because the side effects were getting bad. Gained all the weight back..And never did get into those pants. Well 5 days ago I was finally able to button them. Size 46in waist. It meant so much to me because those pants to me were like the one weight loss goal I have had in the last 5 years with all the weight i have lost and regained...and I was just never able to achieve it. What a feeling. I tried those same pants on about 3 weeks after surgery and I could not even get them past my thighs(let alone my butt). And now I not only can pull them up all the way..I can button them. Still tight in the thigh area...But still a great feeling. I did not want to attemp to sit in them though for fear they might split lol.


Also another Non-Scale Victory is I have finally been able to sit comfortably in a patio chair I have had for almost 10 years...and not once have I been ever to do that. woot woot!


week 13 update. Finally hit the 200's

May 15, 2019

Just had my week 13 update..and I have one of those scales that tells you your weight. I honestly did not think I was going to have a weight loss this week. But I did..and when the woman who says your weight on my scale said it threw me off guard. I have not heard her say any weight in the 200's since about 2007. I nearly fell off the scale because it startled me lol. Then I weighed myself 5 more times. Just to be sure it was right. 299.4


12 week Post Op Today

May 08, 2019

Just thought I'd share my 12 week Post Op Update. I woke up and weighed in on wednesday like I always do. I did really good the week prior with my diet and walking so I was pretty excited for weigh-in day the night prior. For some reason though i was a little nervous to step on the scale when I woke up..I think i was having flashbacks to week 10 when I had the 1lb gain after easter. Anyways I stepped on the scale and..A 5lb loss for the week! Wow! Man did that feel good. Current weight 301lb. Day of surgery I was 347. So a 46lb Weight Loss in 12 weeks. Not Bad Id say. Still Have not broke the 200's yet but it was nice seeing the scale fluctuate from the high 200's to the low 300's. Hopefully I can break the 200's in week 13. The last time I was in the 200's was probably 2007.

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10 weeks post-op update

Apr 17, 2019

Down another 4lbs for the week. Currently 307. 7lbs away from the 200's. I have not been in the 200's since probably 2007. I have not been exorcising much. i try to walk 5 days a week for about an hour a day. But this past week I didn't walk hardly at all because of a medical issue. Still I was 4lbs down for the work.


7 week update.

Apr 04, 2019

It's been 7 weeks since my VSG surgery. I weighed in on wednsday(4/3). Down another 4lbs for the week. Amazing...I just almost can't beleive it. I always think my home scale can not possibly be right..But then another week passes and there I am another 3-4lbs down. 34lbs since surgery. But I had some legit confirmation yesterday as it was my 2 month follow-up for my sleep doctor. They weighed me to take my vitals and I was actually the same weight as I was at home. *SHOCK* At home I weigh myself in my underwear only right when I wake up. But when I get weighed in at a doctor I am always clothed and don't even take off my shoes. So that means I am most likely a little less weight than my home scale said..WOW.

To make my day even better..When the doctor called me into his office and was going over my paperwork...He says to me.."So I see you have lost some weight since i last saw you..It says you are 314?" He said in a puzzled look..."is that real??" And i had to remind him that i had the surgery 7 weeks ago..he goes "WOW! That's amazing" OMG the feeling i felt...


3-28-19 First family celebration

Mar 28, 2019

So My brothers birthday is coming up but my family celebrated it last night. It's the first time I had to really deal with alot of delicious food being the center of attention for a family gathering..Delicious takeout from our favorite italian restaurant, a birthday cake from an italian bakery that I used to love Pre-Op..etc. Everyone ordered their favorite dish and it all smelled and looked just like I remembered it. I think I was a little annoyed at first because I was asked if I wanted anything. Even when my family knows I can't have anything. The annoyence was short lived though because I knew this day was coming and I was fine. I have actually been doing really good with my Post-op life. Yesterday was 6 weeks Post-op and I was down another 3lbs for the week. On average I have been losing about 3-4lbs a week Post-op. Even when the night before Weigh-in I am just sure I am going to have my first stall the next day because I just felt bloated and "fat" that day. I am pleasently surprised when I wake up and step on the scale to see I have Lost yet again. Also one thing that felt great was my brothers wife being really excited for me and all the progress I have made. She was asking questions galore..and could see that my clothes were getting baggy. I don't usually like to be the center of attention, but I must admit. It felt good. Next major holiday is Easter. Bring it on!


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Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2019
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