The surgery experience

Jun 24, 2007

I arrived at the hospital 2 hours before my surgery as instructed with my wonderful hubby and surprisingly the time went pretty fast. I became pretty nervous in the pre-op area and wanted to bolt - BIG TIME! Luckily, they had my clothes! Surgeon came in and talked to us along with the anesthesiologist and the main surgical assistant. After my IV, they took me back to OR and once that little mask was on, the only thing I remember is waking up in recovery and asking for my hubby. I ended up staying in recovery 3 hours longer than usual because my oxygen wouldn't stay up and every time I would drift to sleep, my sats would go to like 82%. Once the anesthesia wore off, it got better and I was allowed to go to the regular floor with oxygen and a monitor. I got to the floor at about 8:00 at night and they had me walking at 10:00 that same evening! The nurses on the floor were spectacular (professional, courteous and helpful). I ended up only taking pain meds through the next morning and have been taking the occasional tylenol (adult sugar free elixer - whew is that hard to find) for mostly back aches from sleeping different and headaches from that oxygen up my nose. The incisions hurt, dont get me wrong, but I HATE being nauseous and the pain meds just get me too nauseous.

By 1 or 2 pm of the post op day one, I had everything out (except IV heplocked and drain). They pulled the drain and IV next day and I went home after supper. (Pulling the drain... hmmm... lets not talk about that too much).

Been home 2 days now and have had no prob getting fluids in. I must still have a lot of pouch swelling as I am just SO full ALL the time. I've got about 40 gms of protein in each day (I know, not to goal, but I dont think too bad either). Have been taking walks outside and felt human finally today.

That's about it - Still in a state of shock that I did this, but once that extra person is gone from my body, it will all be worth it. Thanks for listening.

9 days and counting

Jun 11, 2007

Well, I still almost feel like at any moment someone is going to come and yell "PSYCH!" I mean, really, this can't really be happening. To say "nothing good ever happens to me" would be an insult to all those I love and cherish. So to rephrase the cliche -  "I dont feel like I deserve anything good happening to me".  I am excited though. WOW, NINE DAYS!?

So much to remember...

Jun 07, 2007

Counting protein and fluid intake, remembering a vitamin 4 times a day, exercising... For a typically unorganized person, the demands of a post op lifestyle seem overwhelming. I hope the time off work after the surgery will help me get on track and develop a system. I've bought little containers to put vitamins in for work and water bottles to take with me. I have all my protien powders bought and ready. I feel like a traveler getting ready to trek the Himalayans!


Jun 04, 2007

June 4, 2007 - the big day is getting closer. i'm nervous, excited, nervous, happy, nervous.... I just wish a messenger from God would swoop down and say "You are doing the right thing".  Anyone know the celestial helpline #? (1800-Helpnow?)

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
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The surgery experience
9 days and counting
So much to remember...
