Oh how quickly we fall.....

Oct 05, 2012

It has been such a long time and so much has happened.  My oldest son passed away suddenly in December of 2010.  I believe my last post was mentioning he moved out into a condo with a friend.  Long story short, he had moved into his own apartment.  3 months later he literally dropped dead due to cirrohsis of the liver caused by 10 years of Prednisone he had to take to live.  We had absolutely no idea his liver was fried.  We found out the next day when he didn't meet me for Christmas shopping.  Very sad.  Needless to say, weight loss took a dramatic backseat.  I loved him so much and he was truly Mama's boy.  I love you Brandon and miss you every single day of my life.

I am sitting here writing this while at the 2012 Atlanta Obesity Help conference.  I am so very glad I came.  I have been on Weight Watchers for several weeks and I'm just not seeing the results.  I have decided I need to go back to the basics....protein, water, protein, exercise, protein, vitamins, etc.  I know that works and I will do it by God.  The WW is going bye-bye.  I know what I need to do.

Weight Watchers is just too many carbs.  Carbs are NOT my friend.  They taste oh so good but keep me from reaching my goals so here I sit at 239 lbs. up from 175 lbs.  My clothes don't fit and I'm just sick about it.  Enough feeling sad, I am taking the bull by the horns and kicking its a*s. 

On a good note, I took my Project Management exam in July and now have my PMP credentials.  My goal at this point is to get a handle on the weight and get certified to lead an Obesity Surgery support group.  There are none in Lawrenceville, GA where I live so I believe it will keep me accountable and also provide a source of interest outside of work. 

If you are reading this, please keep me in your prayers as I need all the help I can get and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  When I'm weak he is strong and that will keep me on the straight and narrow.  Sweet dreams my Obesity buddies. 


About Me
Lawrenceville, GA
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2005
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