I said a prayer for you today

Jun 30, 2004

I Said a Prayer For You Today!

I said a prayer for you today, and know God must have heard, I felt the answer in my heart, although He spoke no word, I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures of, a more loving lasting kind, I asked Him to send you blessings at the start of your new day, To grant you love and health and to guide the surgeon's way, I asked for you to recover fast and to become thin and small, But it was for His loving care, I prayed for most of all! A Poem for all considering WLS


Okay BODY,

We need to have a talk. I will address parts of you individually, but everyone.... please listen up.

Dear Neck,
I am sure that God only intended for me to have one chin, the other 2 are not necessary and will have to find other places to live.

Dear Arms,
I appreciate the fact that you think I should be able to fly. However
these bat wings growing under you will never get me off the ground.

Dear Thighs,
I know that you are close like family, but do you have to rub together? It is not necessary to touch at all times.

Dear Back,
I am not planning on having a litter, so there really is no reason for you to try and grow breasts back there.

Dear Feet,
I know you are still there because I can walk; I will be seeing more of you soon.

Dear Taste Buds,
Ah, I have loved you well, but it is time to shake it up a bit. That
sweet tooth will just to have to find comfort in things besides
chocolate, gummy bears and ice cream. You may grumble, but we all will be better for it in the long run.

Dear Body,

Sorry it has come to this, but some of you will be smaller soon, and
some will be gone altogether (fat, this means you). Turns out that to be healthier and live longer some drastic changes are going to be happening soon. I know there will be times that you will fight me, but please remember I am bigger than you and I will win. Muscles, back me up here... I may not have seen you in a while, but I know you are there.

Please remember that we are in this together. I only have one of you, and you only have one of me.

I have a date

Jun 29, 2004

Evelyn called me today. They had an appointment on the 22nd of June. That's a whole week and one day earlier than the original appointment.
Yipee!! She's so nice. I have had good results with the office so far.
Everyone that I have spoken with seems so nice! Can't wait till the

I have spoken with several friends and family members who have had the surgery and I feel so much more comfortable now. My sister had it done as well as my cousin and I hope I do as well as they do. I am so proud of my sister! She is awesome! You go Sis! Most of the people that I have told are very negative. But everyone that has had the surgery says go for it and that if they had to do it over again they would definitely do it! I can't wait to just be small, not have to take all this medicine, and to be able to buy smaller clothes. I wear 42 pants and XXL shirts. When I married, (16 yrs ago) I wore a size 48 pants. I was 304# then. I have gotten to this weight and can't go any further. I know that there are others who deserve this more than me, and I'm only at a 35 BMI, but I want this health wise! I trust God everyday and know that he is my source, but like I said before, I believe he has led me to have this surgery. Good luck to all that are having this surgery, you are in my thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you and give you a
speedy recovery!

Have been told that being on Medicare, I won't need any pre-approval. That's great. I've also heard that with BC/BS C Plus I won't have any trouble getting approved. We'll see. I hope it goes that smooth.

I went to see Dr. Sherer today. I was very pleased with him and his staff! When I got there, I didn't have long to wait. I was taken in and was shown a video that went into detail about the surgery. After the video, I went to a room and waited a few minutes, then Dr. Sherer came in and we chatted and He answered all of my questions. He talked to me a lot about how it was in Gods hands. that he was the one mastermind behind his work and that God was the only one who held the answers. I liked how he put it. that he was doing work but that it was God’s miracle or plan that leads his patients through the surgery. its in his hands Dr Sherer said. We mostly talked about how it was important to be sure you could handle the ... after the surgery life changes. And he basically told me to pray about it. He went into more detail and was so nice and pleasant to talk to. He said that although I wasn't that big and was smaller than most of his patients, with my BMI being 37 (MORE THAN I HAD CALCULATED!) and all the co-morbidities that
I have, he felt the surgery would be good for me and that he would do it! It made my year, day, minute, and second. He said that he felt I will be able to come off most if not ALL of my medicine. I am so glad!

With me having Medicare, I don't have to wait for pre-approval or anything. He just asked for a letter of support from my cardiologist, Dr. Jose Escobar. Since he's the one that recommended it, I knew I would have no trouble getting it. He did it today! So, now all I have to do is wait for Dr. Sherer's office to call me with my surgery date. I hope it's not too long! My 38th Birthday is July 12 and that would be the perfect B'day present! More later!

June 30
I GOT MY SURGERY DATE TODAY!!! It's 8/11/04!! I am so happy!! It only took me 8 days to get it. Dr. Sherer's office is the Bomb! I go to
Brookwood on August 2nd for my pre-op. I really wanted to have it
closer to my birthday which is on July 12th. Still a good Birthday
present and only a month late!


Jun 06, 2004

I have spoken to Evelyn at Dr. Sherer's office. She seems so nice. I
have a scheduled consult date of June 30th. Boy, do I agree with
everyone else! The waiting is what's so bad. Evelyn says that if there is a cancellation, she will contact me. Hope there is one soon.

lyrics: Cry Out to Jesus

May 31, 2004

"Cry Out To Jesus"

To everyone who's lost someone they love
Long before it was their time
You feel like the days you had were not enough
when you said goodbye

And to all of the people with burdens and pains
Keeping you back from your life
You believe that there's nothing and there is no one
Who can make it right

There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus

For the marriage that's struggling just to hang on
They lost all of their faith in love
They've done all they can to make it right again
Still it's not enough

For the ones who can't break the addictions and chains
You try to give up but you come back again
Just remember that you're not alone in your shame
And your suffering

When your lonely
And it feels like the whole world is falling on you
You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus
Cry to Jesus

To the widow who struggles with being alone
Wiping the tears from her eyes
For the children around the world without a home
Say a prayer tonight

Light of the world

May 31, 2004

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John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

About Me
Guntersville, AL
Surgery Date
May 25, 2004
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