1 Week Post Op

Sep 04, 2012


I'm so frustrated. I know I'm supposed to be on a clear liquid diet for another week, but I just can't do it. I've resorted to eating a small amount of baby food at night (2nd food, ultra pureed, roughly 2 ounces) just so I can get a decent night's sleep. It's not affecting my weight loss. In fact, the first night that I did it (last night), I woke up to a 2 pound weight loss from the previous day. It should be noted that I ate v-e-r-y slowly and used a popsicle stick as a spoon to ensure that I ate it slowly and gave my tiny tummy a chance to complain. I'll admit that it does allow me some variety in my diet and it does do a smash up job of helping me feel satisfied, thus allowing that blissful night of sleep. So what's wrong with doing it? Ahh jeez! I just feel so stinking guilty for doing it!   

It's not like the Sleeve Police are gonna come rushing out of my closet to arrest me from deviating from my diet. And if they did, I would sure hope they cleaned the closet while they were in there. I've been meaning to do that! I guess I just have the same fear that any new sleever has...am I messing this up?  

My mother is great about doing what she can to help me release the guilt. She tells me that for what little baby food I'm taking in and considering I'm having zero adverse reaction to it, the likelihood is that I'm doing no harm. I love my mom.  

So let's talk about my mobility...or lack thereof. I'm not currently taking any pain meds because I'm really not experiencing any pain. The only pain I'm having is still happening when I'm grabbing something off the floor. Bending over without supporting my incisions is still a bad idea, but I'm home and my mindset is that things are back to "normal" and I just do without thinking first. I have to remind myself to "slow my roll" and take it easy on myself. My mind tells me that I have work to do and I need to get my backside in gear, yet when I try, it doesn't take much to land me right back in bed. No pain; just fatique. This could be due to the rapid weight loss or the small amount of food I'm taking in daily or it could be my laziness rearing its ugly head. I'm lazy by nature. I was raised under the motto of "work smart, not hard", "use your brain, not your back" and I may have taken it a little too far. I hate physical labor. Getting over surgery requires that I move and work my body. Getting back to the question of mobility, I'm able to do pretty much anything I want...in short bursts. It's not that I end up in pain or anything like that. Like I said, I just get really tired. This is one of those moments that I'm truly thankful that I'm self employed.   

My incisions seem to be healy nicely with the exception of the one that I suspect they pulled my excised stomach through. That one is the largest of my incisions and has the most bruising and seems to be the slowest to heal. Nothing too rough, just some weeping that won't dry up and go away. Mom had me put some peroxide on it and a loose gauze bandage with triple antibiotic. The peroxide kind of sucked, but it wasn't too bad (and I'm a super sissy when it comes to pain). I'm really hoping it scabs over soon so it can heal faster. Coincidentally, it's the only one that the glue came off that they put on the incisions in surgery.   

Outside of that, I'm doing well. I have averaged a loss of a pound a day with the exception of the first night of baby food (yesterday) which resulted in a two pound loss this morning. It'll be interesting to see if my weight is affected a second day in a row. If it is, I am SO gonna keep eating a little baby food each night. I just can't keep doing the broths (I swear they make me feel hungry). And popsicles and jello aren't doing it for me as a meal. I don't know. We'll see. I'm like most anyone else on here. I'm just trying to work with my body and learn what does and does not work. 

That's it for now...I'm tired. Again.   


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Aug 19, 2012
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