Eleven years out! Still AT GOAL

Sep 17, 2012

My RNY was done 11 years ago and I am still at goal.

If I had not had the surgery, and had continued to gain at my average annual rate of 12 lbs (despite trying every diet known to humankind), I would weigh 444 lbs today, a BMI of 81.2. I'd be dead, I'm pretty sure.

Instead, I weigh 158.3 (1.7 lbs below the official goal), and wear size 10/12 comfortably. I was too big for my size 32s on surgery day and they all had holes in them because they were too small!

I have been as small as 126 lbs since surgery, size 4, but that is skin and bones for me and it's a fun feeling but not that attractive on someone my shape.

Post-op life requires nutritional diligence, careful attention to lab work, and fistfuls of vitamins and mineral supplements EVERY DAY. Don't let anyone lie and tell you otherwise! I personally know five people who have lost their lives AFTER successful recovery from surgery because they didn't take care of their supplements, and that to me is a tragedy -- lose the weight and die anyway? Not fair!

If you commit to the work of properly nourishing yourself with whey protein and all the rest of the needed supps, you can lead life as a normal, healthy person, and I think that's what we all want.

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About Me
Bellevue, WA
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Joanne and I, Christmas 2004 - I've regained 84 pounds but I'm not back to 310!
My lowest weight -- this is where I want to go again!

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