Surgery Date Dec 19th 2012

Jan 29, 2013

Five days in the Hospital instead of 2-3.  All I can say is...make sure you slowly come off of caffeine before surgery!  I had a migraine the entire time I was in the hospital, and the wonderful pain medicine for my tummy made the head worse. :-(

Take your, own pillow, some chapstick and a comfy blanket from home.  They made all the difference in the world!




Nov 21, 2012

Well - I had the aforementioned Lap band surgery in Oct of 2007.  By Jan of 2008 I had gone through hell and almost died because of the AWFUL surgical aftercare at Sound Shore Medical Center in New Rochelle, NY.  I did not choose them randomly - they are a Bariatric Center of Excellence for gosh sakEs!! 

I spent a few months with a Port infection due to MSRA and a very long time with a 104 fever before an Infectious disease Dr. cultured the wound and finally got me on the right cocktail of antibiotics..

Phew... After 5 years I am finally getting brave enough to try again.  This time I'm having a Gastric By-Pass and its with a great surgeon from Columbia Presbyterian, NYC!  Sheduled for December 19th 2012! 


My Story

Aug 17, 2007

I started looking into the Lap Band about 3 years ago and decided I could do it all on my own.  And I did, for a while.  South Beach is great... just don't EVER GO OFF!!!  I lost 80 pounds in about 2 years.  I began at a slight 317lbs and was really doing well.  So what happened?  I started eating brown rice and then it was a litle of this and a tablespoon of that ... and now I've gained back about 40lbs.  

I have gone through all the steps to get pre-certified and I was just told today by the coordinator of the bariatric program at Sound Shore Medical in New Rochelle that BCBS may not even need pre cert any more.... GOOD NEWS!!! 

I don't have a date yet but it's looking like it's going to be in late Sept - Oct 2007.  I really can't wait.  I'm excited, but the problem is that I have been depriving myself for so long on the South Beach Diet that now that I know that I'm having this surgery done I want to eat everything in site!!!  I just hope I can stop the madness and get back on a regular low carb routine before surgery so that my liver isn't enlarged.  I'm sure I'll ba able to calm the beast!

Once I have a date I will be able to plan the next phase of my life.  I chose to have the Lap Band because I want to have family.  (once I get married that is) .  My boyfriend (of 11 years) is very supportive of my having the surgery but would rather me not have it.  He loves me for who I am, and we are talking marriage... It seems like I'll be announcing a surgery date before an engagement at the rate we are going. lol

I'm scared about surgery though.  I'm not sure what to expect as far as weight loss.  Some people say it happens too slow, others say it melts off. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2007
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