6 Months

Jul 06, 2009

Just a short blog because I go on vacation tomorrow...but this morning I broke into the 170's at 179.6 after the long holiday weekend  so that makes 45 pounds!! I grazed a good a bit and drank mojitos and margaritas but still woke up this morning with a weight loss. I'm very happy and feeling SOOOO good. I'm going to my 40th high school reunion in NY next weekend..that should be a blast!!
1 comment

5 Months Post Op

Jun 01, 2009

Well I've passed the 5 month mark...down 40lbs and wearing size 14 pants. It has been slow and sort of steady...when I look at my overall progress. At my last doctor visit I did not get a fill because I was down 8.5 since my only fill the month b/4 and I do not get hungry between meals. People are starting to tell me I'm shrinking and I'm starting to see the difference myself. My energy levels are great too.
Bought a few new pairs of pants and shirts etc to get me thru the summer and it was SO nice to shop regular sizes again...NO more PLUS sizes ever again!!! I have a few classic things that I saved from phen-fen days(in 1997) when I got to a 10 so those are waiting for me in storage...my goal this time is to be an 8 or 6 if my hip bones will allow. This weight has been coming off pretty evenly but my right side is bigger than the left..but I think it always has been...more would hang out the sides and tops of my bras on right side...that's another thing that is so much more comfortable...bras that fit well,,,yeah!!
Ok enuf rambling....really very happy at this point


Finally a Fill

Apr 13, 2009

Got my 1st fill on Saturday morning...he put in 1.5cc...feeling some comfortable restriction and I was down 1.5lbs this morning. The scale had not moved down in about 10 days..kept hovering with same pound/half pound. So back on downward track I hope and into the 180's soon.  That's all for now...back to TurboTax!!!

Woo Hoo!!

Apr 01, 2009

No April Fools....3 months today and 30 pounds gone forever!!! I feel terrific and I'm starting to see such a difference...size 14 here I come. The next 30 are going to really show...I have 3 months b/4 my high school reunion (40 years...yikes!!) so now my goal is to be size 12 by July 10th reunion day. I CAN do it


No Fill Yet

Mar 26, 2009

Hey still no fill! I went for my monthly check up on Saturday morning. I was down 6.5lbs from my last visit and I still stay satisfied in between my small meals...so no fill. I was 197.5 on his scale...ONEderland and I've lost another pound since Saturday I'm still a happy camper! I've been to Curves 4 times this week and my energy level is great! My hubby is finally home after 9 months of living & working in CA but came home with bronchitis so I can't even get near him...he saw doc & got drugs today...be free of germs in few more days I hope...cuz I sure don't want them  

47 days out

Feb 17, 2009

I visited my surgeon yesterday expecting to get my 1st fill but he said I did not need one. I filled out the survey and since I'm doing fine with my hunger levels and have lost 20lbs since I got my band I did not get any adjustment. He does put some saline in the band when he puts it in and says I'm one of the 20% who don't need a fill for a while (and he's the expert not me...I said that not him).
I'm a happy camper


26 Days Out

Jan 26, 2009

This morning I was down 15lbs since my band was placed on New Years Eve. I'm very happy so far and have no complaints.Nothing has been stuck or come back up  I got back in to my size 16 jeans within 10days and now they are super comfy...b/4 Christmas I could not even get them within 6 inches of buttoning. I started back to Curves last week with my Doc's blessing and took it easy but by Saturday morning's workout I did enough to break a sweat. There was a Blood Drive at my office today so I made my regular donation after lunch and felt just fine, but I didn't go workout because they always advise you not do stenuous stuff for the rest of that day.
Life is Good


About Me
Prescott Valley, AZ
Surgery Date
Dec 06, 2008
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