I remember the "normal" size person I used to be. In high school, I weighed 140 pounds, and maybe that was a few pounds too much according to some doctor's chart, but I've always had nice curves, so it looked good on me.

All that went away as soon as I got pregnant with my first child. Every year, my weight has crept up and up, and I finally topped out this year at 388 pounds. Ridiculous. I've tried dieting and exercise with only very limited success. I could lose weight doing MediFast and exercising 5 times a week, but as soon as I went back to regular foods, the weight would slowly come back.

In 2009, I finally decided to try the Lap Band, since I had done enough self-evaluation to see that my problem was primarily binge eating. After 2 years of sliming and vomiting and stuck food, even with almost no fill, I decided to have a revision surgery.

So here I am now, 2011, embarking on what I hope is the final stage of my weight loss journey, my revision from Lap Band to RNY. I know this is going to be tough, cuz this change is PERMANENT. There is no going back after this.

I'm ready to start living my life to the fullest.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2011
Member Since

Friends 1
