Pre-Op Testing

Feb 05, 2015

Had my pre-op testing done this morning. I made it to the hospital just after 6:30 am and I was out by 7:50am, which means I made it to work on time... Yippee...

This must have been the fastest testing I have had done in a long time. I think if I waited an hour or so to go I would be waiting forever....

What kills me is the money you have to fork out to have these tests done. And the hospital tries to get ya with, if you pay today I will give you 20% off. Well woop de doo... lol... I am putting it on a credit card regardless so sure give me a break....

At this rate I shouldn't have too much to pay when it comes time for the surgery next week. (hopefully).

I have been feeling ok, but then poof belly issues hit all at once and that just stinks. And I finally got over my withdrawl headache and now today I have a doozie and I can fall asleep typing this... I am trying to drink my water in hopes that it helps fix me up a bit...

I am hoping for a 2 day work week next week, Monday there is snow coming and I hope we get the ok to work from home then I only have to go in for Tuesday and Weds and then let the fun begin.  But who knows what will happen with the weather.



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Feb 02, 2015
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