SO READY FOR THIS!! Has been a lifelong journey, as with many. Have been reading lots of wonderful journals, it is just as amazing to me when I read the next log and the very first time I heard of this in 1997. The past 15 yrs have seen my wt up and down, but never under 215, and up to a high of 285 right after my 4th back surgery. Both my knees are now shot and are bone on bone, I have to sleep sitting up in a recliner, have to use a walker most of time, and cane on rare occassions when I feel able. I only leave home about once every 2 months cause of the pain in my back and joints when I do go out, even to Wal Mart is a treat if they have a motor wheelchair available. I don't get out due to the 2 days after I have to recooperate afterwards. Christmas is coming and I am going to do the most online. My family and hubby are great. When I told my angel Grandaughter about this, she looks at the before and after pics with me, she asked me, "Can you go to the park and ride a bike with me after you lose weight like these people." I told her, "YOU BET WE WILL!!" She got so excited, it rubbed off on me, and now we can't wait!! One thing I always said when I looked in the mirror, THIS IS JUST TEMPORARY. Now I will have the tools to make it so. Am just getting the process started, getting ready to call Dr. G. and my Ins. Co. Can't wait for Monday. This is NOT a snap decision. I am a retired RN, and worked with Dr. G and his WLS patients in 1998 to 1999. LOVE HIM and will seek him as my MD. So has been a few yrs. coming. NOW I can't wait. Am back up to where I can walk, with my walker and eventially without, for excercise and work my way up. GOD BLESS you all. You faced the Dragons and Perservered! You are all in my prayers! Deborah L.
APRIL 26, 2006
Hi all!! Been away a while. Just thought I would share a few things weighing on my mind. In first entry said going to see Dr. Gorospe, however found out he was not taking any new patients for a while.  So we went to see Dr. Floyd out of Edmond.  He is great. Anyway, thereafter Kenny let me know the insurance we have has a NO TREATMENT OR SURGERY FOR OBESITY, NO HOW  NO WAY. SSSSOOOO we wasted @ 3 mons. trying to get that overturned to no avail. Now, I will be eligible for Medicare, already have my card, and it starts July 1, 2006. I am SSSSOOOO excited, and hope to have surgery July 2nd, lol. Then I hear and have researched at the Medicare site, that starting this year the hospitals have to meet all this criteria or Medicare doesn't pay. I plan to use Dr. Floyd, and Edmond (Oklahoma)  Hospital, which is not yet met the criteria. AAAAHHHH!!!! Well, now am looking for a hosp that IS approved but I still want my Dr. At. least Dr. Floyd says I meet the Medicare criteria to have them pay. At least one hurdle is over, and when we do get the hospital off their duff, I hope to start the labs and stuff in July. Keep me in your prayers and the Edmond Hospital. Well, will go for now and get back soon as have more news! God bless and keep you all! Deborah L.
May 24, 2006  Greetings!! Hope you all  had a wonderful Mother's Day and survived the time change! Finally getting the wheels greased to start this process rolling. Have had to change surgeons as previous Surgeon does not do surgeries in Norman. This is the only listed Medicare approved hospital for bariatric Surgery in Oklahoma. SOOSOO changed to Dr. Keith with OWLO.  Have heard nothing but wonderful things. Rec. my Patient Packet paperwork today, filled out and have ready to mail out tomorrow AM. Getting really excited. Medicare kicks in July 1st and would love to have the Surgery at 00:01 July 1st if it were possible. lol. Anyway, finally getting something going. Dr. Keith's office personnel very nice. Said I can go ahead to a Seminar now, they will call with date, soon as get the paperwork!!!!!! Hopefully before July 1st.  Keep me in your prayers. Next: APPROVAL for surgery. Thanks! Deborah L
JUNE 8, 2006
YeeHaw!!!! Whooo Hooo!! Received a phone call from Dr. Keith's office yesterday afternooon to set up for the Seminar. Since we live so far away from Norman they are sending me a tape to watch of his Seminar. Then the next step is July 1st and applying for approval!! Whooo Hooo!! I am so psyched!! Seems like my squeeky wheel has turned at least a little.  Patience is not one of my virtues. I have been told this first part is the worst part of waiting. At least till approval, then the process really speeds up!!. Hope so! Been reading alot at different web sites and have gone back to reading "Before & After" by Susan Maria Leach. Very good! PLUS she includes about a hundred high protien, low carb recipes. She is also a WLS success story. Great Read. Then I have one more to read. "The Patient's Guide to WLS" Have heard in very good and informative. SSOO that ought to help with passing the time. Well, about midnight so will go for now. God Bless and Keep you all till my next update. Goodnight! Deborah L.
JUNE 12,  2006
YIPPEE, WAHOO!! I am so pumped!! Got Dr. Keith's Seminar CD today. After watch just soon as send back all that is next is going for approval!!! Only bad thing is having to wait to apply until the 1st of July. This is going to be the longest 18 days of my life, so far!! Well, gonna get going and start the CD!! God Bless!! Deborah L.

JUNE 13, 2006
Watched the CD, got it and all paperwork sent back to Dr. Keith's office. Yea!! Feels like such a weight is lifing off my shoulder's. It is strange how once the wheels start turning the days seem brighter. God Bless! Deborah L.
JUNE 20, 2006
HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!! Dr. Keith's office called this morning and my initial appointment with him is July 28th!!!!!!!! THIS is going to be the longest 38 days in my life!! Hope all goes well and get to have some of the labs & all done that day too. We live a piece from Norman, about 2 hours and it is really hard on my back and knees going anywhere or walking at all. I am laid up for a couple days afterwards with severe pain. I know, if I hurt that bad now, how can I excercise after surgery? DETERMINATION 7 baby steps. PLUS going to start losing right off and will be easier and easier as the pounds come off. When I was just 20# lighter it didn't bother me near to what it does now at 260. I plan on losing as much as I can before surgery and that will help with my activity I am sure! Called my sis and let her know. Her son/my nephew was super morbidly obese, had all the co-mo's and was only 19 yrs old. SSOOO after fighting the insurance and all for about 3 yrs, he was approved for the RNY procedure. He had it done just about a yr. ago and is well over the MINUS 100 # mark. I am so proud of him. Heard today he has a girl-friend, his first, & is doing well in college. Get this, his girl friend's Sister had the same WLS about 2 yrs. ago so she is very familiar with what Jared is going thru. I am so happy for him, he is my HERO!! Oh, been trying different Protien drinks past couple drinks and the Beef Jerky from Jerky Hut. OMG it is SSSOOO good!! Soft and flavorful. Gotta order some more!! Can get it thru Bariatric Eating site, bariatriceating.com. Will be back soon. God bless all! Deborah L.
June 28, 2006
WOOHOO!! Initial appt. with Dr. Keith is one month from today!! Man, can time crawl any slower?  heart and soul came back today. Our 2 precious Grandaughters have been one on vacaton for 6 whole days to Colorado. Papa and I didn't know if we would survive!! Ali is 7yr. and Nicole is 22 mons. Ali about lives here so it was really really hard without her. They are a big part of my motivation to have this surgery. I have missed so much time not being able to go outside or to the park with them. I can't even get in the floor to play. I don't want to miss another second of their growing years. Well, gotta go, gettin misty.  Take care & God Bless. Deborah L.

What a fantastic week. Found out we are going to have a new Grandbaby toward the end of February! Only 19 days till my initial appt. with Surgeon. My grandaughter, Ali, 7 yrs., is already planning activities we will be able to do after I lose some weight that we have not been able to do to date. Is there any way to make the days go faster?? lol. Take care all and God Bless! Deborah L.
WWOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! See surgeon tomorrow. I finally made it!!! Getting so excited now. Gotta get copy of my history and all to take. Write down my meds. Write questions. Hope to stay all night in Norman Thurs Night but $ are tight. You would know the Car tag and Insurance are due also. No Prob. can get there if I have to walk!!!! Just hope they don't find any blurps in my labs or other pre screening tests. Well it is now 2:30 AM better get to sleep. Nicole is coming early, before 6AM!!! God BLess all!!!!!
07/29/2006 @14:45
HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!!!! Had initial appt with Surgeon yesterday. Has started the process. Had blood drawn and scheduled the Big 4 appts for the 21st of Aug. AAARRRGGGG! 23 more days of waiting!! lol! Such a load off my mind just getting this all started. Could have had a Surg. date set but I have to have that blasted Sleep Study cause I snore so loud I rattle the Neighbor's windows. Otherwise everthing is set up. YEA!!! So thankful I found this site and the one at bariatric eating . com. They have answered so so many of my questions I didn't really have any to ask Dr. Keith. His staff, at the office, were awsome, soooo nice and helpful. Only bummer is that Medicare does NOT pay for the Levaquin (blood thinner) I have to get before surgery for about $300. OUCH! We'll figure it out. Now today I'm having to recooperate (sp) from walking and walking so much yesterday. Last night was pretty rough.
 I found out by all the walking how out of shape I am. Tomorrow going to try getting up and around more. If my dang knees would let up I could do so much more. Getting this weight down will go a long way in doing that. Well, have a great weekend and I will be back soon! GOD BLESS!!
Aug. 22, 2006
Finally got home @ 1:00 PM. What a whirwind trip to OKC!! Ok, here's how it went. Left Home @ 08:45, arrived at Psych consult for 10:00 appt about 20 min. late due to torrential rain fall we had to slow down to 30 mph for about 20 min. Couldn't see past the hood of the car hardley. Anyway, didn't matter bout being late cause they didn't have me down and Dr. wasn't even there. So after waiting almost 1/2 hr. for him to arrive we had to leave and go to the Physical Performance Appt. at 11:00. This went great!! Got exercise plan set up for post op. measured my %s of fat, lean, etc. I am about 50% fat. HALF OF MY BODY IS MADE UP OF FAT! That was an eye opener! Oh, walked on the treadmill for a full 5 min.!!!!!!!!!!! With my  lousy knees didn't figure I could but did. WOOHOO!! PT therapists name was                                and she also gave me her email address to keep her up on my progress and for any questions I may have later. Really nice. Ok, we left here and went back to the Psych consult and found out the Doc is at his other office and will get me in at 12:30. 30 min. away. GOt new address. Went searching for food and around corner from Psych office was a Sonic!!! Grabbed a sandwich, drove over tro the other office and ate in empty parking lot across for the new office. He was very nice and apologetic about the mix up. Whole psych consult lasted @ 10 min. and said I passed with flying colors. Huh? So I am not crazy??? lol.
After the Psych we flew over to the Norman Reg. Hospital and had to register as out patient for the Pulmonary Function tests. Took about half an hour just to get back to the PF test. Test took @ 5 min. Tech said I registered at 100% function. Got outta here @ 1:30 & went on over to Dr. Keith's office to see Nut. Got there and guess what!!! THEY DIDN'T HAVE ME DOWN FOR APPT TODAY!! Thank goodness another Nut was there, Heather and agreed to see us. Jamie apologiezed and said was a mix up.YEA all day!! lol. I didn't care. I was just sooo GLAD to be this far in the process! Heather took us back and DH & I really like her. She explained all the info very very well. I do have to say she was surprised with the knowledge I had. I told her it was all due to my message boards & studying about this for 2 years!! Gave me some handouts. Explained the size of Pouch & all. Next will have to go to a 10 day diet class then start it. Whew. What a day!!
Well, it ain't over yet! Had the Sleep Study at 10PM and only 3PM. Crud. Found a motel close so DH can sleep while I study?lol and he took a NAP!!!! while I struggled to stay awake and read some of the material I gathered that day. Took my shower, felt wonderful, we only have a tub at home!! Treat treat!! 
To sleep study @ 9:30. Lisa was tech there. Got me all decked out like a robot then tells me I will have a 3 hr. base recording then Dr. Keith wants all his pts to be on the CPAP too for the rest of the night. I was miserable. See this one strap goes under my nose and had 2 little wires that fit right up each nostril. Kept scratching my nose. Then when I had to have the CPAP no that was horrible. All done by 6 AM. Got about 3 hrs actual sleep I think. Lisa did tell me I would probably have to have the CPAP after all at home. So we went back to the motel and slept till 10AM. My back and legs are hurtng so bad as remember I sleep in a recliner at home!! I could bearly walk or lay to sleep. We left about 11:00 and headed home. I was so happy to see my recliner, let me tell you and promptly got in it and crashed out for a couple of hours!  Now just have to sit and wait again for my next steps!!  Please lord let this all go by quickly!! AMEN.
WOOHOO!! Got call from the Co. to set up my CPAP! I thought it would be a couple weeks before I heard from them, since I just had the Sleep Study Monday past. To come by Monday, Aug.28th to set it up!! Then all that's left is my Pre-Op meeting and the 10 day diet meeting!!  Man, is this really happening. After waiting so long I feel like I need someone to pinch me just to be sure it is not a dream!!!! Have to be on the CPAP 2 weeks before will set the Surgery date, tho. So got time to get in the other 2 meetings!
Closer to the beginning line!!!! Beginning my new life!!
Ok, got my CPAP today, piece of cake!! Not as bad as the one I had at the sleep study. This one has a little nose mask. It is like a oxygen mask you see on TV but just big enough to fit over my nose!
The RT that set me up was very thorough and nice. Had Nichole today, 2 last Friday, and he had to talk around her sometimes. She was very quiet but she is 2!! Granny's angel. Now hopefully I might have a date soon. Gonna call Dr. K's office in AM and see what we do next!! Will write more soon.
Mark from Dr. K's called me this AM and we set up a SURGERY DATE!!! YEAAAAA! Oh, Lord is this actually going to happen? I have had this big sh-- eatin grin on my face all day. I can't believe it. Surgery is set for September 18th. 3 days after my Birthday and on my Brother's Birthday!!! Had to call every body and tell them. Tomorrow I will have to call Pam, my friend and sister from another mother.lol I have posted the news on the other 2 boards and am just on cloud nine. Have to go to the ProOp Orientation at the hosp & 10 day diet class on the 7th of Sept. and start it the 8th! On the 12th go to RNY/GBP meeting. THen my final appt at Dr. Keith's. on the 13th. Whew. At least it should go fast with all that will be going on. My DH is taking a month's vacation starting the 10th for a month/ So he will be around to help. Man, I better go to bed as Nichole my 2 yr old GrandAngel is coming at 6:30!!
So Goodnight for now!! Yippeeeee!
OMG! Today is here. This is my Pre-Op Orientation day and 10 day diet class. Whey, flew by. Plus get this, ONLY 11 days till SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have to get up @ 5 to leave @6 to get to Norman Reg. by 8AM. Here it is, 12:45 AM and I cannot fall asleep. No surprise but I need to sleep. Got my CPAP, using it faithfully.
Been in a Mega Gout attack in my left ankle, foot & big toe going on 5 days now. I know what set it off is the bologna & hot dogs I ate the week before. Plus not drinking my protein. BUT so close to surgery I want to save it for after~~. Well, gotta try and sleep anyway. WIll let everyone know how it goes after. GOD BLESS!
Deborah L.
Went to the PreOp orientation and 10 day diet class Thursday. It was great!! Met some really neat fellow WLS's. There were 2 others that are both having WLS on Sept. 18th with me. It is going to be cool to have litter mates! lol.
Started the 10 day diet yesterday and am not to happy bout it yet. No problem with the food or anything, just with me. I have already blew it today. Ate 2 sausage  bisquites, the little ones in a box. BUT, am going to count it as a protein and get right back on track. I just feel like such a hipocrit(sp) right now. After all these months on these message boards, soaking up all the info and knowledge, giving advice and all, now look at me I can't even follow my diet for 2 days. Crap. If I can't commit to 10 days, how am I going to commit for the rest of my life?  Am I doing the right thing? Should I be having this surgery? Yes, Yes, Yes!! I know I am doing the right thing by having surgery.  This is my last chance. I WILL follow thru, I DO commit to changing my life for this. Of course I blew it, it is my history, my reason for being 260 lbs. The tool will be there to give me that extra push to stay on track. Dumping will definately give me incentive to stay on tack. We can win and WILL WIN this battle!!
WOW! Three more days!! I never count the day of...! THank you all for all the wonderful emails. Both birthday and Surgery. Did have a call from the Surgeon today. My iron is still low at 28. They're norm range is 30 to 130 and want us up to 38 for preop. SOSOSo had to call in a Rx iron. They said it should be up alright by Monday. WOW!! Monday!! If this is a dream don't wake me up!!
Went to my first group last Tues. Was great! I just can't figure how anyone would be surprised they hurt so much after surgery. I am by far not surprised. They go in and completely sever our stomach and intestines, place sutures internally as well as externally, much less just diggin around our insides to first FIND the things they need to perform the surgery. Hell yes it's gonna hurt and hurt alot. Of course some say it was not bad and go back to work within a couple weeks. I just hope they can do the Lap. Like I told the PA, I plan on a open due to all my adhesions, so if I wake up WITHOUT a big abdominal dressing & huge incision underneath, I will be very plesantly suprised!!
No matter, which ever they have to do is fine with me, so long as I am on the loser's side when all is said and done.!!!
BABY I'm BACK!! Surgery was the 18th, came home the 21st and felt like I should have stayed in the hospital, off and on the first 3 days. Last 2 days have been feeling little better by the hour. Ups and downs. Didn't expect the first 3 days of really rank diarrhea, black, and accidents. Soon as over, have felt more human and getting excited about being on this side of the loser's bench. Came home on the 21st weight back at 262#s. Weight this AM down to 249#s, woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have not seen the scales even go to the negative, as in losing, side of 262 #s in over a yr, much less by that much. Get this, my Gr. Daughter, Alison is going to teach me how to "run" when I am able cause it's "been so long" since I have run. She is a hoot.  Out of the mouth of babes!!
WOW! What a difference. Had a steriod shot last Thurs for the Gout and the past 2 days I have been pain free/Gout pain, and actually feeling good. Lots more energy, and actually feeling good about this whole thing for the first time since surgery. No real abdominal pain. Just a twinge now and then. The drainage is alot, lot less. Slightly pinkish around the site, where penrose drain was removed. Changing dressing 2 x's a day seems to help. Getting about 60 or more Protein, some shakes but also LOVE that cheese. Got some string cheese today and going to experiment with it tomorrow. Have great ideas from the BE site.
Had a scare yesterday when I got stuck! Was cooling off Nicole's dinner and of course old habits. Few pieces corn, nibble of chicken nugett and a tiny french fry, just to check if cooled of course, before I realized what I had done. WIthin about 20 seconds I felt like someone stuck a broomstick down my throat and into my pouch. Everything seized up and got this hard, gag, stick feeling in my chest. Grabbed the trash can, gagged up small amt phlem. Tried to gag up more but just then felt it go on thru. Talk about a scarey feeling. I feel really lucky it came thru so quick. Whole episode happened over about 1 1/2 minute but seemed like hours. So my advice is to really watch those unconcious habits we all had and helped get us here in the first place. BE CAREFUL!!
Gotta go papa is making supper!! Couple bites Refried beans w Pace and FF Cheddar cheese melted on it. Going to taste a hamb patty just a taste. Plus Cottage cheese later tonight. Life is great! Weighing in tomorrow with Alison!
No Way! Ok, this is 2 weeks today since surgery Sept. 18th. So use as my weigh day. Got on scale this AM. Read 234.5 #s. No Way!! Weighed 2 more times to be sure!! Yep! still the same. Just in shock! Had Papa go weigh to check if scale is accurate. He weighed the right amt, actually 2 lbs. more!! SCALES ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!  WWWOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!
Wow! Can't hardly believe it has been about  a year since I first posted here at OH. Looking back it was really only 11 mons from my first post here to my surgery. Seemed so much longer when I was in the middle of it. Now it seems it flew by. Funny huh? Now I am 5 weeks out and 33 lbs down. Keeping to the rules, drinking 100 gms of shake a day, love them. Couldn't stand them watered down, like 16 oz to one scoop, so I am double scooping and so far they are SSSOOOOOO much better tasting. I use IDS Vanilla Cinnamon, (have cookies and cream on my wish list!), Nectar Fuzzy Navel and Twisted Cherry (my new FAVORITE), and zero carb Isopure, Creamy vanilla. There are so many ways to tweek them and I am jsut finding new ones every day. The DaVinci's syrups are great!! Adding plain cocoa to the vanillas make a chocolate shake to die for. I guess my main point is don't give up on the Protien you all. We can never eat enough or ABSORB enough from our food simply by the nature of our bypass. So I get my Protein from shakes and supplements. These proteins are VERY absorbable. We have to follow the rules also. I hope my posts help a little on this journey. It is NO easy fix, we still have to work at this. ALso, it is really hard not to compare our loses to someone who is REALLY dropping the pounds. But, I just have to remind myself that we are ALL different. Celebrate the differences and celebrate this wonderful tool. God bless!! Deborah L.

About Me
Podunk, OK
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2005
Member Since

Friends 1
