Aug 05, 2008

There has been alot going on. I had all of my pre-ops on wed (7/30/08).  I have my surgery set for 8/13/08.  I have been excited and anxious and just ready to get this weight off.  I have always had this fear of the new or unknown...just have to get the facts and wrap my head around it, ya know?  Well, I had what they call rectal-vaginal fistula surgery's about 11 years ago.  The surgeon went in to repair 3 times within an 8 month period, and I still have problems.  All these years I have blamed the Dr. for leaving a whole.  I woke up this past Thursday morning and the first thought I had was "what if it is Me!"  What if my body doesn't heal properly, or maybe I keep making new ones.  Well, I have been so worried.  I saw Dr. Anderson today and she said she doesn't think I should worry, she thinks the problem was due to my weight and the strain on that area and I should be fine!  I was soooo glad to hear that. 
My journey has been a very fast paced one, and I am trying to keep all this info on how to live after surgery...I think I am making it harder than it really is.  I went to the info meeting 5/24/08 and surgery will be 8/13/08 only 12 weeks from start to finish.  I feel very blessed because I have read some who have battled long and hard. I pray your day comes soon.
I met two ladies at the pre-op meeting.  Mona is going in the day before me and Robyn will have hers the week after me.  They are both having the RNY but I don't hold that against them (HaHa).  Everyone has to make their own choice and make it work for them.  Hey we all got the same goal...just a buncha loosers!  Oh yeah, I met another lady here -Leonetta- and she will have surgery the day after me.  We are all Dr. Anderson's patients.  God Bless us all, Now get to loosin!!!

Waiting for my date...

Jul 19, 2008

My info was sent to the insurance company (Humana Gold) on thursday, July 10,2008 and I called them on thursday, July 17, and I AM APPROVED!!!  I am waiting on the coordinator from Dr. Andersons' office to call back with my date. We are looking at Aug. 13.  I am a little nervous about the surgery, but ready to start loosing this weight, and to get my life back.  No more sitting at home while everyone else is out having fun.

Get Movin'

Jul 14, 2008

My insurance is now Humana Gold.  I fell while working in 1983 and have several herniated disc's in my back and neck because of it.  I went thru alot of rehab, but started gaining alot of weight due to not being able to move from the pain.  Well I was approved for Social Security after several years.  My insurance plan pays for an exercise program called Silver Sneakers. We have a place in town called It Figures! (it's like Curves) that offers the class, and I get to use all of the equipment with my membership to Silver Sneakers.  I had joined last year and went for about 7 weeks, 2 times per week.  Well my knee went out big time and I had to stop going.  Then we were givin custody of another grandson.  Now we have a 2 and 4 year old to take care of.  Well, because of who she hangs out with and where she lives, I don't leave them very often with their mommy.  I was going to wait untill after surgery to get started back there, then I realized it would be better to go now and get prepared for the surgery. Last week  I started drinking slim fast for breakfast and lunch and then eating a low fat supper, and as of today I have lost 3.8 pounds!  Hey, It's a start!!!

That Silver Sneakers class was a hoot. It's for people with arthritis and everyone in there was 65 or older (I'm 49).  The whole time I had to listen to Dean Martin music!  Nothing wrong with being 65, I just don't care for that music. Last year they played todays music. I wonder is some of them complained.   Oh well, it felt good to get moving again.



Jul 12, 2008



Gettin There....

Jul 12, 2008

Well, I have finished my group and one-on-one with the psyc, nutritionist, and exersice people.  Now I am waiting on my approval from the insurance company! They have 2 weeks to make their decision.  With my BMI and all of my co-morbid conditions, I can't imagine they would say no. I am so ready to get this weight off.  I have a very close friend who is going to have surgery (we are both having the DS) too.  We live an hour away from the hospital and have been doing all of our meeting together.  With the price of gas at 4.00 a gallon, it helps us save a dollar!  We are hoping to have our surgeries the same day.  But if we don't get the approvals at the same time, we won't wait on the other.  Her husbands imployer changed insurance companys right after our first meeting, so her's could take longer.  I have Humana Gold and so far so good!

I didn't want to post the "now" picture, but ya know what, I am a fun, caring, somewhat intelligent woman who's outside just happens to be on the large side!

About Me
urbana, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 15
