Food wasn't an issue for me until around 16yrs.  I had a summer job where I had to stay the whole summer and every night we had a buffet . I could not believe the variety of food available or even the fact that I could eat what I wanted and all I wanted . I gained 25# that summer and could no longer wear any of my clothes. Weight now a hieght of 4'11" that was fat.

Back home and back to normal (no choices, no variety) Breakfast corn flakes, school lunch always a peanut butter sandwich and dinner stew or pasta. Held a weight of 123# till I graduated and got married at 18.

I gained 80# my first year of marriage and had a daughter. My second and last daughter was born 21 months later and I ended up with another 20#. I joined OA...that didn't help, tried WW...too good...kept quitting. 

Every year in Jan. I would start again on one or the other programs....every 
fall I would be tired and dissapointed in my progress which was always lose some gain some . There are years where I didn't even try. 

Now  I see that my weight is affecting my life with the next generation....My grandchildren. They want me to play with them all the time and I just don't have the energy. They are now curious about my huge stomach and arms. They want me to come to there games, recitals and parties. I am too ashamed.
I want to change , I want to feel and look normal....thanks to my two grandaughters and my two grandsons....I now have a very determined attituded to do what ever it takes to get healthy...

About Me
Mar 13, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 15
Saw Amanda today!
12 days on food plan....Can I do this with out surgery?
7 days
Sleep study done May 21st
April 29th is the Day!!!
Psyc eval...long
Thank God for sunny days!
