I am a mother of two very cute boys. I have been overweight most of my life. I've recently met 3-4 ladies at church that have had the surgery done. I am very impressed with Dr. Warnock, and I haven't even seen him for my first consultation! I am ready for this surgery. I want my quality of life to change. My family and friends are very supportive, and that makes this decision a little easier. My first consultation with Dr. Warnock is on June 18, 2004. I'm really looking forward to starting this journey!

September 17th, 2004

Surgery is scheduled for October 20th!!! Yipee! It's taken awhile for me to actually decide on a date, mainly because I was waiting to see when my mom could come and help with my boys. I've had a lot of different emotions lately. For the majority of the time I can't wait....but there is still a part of me that is very nervous and anxious. The closer it gets, I start to feel the butterflies. This last month will hopefully fly by so fast. My good friend said to me the other day that she had a dream I was jumping on her trampoline and I was so thin...well, maybe someday in the next year or so I'll be able to do that!

October 12th, 2004

Only one week to go...I am very nervous, but I feel great about this decision. I have had a lot of surgeries in my life so I know what to expect. I think that is why I'm nervous. I really dislike the feeling of waking up after surgery. The anesthetic just makes me feel so horrible. Other than that, I can't wait to start my journey! I will update in a week.....

P.S. A big THANK-YOU to everyone's support. This website is absolutely wonderful.

November 3, 2004

I am now two weeks post-op and feeling okay. I won't sugar coat anything. I've not been very happy with this surgery so far. I feel it has been the right thing to do, but I'm still asking myself why did I go through with this!? Surgery was fine. I haven't had any complications. I was a little upset that they sent me home so quickly. Especially since I had a slight fever, a horrible headache, and I was in a lot of pain. One nurse actually came in the room and asked me when my husband was going to be there to pick me up. She said they weren't trying to kick me out but there were other patients that need the rooms. Whatever. That comment was uncalled for that's all I can say. I did go home and felt better sleeping in my own bed. Those first 5 days were very hard for me. I was in pain and since the pain meds they gave me made me feel horrible I stopped them. I had a patch on my shoulder that helped a bit, but I just decided to put up with the pain. On day 6 I was so weak I just cried. I couldn't believe how weak I felt. I couldn't get in a lot of fluids, so I'm sure that was the main reason for feeling so weak. I was also having a pain in my stomach any time I would drink liquids. Well, day 7 came along and I thought an egg white would be okay to eat. IT WASN'T!! I started throwing up and feeling horrible pain for the whole day. It started at 12 noon and I finally felt better around 8pm. Not a fun day. Along with feeling physically ill I was feeling emotionaly drained. I was so sad I had done this to myself. I even thought about asking for a reversal but of course things eventually got better. Since that episode I have gotten progressively better. The thing that I have a hard time with now is the lack of energy. I know this is major surgery but I am still so weak. Sometimes I just have to sit down or lie down when I feel that way. I'm trying hard to eat protein for the majority of my food. It gives me some energy. All in all I know the sun will shine again. It's just going to take a lot of time. I have some dear friends who have been through this so I know my time will come to feel better. The pain of the incision is pretty much gone. I had the staples removed and now it's just very itchy under the butterfly tape. I'm down 24 lbs already. Now my struggle will be not to weigh until my next appt. My dr. doesn't want us to cheat by weighing ourselves. That will be hard! :)

November 19th, 2004

I just read through my last post and although I remember those feelings of the first two weeks, I am amazed at how much better I feel. I have just had to force myself to get back into the swing of things. My two boys have kept me busy. I am very happy I have had this surgery done. I have a long way to go but I am already feeling the positive effects at just one month post-op. My energy level is increasing. I can do the 'normal' chores and cooking and not be completely drained. I sleep really well at night now. My whole family is usually in bed by 9pm since mom is so tired! :) I don't toss and turn like I used to. It's been great! I put on two pair of jeans this week that I couldn't even do up before. They aren't tight anymore! I probably won't be wearing one of them for very long either! This is wonderful!

March 7, 2005

Life has been very good lately. At my follow up appt. with Dr. Warnock, I had lost 70 lbs...that was in just over 3 months. I am now closer to the 5 month mark and I have lost 85 lbs!!!! It's so hard to believe sometimes. My closet is getting very bare since I have been giving away all my BIG clothing. I find myself still picking up the size 18-20's in the stores only to find they are way too big on me! My image of myself needs to catch up! It's very hard to see myself in any other way except BIG. I know that will change in time. I am very happy with how things are going. I don't have any problems, other than when I eat too fast or not chew enough I have some vomiting. But, I realize that it was my own fault. It's easy to fall back into that habit of barely chewing your food. It is SO important though. My little boy asked me one day as I walked out of my room with some new pants and shirt on, "Mommy, why are you getting shorter?". It was so cute! His little 4 year old mind sees the weight loss, but in a different way. So funny....

June 13 -2005
I haven't written for awhile. Quick update...I'm feeling great. I am 8 months post and I weigh 165 lbs !!! I've lost over 100 lbs now. Hard to beleive!

October 20 - 2005
I was 285 lbs the day of surgery, and today on my one year anniversary I weigh 147 lbs. It has been an amazing journey, both emotionally and physically. The most important thing is that I am healthy. You don't really realize how handicapped you are when you are obese. I think back to some of the little things I couldn't do as an obese person. I couldn't cross my legs - now I do all them time. I couldn't run down the street and race with my kids. I couldn't sit on the floor without my feet falling asleep. I couldn't walk around stores without my feet starting to hurt. I couldn't exercise without being in pain in the first few minutes. There are so many things that I can do now! And of course I absoluetly LOVE to try on clothing now. It's such a great feeling to find a pair of size 8 jeans that fit perfectly! :) It's so much fun!

When it comes to eating, I do get hungry occasionally. It's not the same intense feelings, but I do have some hunger pains. I crave salads, which before surgery I would hardly touch one. I also tolerate steak pretty good...Texas Roadhouse steak is my favourite. :) I just make sure and chew it really good, and take small bites. I am faithful in my protein drinks and vitamins. They make a world of difference in my energy levels. I found a protein powder when I was 5 months post op that tastes wonderful. It's simply vanilla, Matrix 5.0 by Syntrax, and it dissolves completely, and doesn't leave a gritty or powdery taste in your mouth like some do. I make a smoothie in the mornings with Blue Bunny Carb Freedom yogurt, and some frozen fruit, ice, and a little oj. I also make a chocoloate shake with Hood CarbCountdown chocolate milk. It has hardly any sugar in it, and lots of protein...add my scoop of vanilla powder and some ice...yummy! It's delicious!

I will continue to post occasionally on here. I am at my goal weight now. My surgeon said he'd like me to stay around 150. So now I just hope I can keep maintaining this weight.

April 13 - 2006
18 months post op...still at 145-147 lbs. It's wonderful! I am thrilled with the results of this surgery. I have been considering the tummy tuck, but I'm not sure when I will get it done. I have to say that clothes shopping is the funnest thing to do now! I am in a size 8... mostly Medium tops, but some smalls. Who would have thought I'd ever wear a small!? :)

I still have two protein drinks a day, still take my vitamins, still exercise. Whatever I am eating right now, seems to be a perfect amount because I have maintained this weight for months now. I find myself 'grazing' more throughout the day, so I have to be careful with that. It always seems when I say to someone that I haven't had food get stuck for a long time, that I get some stuck. It's always my own fault though. I start eating too fast, or not chewing it well enough. It's a good reminder, once that pain starts. Funny how we can fall back into old habits so quickly...

I am so grateful for this chance I've had to improve my life. It is worth the hard times I've gone through. I would do it over in a heartbeat!

January 2007

I will be having my tummy tuck done this month

About Me
Sheppard AFB, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre-op picture taken September 2004
November 2005 - one year after surgery! Feeling great...

Friends 4
