Been gone....not fishin'...but having a fistula!

Jan 13, 2011

I haven't posted anything in such a long time, so I thought I would update my profile to let you know what's been going on with me.  Can you say "fistula"? yikes!

This is actually an email I sent to my facebook friends in September.....many did not know that I had had WLS:

Update Okazaki: Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers even though it has been unclear for many of you why I am in the hospital and am experiencing the YUCKIES! For those of you who do not know, back in April of this year I had RNY surgery (aka gastric bypass) I was doing great until August when I started experiencing some complications due to my surgery. Early September, It was thought that it was an ulcer that had developed that was causing me to be nauseous and unable to eat. After weeks of medication things did not get any that is why I ended up in the hospital last week. Earlier this week after having another gastroscopy it revealed that I had a fistula between my new RNY pouch and my old stomach ...which means basically what is going to have to happen next (after a couple of more weeks of TPN IV) the surgeons will go back in and make a revision to my pouch and cut away most of my "old stomach" .... Sorry if this is TMI, and although the current status of my gastric bypass is very unpleasant and very serious... I am still glad that I had the surgery....I am down 112 lbs and my joints don't ache, I no longer take Blood Pressure meds....and I know in the long run this is the best thing I have ever done for myself! 

The following week, things became very grave, and my stomach and pouch began to basically shred revision became an emergency surgery to save my life!

I have been home now since November,  eat very little (actually on liquid diet) plus 18 hrs a day of tube feeding to get my nutrition!  I had another gastroscopy last week because again I was not feeling well and low and behold an ULCER! New meds are making me feel better and I can get liquids down again...I figure another month and maybe I can get off this feeding tube and back to some real food.

Oooh Oooh Living on a Prayer!

Jul 04, 2010

Half way there! Seventy pounds lost....Seventy more to go!

My First "WOW" Moment!

Jun 19, 2010

I have long hated going shopping for clothing. Usually my trips to the store end up with me just picking up whatever looks big enough and is on sale. Many times this tactic leaves me with clothes that are too small and get put in the back of the closet never to be seen again. Well today, I HAD to go shopping. My neice is getting married next weekend and I have nothing that is appropriate enough to wear to the event. 
I  have been shopping online for about 3 weeks now, but each time  I find something I like I tend to back out of the purchase mainly because I have NO idea what size I wear! Today was different, I got offline and in my car and headed to Dress Barn. I have been eyeing a dress from there online for sometime now. When I arrived the sales clerk asked me how she could help...normally I shoo the sales people away, but I explained to her that I had recently lost 60 lbs and I had no idea what size I was or for that matter what might look good on me. Connie (the sales person was wonderful)....together we picked out several styles and a couple of sizes. I was pretty sure that I was a 24 by now and was happy to try a 24 on! I was even happier when that 24 was a couple of sizes too big! When she brought me a size 18 .... I nearly fell out! It fit ... with more than room to breathe! Not only was it a size 18....but it was the dress that I had had my eye on!! - Now off to buy some HEELS!

Sleeping like a Baby

May 18, 2010

Today... I am down 36 lbs from the beginning of my wls journey. That is pretty awesome, but what I am truly amazed at is that I am sleeping soooo much better! I actually slept on my stomach last night....I haven't done that in 25 years! and guess more snoring! For years, I have been sleeping on the couch because my snoring would keep my husband up all night long, for the last week....I have been sleeping in my own bed! I am sleeping like a baby!

1st Post-Op Check-Up

May 12, 2010

Whew....I finally got that JP drain out today! Thank Goodness....I thought they were going to leave it there forever!

I weighed in today, two weeks out from surgery. I am down 14.5 lbs since surgery. ;-) I was hoping for more I guess, but realistically this is a good number. The 14.5 plus the 14 from my 2 week pre-surgical diet, well that's a grand total of 28.5 in just 4 weeks!
0 comments only a day away!

Apr 26, 2010

Well....down to the final hours. I need to run to the drugstore for a few things, but for the most bags are packed and ready to go. The hospital just called and I am to report at 5:15 am....I hope I can sleep a little tonite, because the last couple have been rough...I've never been much of a sleeper, but usually 5-6 hrs is enough...lately i've been lucky to get 3 or 4.

I have my morning all planned and since it's only a 5 minute drive to the hospital I don't think I have given myself any extra time for unwanted nerves.

1 comment

10 days and counting

Apr 16, 2010

I always thought of myself being somewhat computer saavy, until I found this site. I have been a member for sometime now, but this is my first post. I am still trying to figure it all out!

Anyway....HELLO name is Karen and I am in the final countdown toward my surgery date of April 27th, 2010. What a ride I have been on for the past several months, and I am so looking forward to my new journey! I made the decison to have surgery last year, even though I have been thinking about it for many years now. Last September I attended my first introductory session with the Restart Center in Merrillville IN to learn about this life changing surgery, and in October I received my approval from the insurance company. After having some required blood work, and  meeting with my surgeon in November, there were a few health issues that needed to be resolved prior to surgery. I was required to get a cardio clearance and also a clearance from my Endocrinologist. The cardio was easy, it was getting the Endocrinologist to release me for surgery until my thyroid was somewhat under control. The biggest problem I was facing at the end of 2009, was that my company was no longer going to be covering WLS through our benefits. My surgery had originally been approved for January 2010, and that was all good....except that my thyroid was still not under control and the surgery date would have to be pushed back......YIKES....all I could think about was is my insurance carrier still going to cover the surgery? Well....after several phone calls to the company and to the insurance provider the answer was YES...until April 30th, 2010.....On the last day of March, I received clearance from the Endo...and fortunately my surgeon was able to squeeze me in before April 30th.

So I am....5 days into my liquid diet.....It is much easier than I had ever thought it could be. Though the Protein Shakes actually kinda suck....I am sticking to it with no real problems! Sure I crave carbs...(love my breads)....but for the most part I am doing very well!

When I started this whole process I weighed my very highest weight EVER! A whopping 318 lbs....and since my last appointment with the doctor, I am down approximately 19 pounds. I was hoping to have surgery weighing under 300 lbs and it looks like I have acheived that goal!

About Me
Merrillville, IN
Jun 23, 2009
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 7
