stress and life

Aug 17, 2009

I'm not sure what is happening, or maybe I should say way to much is happening. Right now we are on the inal prep days for the fair, and of course JD is away on a fire assignment, and EVERYTHING is going wrong. The clippers won't work, even after spending 30$ to have the blades sharpened, they will not cut. The kid has washed, used clipper oil everything, we fionally gave up last night. Now I have to borrow (I HATE TO BORROW someone elses stuff) to try to get this done before Wednesday, and this has been going on since last thursday evening. On top of that, my weigh loss is ZILCH, I lost a pound in 13 days? HUH?. I know I haven't been eating anything, I can't still, a bite or 2 and I'm done. Protien drinks are nasty, but I choake them down. Noting tastes good to me, or smells. and OMG smell, I gag at things I never did before. I am tired of Being Tired all the time. I walk all day, try to get on the treadmill and walk more, I actually fell last night and scared my son, skinned my leg up pretty bad. So I have put myself back on just liquids (funnny, almost everything I do is liquid, with the exception of turkey chili, that I can eat like 1/4 cup and I'm done) I have been consitpated, how do you get constipated when you're not eating?? I have not been able to get 64oz of water a day, NO WAY, it has been more like 24-32 maybe. I forgot to start taking the calcium, so I started that today. I do keep up on my Vits. and between the protien drinks and cottage cheese I am getting 80 to 110 gms of protien a day. So what is wrong, why haven't I lost any more than a pound? And when will I get my strenght and energy back? God knows I need it this week, BADLY!!!!

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Palmdale, CA
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Jul 25, 2003
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