1/1/08 My health is improving and I am finally getting some of the weight gain off from all the medications that I have been on for the last part of the year.   Hurray!  Glad to see the scales moving in the right way.  I have gone back to the beginning again and started keeping a daily food journal to see what I have been eating, when, how much, along with the emotions at the time.  I have notice a lot of stress lately that just has me grabbing something quick and fast that usually doesn't fall in the healthy category. So I have removed all junk food and replace with healthy snacks and food.  I have done this for my all family so everyone is eating healthy. Now if I could just get everyone motivated to exercise. Any suggestions? 

10/23/07 It has been awhile since I posted last and a lot has happened since last November.   I am struggling with multiple health issues and even at to spend 4 weeks at Mayo earlier this year.  I can handle going to the doctor and staying at the hospitals but I am finding it very hard to stop gaining weight.   I try to eat healthy but sometimes am not hungry so I don't eat.  Which is working against me.  

11/9/06  Today is my 35th birthday and I am  ecstatic to be celebrating it with my family.  I just had my follow up for my tummy tuck and everything is doing great.  I never realize how bad the extra rolls of skin look when it was on me. But when I look at the photos to see the progress from before and after I cringed.  

1/3/06 I am over 3 years post op now. I have recently had a tummy tuck and doing well. I have lost over 150 lbs now and I am doing wonderful. I am now the support group leader for Bariatric Buddies in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois. Anybody interested in our group seen me an email at [email protected].

3/16/03 6 months post op today. WOW! I'm down 94 lbs and 55 inches. My lab results were all normal. I'm having no asthma problems and I also don't have to take a lot the medications I use to be on. It is amazing how my health has improved.

3/4/03 Here I am at 5 1/2 months post-op; I'm down 90 lbs. and 52 inches. I can finally wear clothes from the misses department. I fell great!

12/31/02 Ended 2002 with a lost of 71 lbs.

12/16/02 Three months post op today. I'm down 62.5 lbs and 39 inches. And I feel wonderful.

11/22/02 I'm down 50 lbs. and 34.5 inches. All infections are clear up. Doing great.

10/24/02 It has been a rough couple of weeks. I'm been fighting a bad infection in my incision. Other then that I'm doing OK. I have lost 42 lb. and 18.5 inches in my first month. Which feels great! Will post more later.

9/24/02 I'm been home for a couple of days now and everything is going well.

9/17/02 This is Karen's husband, Surgery yesterday went well, Karen is doing fine.

9/15/02 I would like to say thank you to everyone for all of the best wishes, encouragement and prayers for a speedy recovery. I'm schedule for 10am CST tomorrow. As soon as I'm home I will post and let everyone know how I'm doing. Again Thank you everyone has been very supportive and helpful.

No problems with the pre-testing. Everything is a go for surgery on Monday 9/16/02. I just have to finish up my grocery shopping and I will have everything ready.

I have less then two weeks to go until surgery (9/16/02). I'm so excited and happy that it is finally happening. I have my pre-testing on 9/10/02. Don't foresee any problems. Will keep everyone posted. Also would like to thank everyone who has sent me emails of best wishes and encouragement.

About Me
Bloomington, IL
Surgery Date
Apr 17, 2002
Member Since

Friends 4
