This Is Hard

Apr 20, 2013

I'm placing this here rather than on the forum because others have made this same observation and I don't want to be redundant.

I spent my first five days on clear liquids, which means I was drinking lots of water, Crystal Light, diet Jello (which is apparently recognized as a liquid by the diet gods), broth, and herbal tea.  This was a breeze.  I'm a big fan of water and I'm not hungry, so I just walked around the house with my water bottle and sipped to my heart's content.

Today I started on full liquids.  This means I'm supposed to "eat" skim milk, low-fat yogurt, juices, and custard (Made with skim milk and sweetener--no recipe, mind.  I'm supposed to figure this out on my own.).  I'm meant to have half of cup of this stuff six times a day.

I'm not hungry.  So to eat that much and still get in my liquids (which continue!) is crazy.  I had yogurt for breakfast, pineapple juice for lunch and V8 for dinner.  But that was all (that and my 90 oz of water--plus some diet Jello!).  How are you supposed to fit in six meals?  I get up around 6:00am and have been going to bed by 10:30pm.  That's 14-1/2 hours, which means I would need to eat right around every 2-1/2 hours.  I just don't see that happening.  Not with the way I feel.

How do people manage?

I'm on this phase of the diet for two weeks.



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