
Jul 16, 2011

Wow, it has been a long time since I blogged.  I attended OH leader training sessions today and got a reminder to blog.  In about 6 weeks, I will be at my 2 year surgiversary.  I am just over 100# down from my starting point.  I work at following the plan, getting in exercise.  I consider myself successful, getting in my 64 ounces of fluid plus a day, maintaining my weight loss.  I struggle, thinking that I should have lost more, about 50 pounds more and I will be around 200#.  I am thrilled with others, they are getting their surgeries at lower starting weights and getting to normal weight.  I know that I am healthier now than I was before surgery.

Recently started bike riding and found that I have additional muscles in my legs that hadn't been exercised much with walking the dogs.  Ughhhh, and oh joy for exercise.  Gotta get some things done around here.  I will be back again to post more.  Come visit the bariatric buddy group, I am checking in there most days.  Love the day to day support that we share there.  Stay cool this July everyone.

50 Tips to Help You Succeed at "Normal" Eating

Aug 03, 2010

50 Tips to Help You Succeed at "Normal" Eating

This was posted by another OH member and I LOVE, LOVE it.  


from psychology of eating expert Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, M.Ed.
author of

No matter how many years or decades you’ve been overeating or how many
diets have failed you (notice I didn’t say that you failed on the diets but that they failed
you!), you can learn how to become a “normal” eater—eating when you’re hungry,
choosing satisfying foods, remaining aware and enjoying food, and stopping when
you’re full or satisfied. To do so, you will have to be focused like a laser and persistent
like a dog digging for a bone, not expect overnight success, switch your attention from
the scale to your appetite, and learn effective life skills to manage stress and distress.
I’ve taught hundreds of disregulated eaters how to eat “normally” and I can teach
you! Here are 50 tips to speed you on your way…

1. Look in the mirror daily and tell yourself you can learn the skills of “normal” eating.
2. Instead of thinking there are “good” and “bad” foods, consider them as nutritional
or non-nutritional (“good” and “bad” are moral terms that are best avoided in the
food arena).
3. Don’t put yourself down for the mistakes you make with food. Rather, lavishly
praise yourself for all your successes, even the tiniest ones.
4. If experience tells you that diets don’t keep your weight off, don’t try to convince
yourself you should be dieting. Instead, give yourself points for trying a different
5. Never say anything to yourself you wouldn’t say to a young child you love,
including calling yourself stupid, hopeless, bad, a failure, worthless. Be your own
cheerleader by generating positive thoughts about your progress.
6. Avoid all-or-nothing thinking and using words like never and always. Remind
yourself that most of life is not black and white, but gray.
7. Detoxify negative things people say about you that are untrue rather than repeating
them to yourself. Remember that what people say belongs to them, not to you,
even if your name is attached to their words.
8. Ask yourself often how you are feeling so you can become connected to your
emotions, but ask only with curiosity not condemnation.
9. Stop judging yourself harshly and start developing self-compassion. Treat yourself
lovingly and practice speaking to yourself with extreme esteem.
10. Do not keep telling yourself that learning to be a “normal” eater is hard because
saying so only programs you to find the work difficult. Instead, substitute the words
challenging or doable.

11. Check in with yourself often to see how hungry you are using descriptions such as
not hungry, moderate, very, famished or a 1-10 scale.
12. Every time you think about food, ask yourself if you’re really hungry enough to eat.
13. Experiment with eating smaller meals more frequently.
14. Consider your hunger as a signal that you need fuel, not that you have to go out
and seek the most fantastic eating experience of your life.
15. Practice believing that hunger is for fuel and pleasure, not for meeting emotional

Choosing Satisfying Foods
16. Don’t get hung up on what other people are eating, but ask yourself what you
would like to eat.
17. Remind yourself that foods fall on a nutritional continuum (high value/low value),
not on a moral continuum (good/bad).
18. Never eat without stopping to consider what you want first. Spend time making a
satisfying choice.
19. Refrain from allowing guilt or shame to contaminate your eating decisions.
20. Don’t eat foods you don’t find satisfying because they’ll remind you of being on a

Eating with Awareness and Enjoyment
21. Before you eat, look at your food, the portion size, its presentation. Breathe
22. Chew every mouthful thoroughly to release flavor.
23. Let food sit on your tongue to let your taste buds absorb flavor.
24. When you’re talking, stop eating and when you’re eating, stop talking.
25. Stay connected to your body’s appetite signals while you’re eating.
26. Push away guilt and shame while you’re eating and focus on sensory pleasure.
27. Pause while you’re eating to see how you’re feeling about your food in terms of
quality and quantity.
28. Stop eating when flavor pleasure declines as it will after a while.
29. Rather than being determined to polish off all of the food in front of you, seek the
moment when flavor peaks and you feel an internal “Ah” of satisfaction—and stop.
30. Keep asking yourself while you’re eating, “Am I full?” and “Am I satisfied?”

Stopping When You’re Full or Satisfied
31. Think of full as being enough food (fuel) in your belly and satisfied as being the
high point of pleasure.
32. Quantify fullness and satisfaction with numbers or words such as nearly, too, just
or a 1-10 scale.
33. When you feel full or satisfied, focus on that sensation and broadcast it to your
whole body.
34. When you’re done eating, put down utensils, push away your plate, get up—do
whatever you need to do to disconnect yourself from the food.
35. Make sure you’re not focusing on the food that’s left and believing you have to
finish it or clean your plate. You decide when enough is enough.

Beliefs to Change
36. From “I need to diet to lose weight” to “Diets don’t work long term.”
37. From “This is too hard” to “I can learn to do this over time.”
38. From “This will take too long” to “If I don’t change now, I’ll only be back in this
same place again so I might as well get going on it.”
39. From “Losing weight is the most important thing” to “I will lose weight if I honor my
appetite and learn to eat ‘normally.’”
40. From “I am bad/worthless/ugly if I’m overweight,” to “I accept my body as it is and
will still try to improve it.”

Stopping Emotional Eating
41. When you have the urge to eat when you’re not hungry, ask yourself what you
might be feeling.
42. Remind yourself that feelings need a different response than food.
43. Get to know what emotions trigger unwanted eating—boredom, loneliness, anxiety,
shame, guilt, disappointment, helplessness—and then learn better ways of dealing
with them.
44. Keep a feelings log so you know what’s going on inside of yourself all day long.
45. Reduce stress which will lessen frustration, helplessness, and feeling
46. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself as least as well as you take care of
47. If you find yourself eating when you’re upset, don’t be hard on yourself. Be
compassionate and curious and consider your behavior a learning experience.
48. Get help through therapy if you have a history of trauma or abuse, as there is a
strong correlation between such a history and emotional eating.
49. Be responsible for yourself and don’t blame others for your emotional eating.
50. Tell yourself that you can bear any emotion, practice doing so, and you’ll be
amazed at the emotional muscle you’ll build.


03/09/10 100 Reasons to Exercise

Mar 08, 2010

I borrowed this from the same source Annielou used for her post this morning. Victoria bariatric surgery.  I am printing this for my own use.  I challenge everyone to pick one or two of the reasons for yourself for today and get out there and just do the exercise.  Today I p-ick numbers 19 and 21.  What numbers or reasons are you going to pick for today.  Go burn some calories with me.  Hugs

100 Reasons To Exercise  

A recent survey showed that people could find more reasons NOT to exercise, quicker than they could find reasons TO exercise. Now you have NO excuses!

Here are 100 good reasons to exercise. Make a list of the ones that you would like to achieve and use these reasons as your own personal motivators.

1 Helps to reduce bodyfat
2 Helps lower blood pressure
3 Increases efficiency of heart and lungs
4 Promotes increased flexibility
5 Increases overall fitness level
6 Burns loads of calories
7 Improves blood circulation
8 Strengthens muscles
9 Increases bone density
10 Helps to prevent osteoporosis
11 Slims the body
12 Improves posture
13 Helps you look younger
14 Slows down the aging process
15 Improves your sex life!!!!
16 Reduces risk of back pain
17 Helps improve the look of cellulite
18 Helps you relax and unwind
19 Boosts metabolic rate which helps weight loss
20 Increases energy levels

21 Promotes a natural high
22 Helps reduce your appetite
23 Reduces risk of heart disease
24 Reduces risk of cancer
25 Keeps skin clear
26 Reduces stress
27 Gives your body more definition
28 Encourages you to eat healthy foods
29 Stimulates your mind
30 Can prevent diabetes (Type 2 only)

31 Encourages a healthier lifestyle
32 Helps you enjoy life to the full
33 Increases confidence
34 Improves assertiveness
35 Can help to ease period cramps
36 Helps you feel better during PMT
37 Can act as a natural remedy for some ailments
38 Increases self-esteem
39 Reduces the risk of breast cancer
40 Encourages you to become more socially interactive

41 Tones inner thighs
42 Acts as an anti-depressant
43 Lifts and firms buttocks
44 Helps you to unwind
45 Improves balance
46 Improves co-ordination
47 Can dramatically improve your body shape
48 Promotes a good night’s sleep
49 Reduces cholesterol
50 Improves discipline
51 Increases motivation
52 Combats fatigue
53 Tones back of the arms
54 Promotes therapeutic benefits
55 Gets rid of headaches
56 Increases a new zest for life
57 Firms chest muscles
58 Helps make your hair shinier and healthier
59 Increases body’s immunity system
60 Helps fight against colds and flus

61 Strengthens joints
62 Can naturally provide the same benefits as HRT
63 Can help prevent injury to muscles and joints
64 Gives face a nice, healthy glow
65 Reduces bodyfat from hips
66 Helps the body to become more curvaceous
67 Allows you to eat a little bit more
68 Burns calories that would normally lie as fat
69 Gyms/Fitness Classes can improve your social life
70 Helps you to be more content with yourself
71 Helps you deal with life’s problems more effectively
72 Helps you think more rationally about life
73 Increases your happiness
74 Promotes well-being
75 Increases strength in legs
76 Prevents children from gaining weight
77 Encourages confidence in children
78 Helps build up a natural defence system
79 Fights off sickness and infection
80 Combats boredom
81 Helps prevent varicose veins
82 Maintains joint flexibility
83 Increases mobility in joints
84 Gives you more energy
85 Can help with arthritis in joints
86 Helps strengthen lungs (in the case of asthma)
87 Gives you a more positive outlook on life
88 Promotes a positive self-image
89 Maintains muscle tone and fitness during pregnancy
90 Helps you cope better during labour
91 Acts as an outlet for tension and stress
92 Can aid in the rehabilitation of muscle injury
93 Helps you lose weight off your abdominals
94 Helps you look and feel ten times better
95 Helps you lose weight off the right places
96 Assists the internal organs to function smoothly and effectively
97 Is a healthy way for you and your family to spend quality time
98 Helps you let off steam
99 Sends oxygen to the part of the brain which prevents depression
100 Finally, EXERCISE is FUN, FUN, FUN!!!



100 Reasons To Exercise

Mar 08, 2010

I borrowed this from the same source Annielou used for her post this morning. Victoria bariatric surgery.  I am printing this for my own use.  I challenge everyone to pick one or two of the reasons for yourself for today and get out there and just do the exercise.  Today I p-ick numbers 19 and 21.  What numbers or reasons are you going to pick for today.  Go burn some calories with me.  Hugs

100 Reasons To Exercise  

A recent survey showed that people could find more reasons NOT to exercise, quicker than they could find reasons TO exercise. Now you have NO excuses!

Here are 100 good reasons to exercise. Make a list of the ones that you would like to achieve and use these reasons as your own personal motivators.

1 Helps to reduce bodyfat
2 Helps lower blood pressure
3 Increases efficiency of heart and lungs
4 Promotes increased flexibility
5 Increases overall fitness level
6 Burns loads of calories
7 Improves blood circulation
8 Strengthens muscles
9 Increases bone density
10 Helps to prevent osteoporosis
11 Slims the body
12 Improves posture
13 Helps you look younger
14 Slows down the aging process
15 Improves your sex life!!!!
16 Reduces risk of back pain
17 Helps improve the look of cellulite
18 Helps you relax and unwind
19 Boosts metabolic rate which helps weight loss
20 Increases energy levels

21 Promotes a natural high
22 Helps reduce your appetite
23 Reduces risk of heart disease
24 Reduces risk of cancer
25 Keeps skin clear
26 Reduces stress
27 Gives your body more definition
28 Encourages you to eat healthy foods
29 Stimulates your mind
30 Can prevent diabetes (Type 2 only)

31 Encourages a healthier lifestyle
32 Helps you enjoy life to the full
33 Increases confidence
34 Improves assertiveness
35 Can help to ease period cramps
36 Helps you feel better during PMT
37 Can act as a natural remedy for some ailments
38 Increases self-esteem
39 Reduces the risk of breast cancer
40 Encourages you to become more socially interactive

41 Tones inner thighs
42 Acts as an anti-depressant
43 Lifts and firms buttocks
44 Helps you to unwind
45 Improves balance
46 Improves co-ordination
47 Can dramatically improve your body shape
48 Promotes a good night’s sleep
49 Reduces cholesterol
50 Improves discipline
51 Increases motivation
52 Combats fatigue
53 Tones back of the arms
54 Promotes therapeutic benefits
55 Gets rid of headaches
56 Increases a new zest for life
57 Firms chest muscles
58 Helps make your hair shinier and healthier
59 Increases body’s immunity system
60 Helps fight against colds and flus

61 Strengthens joints
62 Can naturally provide the same benefits as HRT
63 Can help prevent injury to muscles and joints
64 Gives face a nice, healthy glow
65 Reduces bodyfat from hips
66 Helps the body to become more curvaceous
67 Allows you to eat a little bit more
68 Burns calories that would normally lie as fat
69 Gyms/Fitness Classes can improve your social life
70 Helps you to be more content with yourself
71 Helps you deal with life’s problems more effectively
72 Helps you think more rationally about life
73 Increases your happiness
74 Promotes well-being
75 Increases strength in legs
76 Prevents children from gaining weight
77 Encourages confidence in children
78 Helps build up a natural defence system
79 Fights off sickness and infection
80 Combats boredom
81 Helps prevent varicose veins
82 Maintains joint flexibility
83 Increases mobility in joints
84 Gives you more energy
85 Can help with arthritis in joints
86 Helps strengthen lungs (in the case of asthma)
87 Gives you a more positive outlook on life
88 Promotes a positive self-image
89 Maintains muscle tone and fitness during pregnancy
90 Helps you cope better during labour
91 Acts as an outlet for tension and stress
92 Can aid in the rehabilitation of muscle injury
93 Helps you lose weight off your abdominals
94 Helps you look and feel ten times better
95 Helps you lose weight off the right places
96 Assists the internal organs to function smoothly and effectively
97 Is a healthy way for you and your family to spend quality time
98 Helps you let off steam
99 Sends oxygen to the part of the brain which prevents depression
100 Finally, EXERCISE is FUN, FUN, FUN!!!




Long term weight loss and maintenance after Gastric Bypass

Mar 08, 2010

Thanks Annielou for the article.

Long term weight loss and maintenance after Gastric Bypass

This page is sort of a "user's manual" for the stomach pouch created in the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. The guide is targeted to patients who underwent GBP more than 6 months previously, but the best results are achieved by patients who begin to live by these guidelines even before the procedure. Thanks go to Latham Flanagan, MD. Many of the concepts and many of the terms used in this outline have been learned from him. Dr. Flanagan practices bariatric surgery in Eugene, OR.

The first year after gastric bypass is usually very rewarding, but this time can also be confusing, frustrating and frightening. The function of the stomach pouch "tool" changes almost continuously over the first six months, and continues to change periodically over the year or so. Just when the patient feels they have begun to understand the stomach pouch/tool and how to use it, things change all over again.

There is an especially frightening change that takes place around 6-9 months after the surgery. The stomach pouch softens and expands slightly so that a patient regains a regular appetite and can "suddenly" tolerate a significantly larger amount of food. Patients frequently worry that something has pulled apart or broken on the inside, though this is rarely the case. This increased interest in food and increased capacity for food is a very natural and appropriate part of the recovery process after gastric bypass surgery. The reason it frightens patients so much is that they had previously felt they had control of their weight for the first time in their lives, and the renewed appetite threatens that they are losing control once again.

This page is about how to gain control of your weight using the stomach pouch "tool" and to keep control of the weight for life. The first thing to realize is that for the first six months or so after gastric bypass you did NOT have control of your weight. The pounds were going to come off almost no matter what you did. The stomach pouch could not handle enough calories to maintain weight for the first few months - we call this the "honeymoon" period after gastric bypass. The return of appetite and the increase in food capacity signal an end to the honeymoon period and a transition to the rest of life.

Your surgeon has created a stomach pouch that will be your tool to use to control your weight for life. We describe the stomach pouch as a tool so that patients understand the necessity that you learn how to use it, and stick with the "rules of the tool" over time. Patients who are aiming for the best long term success begin using these concepts and rules immediately after the gastric bypass. The time to really choose your new habits is during the early recovery after surgery - this is when your motivation is highest, and the rest of your life has been thrown out of kilter by the surgery anyway. Use this early recovery period to choose your new exerciseand diet habits. And even though patients lose weight "no matter what" for the first few months, use of the concepts outlined below will also maximize the weight loss during the honeymoon period - take advantage of this time so that when appetite and capacity return there is not so much further to go in achieving a weight goal.

The "Rules of the Tool"
OK, here are the magic "rules of the tool" (are you ready?): Diet and Exercise. Seriously. The good news is that diet and exercise, supported by your pouch/tool, can help you achieve your goal weight with excellent energy and without uncomfortable hunger. The specific guidelines are below:

Exercise keys
Regular exercise is at least as important to success as following the diet recommendations outlined below. In this context, regular exercise means some kind of vigorous aerobic activity, at least 45 minutes in duration, at least 5 days per week. Patients who achieve this goal can reliably expect to have improved energy and improved weight loss.

Hibernation mode and Hunting mode
It appears easiest to understand these benefits by thinking back to the evolution of our ancestors. Back in "cave man days" starvation was a constant threat, and our bodies were evolved to store any extra calories in preparation for the lean times. During lean times, the body is programmed to do everything possible to hold onto the calorie stores. So the first response of the body when faced with starvation (during a drought for our ancestors, or after gastric bypass surgery for us) is to conserve all possible energy by turning down the "metabolic thermostat." This means that fewer calories are burned and the person feels like sleeping and being away from activity - they are easily fatigued. Some call this the "hibernation mode," and it is as if the long winter has come and the best adaptation is to go way back into the cave and wait until the weather (and the hunting) improve. (Note that the hibernation response can also lead to depression and difficulty interacting with others.)

The role of exercise in this situation can be thought of as "fooling" the body into a different mode called "hunting mode." If the body is treated to regular vigorous physical activity during starvation, its interpretation may be that the person is foraging or hunting. The body (from an evolutionary standpoint) would be in favor of hunting because it could lead to more calorie intake, so it provides more energy to facilitate the acquisition offood - it turns up the "metabolic thermostat". This upregulation means that more calories are burned throughout the 24 hour period (besides the extra calories burned during the exercise) and the person has a significantly increased feeling of energy. Note that this discussion about hibernation mode and hunting mode is written as a way of understanding the observed effects of exercise after gastric bypass - these are not scientifically established physiologic events.

The best time to begin your exercise program is before the gastric bypass. Again we're serious. Success in gastric bypass is all about choosing the right habits, with the support of the surgery to improve your success. If you exercise and diet before the surgery, you will have a strong impact on reducing your surgical risk. You will also benefit from having your plan in place, so you don't have to figure it out during the confused recovery phase after surgery. If exercise is not begun before surgery, then it should be started as soon as possible after surgery. Discuss details with your surgeon, but generally we advise patients to maximize their physical activity from the outset.

This starts with walking on the same day as surgery, and should progress to more vigorous activity as the months go by. People who put off regular exercise until they feel "all recovered" or who try to start exercising when they realize they are not on course to reach their goal weight generally do not achieve or keep the new habit. Patients who work hard on exercise early after the surgery find it very rewarding. As the weight falls off, the capacity for exercise improves dramatically, with significant improvements on a week-by-week basis. Two objections to the exercise program that we frequently hear are that the patient is too heavy, or too fatigued. The first of these is unfortunately valid in many of our patients who are extremely heavy - people with a BMI of 70 or more frequently cannot engage in routine exercise. The good news is that people with extreme weights burn a large number of calories by simply walking. The amount of physical work done (which translates into calories burned) comes from how much mass is moved and how far it goes.

The message here is that the benefits of exercise can be realized in many ways - just work as hard as you can and do it frequently. Fatigue is the second objection. Patients sometimes tell us that they can't imagine walking to the door and back, especially in the first few months after surgery. Our answer is to do your best to exercise anyway. This complaint is likely to be a manifestation of hibernation syndrome, which can be shaken off by exercise.

Diet Keys
The goals of the long term gastric bypass diet are:

  • consume minimal calories (promote weight loss)
  • consume adequate nutrition (achieve excellent long term health)
  • achieve the two goals above without undue hunger or cravings

These goals can all be achieved by using the pouch/tool with the right kinds of food, at the right intervals, and with appropriate management of fluids. The first thing to understand is that when the pouch is filled with food it sends signals to the brain that say that hunger is satisfied - no additional food is needed. This feeling is called "satiety." Any time a mature pouch is stretched by stuff inside it, the pouch will send a satiety signal to the brain, and (here's the cool part) the satiety signal will continue as long as the stuff is still in the pouch! Therefore, keeping in mind the goals above, a patient should do the

  • Eat no more than three meals per day, with NO nibbling between meals. This will limit the volume of food and naturally limit the number of calories. One of these meals should definitely include breakfast - it has been shown that absence of nutrient intake causes the appetite center to "gear up" or become more sensitive, resulting in greater overall calorie intake through the day. This may work by means of an "ileal satiety feedback receptor" which (when exposed to nutrients several hours after they are taken in) may help suppress appetite. Use solid protein (chicken, fish, etc) as the basis for each meal. It is OK to use some vegetables for variety. The solid protein will meet your nutritional needs, and it is the best food to "hang around" in the pouch to give a longer feeling of satiety. Many patients learn early on that they cannot hold nearly as much chicken as they can mashed potatoes - this is a GOOD effect. The effect exists because solid proteins do not pass out of the pouch too easily, resulting in less volume consumed. Simple carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, rice, bread) should also be minimized because of their effect on blood sugar. Simple carbohydrates are close relatives of sugar, so that the calories in these foods are rather easily absorbed and they tend to "rush" into the system and drive the blood sugar up quickly. Because the amount of carbohydrate consumed was not very large the blood sugar soon begins to fall, but by this time the pancreas is pumping out large amounts of insulin (a hormone which pushes blood sugar down) and this combination causes the blood sugar to drop too low. At this point the patient is experiencing hypoglycemia, and the deep urge to consume food - if they consume a simple carbohydrate (such as juice, or a bit of potato) they will be back on the blood sugar roller coaster. A cycle of blood sugar highs and lows such as this leads to consumption of way too many calories, and the calories have no nutritional benefit. On the other hand, proteins take a while to digest, and so they are absorbed slowly. This provides a longer term steadier energy source for your body, avoiding the high/crash cycle.
  • Don't drink liquids with meals, and don't drink for at least two hours after your meal. Liquids taken after a meal will wash the food out of the pouch, releasing the tension on the walls of the pouch, and losing the feeling of satiety. In other words, consumption of liquids (with a mature pouch/tool) may be followed by a feeling of emptiness or hunger. Note that soup is a particularly poor food choice, because it is just like drinking with your meal. The liquefied food will pass quickly through the pouch, which allows more calories to be consumed and leaves the pouch empty. Note also that this part of the plan is not appropriate to begin practicing in the first three months or so after gastric bypass - in the early period after surgery it is enough of a struggle to get in adequate liquid (and hunger is not a huge challenge) that it is appropriate to begin drinking liquids about 30 minutes after you eat.

It's a good idea to re-read this set of instructions each month until you've really "got it." It takes a lot of effort, determination, and practice to use your pouch/tool in the best way - the good news is that the results are worth it!


02/24/10 interesting top 10

Feb 24, 2010

Borrowed this from someone else.  Had to borrow and post for my own enjoyment.

Number 10
Life is sexually transmitted.  
Number 9
Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. 

Number 8
Men have two emotions:
Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection,
make him a sandwich. 

Number 7
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day,
teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks. 

Number 6
Some people are like a Slinky...
Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile 
when you shove them down the stairs. 

Number 5
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.  

Number 4
All of us could take a lesson from the weather.  It pays no attention to Criticism.  

Number 3
Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200.00
and a substantial tax cut saves you $30.00? 

Number 2
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is Weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.... 

And The Number 1 Thought For 2010
" Life is like a jar of Jalapeno peppers
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"


Valentines posting

Feb 14, 2010

I got snapdragons from my hubby, my fav flowers. 

Happy Valentines Day everyone.


Snow sculptures, 02/13/10 Ely, MN

Feb 13, 2010

I went to Ely, MN to take in the snow sculptures during the winter festival.  Just had to share some of the talent.  Amazing things that are done with the snow.  Nice to spend the day away.  Weather 28 degrees, very tolerable for mid Feb.



Jan 13, 2010

Happy New Year, a little late.  I start this year, 2010 weighing 100# less than I did in Feb 2009.  Wow, averages 10# a month loss.  Then I look at the scale and it just bounces up and down a couple of pounds.  Following the plan set by my surgeon.  Getting in 64 plus ounces of fluid a day, 60 plus grams of protein a day and my needed supplements.  I find that my sleep is fragmented due to working night shift.  Using the eye mask to simulate night helps a lot.

I am looking forward to a visit from my good friend Patrece, picking her up from the airport tomorrow.  Seems like years since we met even though just a few short months ago.  Amazing how some friendships develop so quickly. 

January warm up expected this week here in MN, temps in the upper 20's for the next few days.

Probiotics Help Gastric-Bypass Patients Lose Weight More Quickl

Jan 10, 2010

Thank you to Guayas for this article.

Probiotics Help Gastric-Bypass Patients Lose Weight More Quickly

ScienceDaily (July 13, 2009) — New research from the Stanford University School of Medicine and Stanford Hospital & Clinics suggests that the use of a dietary supplement after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery can help obese patients to more quickly lose weight and to avoid deficiency of a critical B vitamin.

In a study published in the July issue of the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, John Morton, MD, associate professor of surgery at the medical school, showed that patients who take probiotics after the gastric-bypass procedure tend to shed more pounds than those who don't take the supplements. Probiotics are the so-called "good" bacteria found in yogurt as well as in over-the-counter dietary supplements that help in the digestion of food.


"Surprisingly, the probiotic group attained a significantly greater percent of excess weight loss than that of control group," said Morton, who wrote the paper with lead author Gavitt Woodard, a third-year medical student, and five other medical students at the Surgery Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation in Stanford's Department of Surgery. Morton has performed more than 1,000 of these bypasses at Stanford Hospital & Clinics.

The researchers followed 44 patients on whom Morton had performed the procedure from 2006 to 2007. Patients were randomized into either a probiotic or a control group. Both groups received the same bariatric medical care and nutritional counseling, as well as the support of weight-loss study groups. Both groups also were allowed to consume yogurt, a natural source of probiotics. In addition, the probiotic group consumed one pill per day of Puritan's Pride, a probiotic supplement that is available online and in many stores. Morton has no financial ties to the company that makes the supplement.

The study showed that at three months, the probiotics group registered a 47.6 percent weight loss, compared with a 38.5 percent for the control group.

The study also found that levels of vitamin B-12 were higher in the patients taking probiotics — a significant finding because patients often are deficient in B-12 after gastric-bypass surgery. The probiotics group had B-12 levels of 1,214 picograms per milliliter at three months, compared with the control group's levels of 811 pg/mL.

Morton said he now recommends probiotic supplements to his patients, and he plans to continue to look for ways to enhance the outcomes from the procedure.

Roughly 15 million Americans are morbidly obese, and bypass surgery is becoming an increasingly common treatment for the problem. Some 150,000 Americans who have a body mass index of more than 40 — who are typically at least 100 pounds overweight — have the procedure each year.

Morton said the study was prompted by the fact that some patients have problems eating after gastric-bypass surgery. "For some reason, the food doesn't go down right," he said. When no anatomical reasons could be found for blockages, he hypothesized that a build-up of bacteria in the intestine — bacterial overgrowth — might be the culprit.

"Bacterial overgrowth can be bad in that it changes your motility, how you empty," Morton said. "A lot of people aren't aware that we all carry about a lot of bacteria in our intestines and that they're extremely helpful in aiding digestion. And I thought, 'Well, if we give these patients probiotics, then maybe we can improve these symptoms.'

"Part of the obesity puzzle may be due to the kind of bacteria you have in your intestine," he said.

There was no outside funding for the study.

