Down 200 pounds

Apr 21, 2010

I am officially down 200 pounds as of yesterday.

I went to the doctor to see if I had a blockage, turns out I have 2 bleeding ulcers from eating to much salsa.

The good thing is I got some meds that made me feel better and they weighed me and I was like Yay!!!!!!!, I was down 200 pounds from a year ago.

Well, I am hoping to lose at least 25 more and see if I can maintain 200 lbs if my surgery will allow me to slow down.

Dennis From Ga

SoCal, SoCool

Dec 20, 2009

I don't post a lot on this thing, so here we go. I had surgery on the 8th of April 2009, I am officially down from 425 to 264, 161 pounds gone in 8 months.

I work at a nuclear plant out here in SoCal and life is good, plenty of beaches to the west and mountains to the east.

I am in between LA and San Diego, man could it get any better than that ?

I am down to a snug 38 in jeans and a loose 2x shirt, I have been hitting all the thrift stores, for some odd reason the rich folks here don't wear their clothes to long and they simply give them to Goodwill.

I am going to Disneyland next this Thursday 24th, I get in free cause its my birthday, YAY!!!!!

I am going to Mexico City the following Wed for 3 days, I will be going to see Templo Mayor, Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon and Teotihuacán.

It's so good to be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also have met someone here, just as a friend who has invited me to and all inclusive 4 day trip to Cairn, Australia, she got us and awseome deal, we are just waiting on March to get here.

So, Life Is Good.................Dennis

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Apr 17, 2009

How much can I do and when, I get really tired after walking is that to be expected. I want to start back lifting weights, but I got 2 more weeks before I can. I havent got on a scale, but I can see I have lost weight. Maybe I should not start off walking an hour a week after surgery.

Sunny Out Today

Apr 15, 2009

I have been out of the hospital for almost a week today.

I went and walked around the local Wal-Mart, this way  if I fell out my friend at the bank could come get me up lol.

I am also feeling quiet well, my wounds are healing good, my mood is pretty good.

I go back to my docs next week for check up visit maybe he will avoid the scales lol, if not I will let you know on here how much I have lost YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

1 comment

morning all

Apr 13, 2009

Its day 6 for me, I got up this moring and took the kid to school. I had a few things to do before I came back home, so I went and walked some around wal mart,shopped......etc. I cam home took the trash off, went and check the mail, folded clothes,washed clothes.
I got kinda of tired after being up for 3 hours, I had to lay down for abour an hour or so, hopefully this is to be expected.

Ok Im outta here for the day.


Back and Doing Great

Apr 10, 2009

Hi Everyone,

I am back home and everything seems to be going fine. Dr Paul Macik had me in and out in no time for a quick recovery. I was nervous about it but now its done and I am on my way to sucess.

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2 more days

Apr 06, 2009

I have 2 more days to go, I am having the RNY with Dr Paul Macik. I am a bit nervous this morning, it must be the thought of actually getting it done.
I guess we all feel nervous at some point, but I kept in the back of my head for weeks now. I couldnt even sleep last night, hopefully I will tonight.
I am hoping that alot of good things come out of this for me.


Last Visit

Apr 01, 2009

I am headed to Atlanta for my pre-op stuff to do, then off to Jacksonville Florida Friday to kinda of clear my thoughts on the new me that will be emerging in months to come.

About Me
lyons, GA
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2009
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