
Jul 21, 2010

Its been a long time since I have post I have been going through a lot these past couple of months I lost my mother in law to cancer and just coming back to work after being for from a leave. Im down to a size 6 and some small and med shirts I know that I need to post some new pics soon and I promise I will health wise I feel great and is eating more and almost can eat what I want with no problems have been exercising less lately since its been too hot to go to the walking park and Im in the process of getting my ymca membership


6 months down

Mar 24, 2010

Just reached my six month mark and I cant complain with the results Im in a size 12 med shirts and even down a shoe size I have to post some updated pics soon. Im  at 175 the dr want me 2 get 2 150 either was Im happy where im at I have been exercising more lately been going to the walking park at least 3x a week


3.5 months out

Jan 06, 2010

Happy New Year to  all

I hope all is well I have lost almost 65 lbs I'm now in a size 14 pants yes a 14 i was 22/24. I'm 1 size from my 16 year old I'm soo pleased with myself. I'm still having some pain in my stomach a little hope i don't have another hernia i haven't been exercising  how I'm suppose to but that will change i will be going back to the YMCA actually on Friday i will be takin zumba class with my daughter i need to start righting the loose skin up my eating has been alright i at least once a week want something sweet i find my favorite to  be weigh watcher cookie and cream ice cream its SO good i have the entire family eating it i don't regret having the surgery i happy that I'm under 200lbs and i can tell the difference i don't have no problems climbing stairs and i can cross my legs  I have to get some updated pictures op soon


Finally Back At Work

Nov 21, 2009

Today is my first day back things are going well now I just cant wait to start back going to the ymca to work out everyone at work has notice the change in me i just have to work eating sometimes i think that im eating too much and then there are time when i think that im not eating enough but  homemade salads have became my meal of choice i hope all is well keep me in prayer and i will do the same for you


2 weeks from hernia surgery

Nov 03, 2009

Hello its been 2 weeks since i have surgery and let me tell you its been rough i had to say in the hospital for 2 days the pain was a mess i couldnt believe that i was in that much pain since i have had 3 kids and less than 4 weeks b4 had surgery if i could do it over again i would had to deal with the pain just a little bit longer but im better now i thank god for my parents and my husband they been the best im hoping that i will be able to go back to work soon but im not rushing it cause im still sore and i work 10.5  hr shifts so really not looking forward to going back but if i made it this far i know i will be alright going back im down to 215 my family is telling me that they see the different and it just make me smile cause it make me feel good


Follow up visit with surgon

Oct 16, 2009

Well today i went to the dr for the follow up due to the alleric reaction to the meds got the results of the cat scan and found out that i have 2 hermia now i have to surgery on thursday to have them removed so now i wont be back to work on wednesday bitter sweet the good thing is that its outpatient so everyone please keep me in prayer


3 weeks since surgery

Oct 15, 2009

Its been 3 weeks since i had surgery i feel good i go back to work on wednesday im down to 225 from 260 and cant believe its still coming off im soo happy that i went throught with the surgery and have no regrets of having it i just cant believe the recovery was great no issues except with the the reaction the the med but that was minor i need to go and get some pants to wear to work cause i cant fit my  pants they r too baggy i might go this weekend to buy a outfit or two just to feel comfortable when i do go back


Emergency Room Visit

Oct 08, 2009

Hello every one had to go to the hospital yesterday had a alleric reation to my gallstone medicin they had to give me 2 iv's meds and 2 shots. i felt terrible my whole body had swollen up i couldnt even walk or get my self together i had to stop the med for my gallbladder so now i hope that i wont have any issues with that i feel alot better today i came home with 3 meds had to be put on steriods. im struggling eating cause i feel like i keep eating the same thing over and over and its making me not want to eat anything.


Been home for 1 week

Oct 02, 2009

Hi everybody I have been home 1 week today things are going ok. Im have some soreness on my stomach i think that  i pulled a muscle i called the dr office the nurse said that just take it easy but im too sore i go to the dr on tuesday so i hope all will be well still having trouble with drinking all the ozs im supposed to be drinking not really eating that much also kinda tired these couple of days


4 Days after sugery

Sep 27, 2009

Hi Everyone

I had my sugery on wednesday things went very very well my only problem is leaving on friday they took out my tube and it hurt like crazy which i felt set me back a little cause i was up and walking and that morning i was bearly walking when the tube came out yesterday my back was hurting a little put a heating pad on my back but havent taken any pain meds since yesterday ( saturday). Im kinda confussed about what i should be eating on the pureed menu which i started today i did try some oatmeal but got 1/2 teaspoon. if anyone have some suggestions about i can eat please let me know.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2009
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 18
