
Jan 12, 2007

Hello all just wanted to let everyone know i'm at home not feeling the greatest, had to stay an extra day in the hospital but I thank the lord I'm alive and kicking, will update later.

1/9/07 This is it!

Jan 08, 2007

Well people the moment has arrived it is 4:00 am and I am on my way to the hospital, I have to check in at 6:00 am so I am up and ready to go and ain't no stopping me now, so keep me in your prayers if you are reading this, see ya on the loosing side.


Jan 08, 2007

Just wanted to check in with less than 24 hours to go, you know my nerves are running kinda rampant but I'm trying to remain calm. I have just been keeping busy with the family since my brothers are here they are driving me crazy that helps to keep my mind clear. So I guess I will try to check in before I leave in the morning, see ya.


Jan 06, 2007

Good morning, just wanted to stop by and say a few words, I'm on my way out to go and pick up a few minute last minute items like protein powder and a robe, which I will not use when I go home so it will be a waste of money. Well, I  will probably post a couple of  times before Tuesday because this is what is keeping me calm, holla!


Jan 05, 2007

Well, hello everyone just sitting here at work, kinda bored not a lot to do, have done all my casenotes and everything is order for me to go on medical leave. Just ready for my day to get here all ready, it seems like time have started to slow down the closer I get. But  don't want to rush it too much, I will check in tomorrow see ya!


Jan 03, 2007

Good morning people just wanted to stop by for a quick update, all is well with about four days to go. But  i had this dream last night and i don't know what to make of it. Let me tell you, i was going in for the surgery and it was like I was having an out of body experience (Weird I know) anyhow i was walking all over the hospital until i got to the surgical room and i was on the table and blood was every where and the surgeon was walking around all care free like nothing was wrong and then i woke up. So i really don't know what to think, but i just prayed and turned it over to god  and i will leave it at that. i think maybe because i have been so calm about the whole situation this was maybe to make me aware that it is really going to happen. Well, i will try and post this weekend let me get back to work, but if you have any comment feel free to leave them see ya.


Dec 30, 2006

Hey y'all, just trying to do my weekly update, well you know last time had a little scare with bruise on my arm,however it turned out fine and everything still is a go. I am now down to 1 week and 1day and the nerves are hitting hard but I continue to pray and stay positive and know and trust in god that I will be fine. I have a lot of family support both of my brothers are flying out to be here and my sister already lives here, so I have started to clean house and  buy all my vitamins get everything ready for the big day. I wish everyone a happy New Year and I will try and post a couple more time before my rebirth comes, see ya.


Dec 23, 2006

Hello all, just  checking in, as each day comes closer I am starting to get a little bit nervous, yet trying to keep my cool around my family because I do not want to upset them.  I go for my pre-ops on Tuesday, wondering how that will be, guess it can't be any worse then the other test I have done. Anyhow, just wanted to wish every one a happy holiday season, talk to ya later.


Dec 17, 2006

Hello all, just realized i had not done my weekly update, so thought i better get to it. As of today i have 3 weeks and one day  to go until the "Big Day" i   am not as nervous as i think i should be but i am kinda worried , because i fell last week and messed up my arm really bad . I'm okay but i have noticed that where i cut my arm right on the vain it is really hard right there and very sore i thought this was normal but my friend thinks it maybe a blood clot, Can you say scared now ! So i will be calling my PC first thing in the morning and try and get an appointment.  I hope that i will not receive any bad news to make me have to change my date.So until next week see ya.

PS. unless i have to update about my arm.


Dec 09, 2006

Hello all, just wanted to stop in and give a weekly update my time is slowly but surely counting down. I have about  4 weeks and a day to go before I get to the loosing side. I am just trying to get ready for Christmas so I was out doing a little shopping today and the malls are a mad house but they usually are this time of the year. Anyhow I will continue to update as I get closer to the big day lol.

About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 28, 2006
Member Since

Friends 58

Latest Blog 32
1/9/08 "Happy Surgiversary to me"
1/1/08 Happy New years!
11/10/07 10 months out!
9/28/07 8 1/2 months
8/25/07 7 1/2 months
7/10/07 6 months!
6/11/07 5 Months
