Waiting on confirmation...

Dec 17, 2008

Well, so I went to my original info session on my birthday, October 9th 2008.  Got all the info and decided I definitely wanted to go through with the Lap Band surgery.  Since then, I scheduled my appts with the Surgeon, the Nutritionist, the nurse, and the appt for a psych eval test.  By the end of November I completed each appt and went to my first support group meeting (there's a mandatory 2 prior to surgery).  Went back to the Surgeon for another followup and he said I was good to go on getting a surgery date!  First he said he didn't see why not for January, but then I got a call from the woman in charge of the Bariatric Surgery Program and she said another woman would call me in 2 weeks to schedule, but she didn't see it happening until February.  I was kind of hoping for the New Year to get it done right away while I'm still on winter break from college.. But I'll wait my turn!

This coming semester all 6 of my classes are online, so whenever I have the surgery should be just fine, since I can still do school work from home.  I'm nervous and anxious all at the same time.  I can't wait to just get it done now and go on living my new and improved laptastic life!

So Christmas is chugging along ever so quickly this year... I just finished up what would be the worst semester in my 8 year long college career!  Gained almost 10 pounds the last couple of months of school because I never had a free minute to actually cook food.  I would literally sit down for 12-14 hours STRAIGHT at my PC writing papers, lesson plans, assessments, etc.  It was madness.  I barely had enough energy to go to class after pulling all nighters, let alone go to the gym.  It was quite depressing to not have any time for any outlet of enjoyment.

Now though, I just (2 days ago) turned in my last assignment and am ready to have a month and a half of freedom!  First thing in the morning I'm hitting the gym and getting back into a more healthful routine.  That makes me happy just thinking about it.  Oh I also was able to finally finish wrapping my Christmas presents and cleaned the apartment!  A good clean, not a half-assed in between writing thesis papers sort of clean!

In other news, I'm a new and first time Auntie.  My brother and his wife just had their first child last Thursday, so I've been overly consumed with being the highly involved Aunt.  I love kids and babies especially hold a place in my heart, so I've been gushing for a week over him.  I'm already planning his college graduation-  I haven't even graduated yet!  But anyways, so that's that. 

Anywho, I'll try to keep up on myself and blog with some sort of frequency.

Until next time!



About Me
Peabody, MA
Sep 28, 2008
Member Since

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