It's been ONE year ALREADY!!

Sep 28, 2009

WOW!  I cant believe it's been a year already! 

How have things changed....
I started this journey at 339 lbs....with high blood pressure for which I took 2 pills a day....high cholesterol for which I took a pill...Sleep apnea for which I needed a CPAP but never did get it....along with feeling miserable and trying to hide it...achy knees and back...all the other usual things!  I wore size 26 jeans and 26/28 or 4XL shirts!

I weigh 172 lbs....I have no more high high cholesterol (in fact...Dr Williams said yesterday that my cholesterol is better than his!) more sleep apnea....and most of the achiness is gone!  I feel WONDERFUL!  I wear either size 10 or 12 in jeans depending on the brand and medium or large shirts! 

I knew I was going to lose a lot of weight!  I never dreamed it would be 167 lbs in ONE YEAR!  I have never been this thin...EVER!  I have never felt so amazing!  I have never been so proud of myself.  I have never been an "INSPIRATION" until now!

People often ask..."What is your secret?  How did you do it?"'s no secret at all!  I followed Dr Williams guidelines!  I move my body!  I measure my food...even at a year out (that way I know exactly how much I'm eating and can easily figure how much protein, calories, etc I'm getting)! 
I find ways to work in exercise....for work....I'm in a confined space...but I move as much as I can....I walk/jog in squats...leg lifts...side steps........whatever I can think of to do to keep my body moving!
I do what diets/doctors have been telling me to do for years!  Only this time...I have had a tool to help me stick with it!

I love my RNY!  I love Dr Williams, Janet, and the rest of the staff at the office!  But, most importantly...I finally love MYSELF!  That's the most amazing feeling in the world!

8 Months out!!

Jun 02, 2009

On May 29th I weighed for my 8 month weigh in...and guess what???? 

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I was sooo thrilled!!!  I dont ever remember seeing a 1 in front of my weight before!  It's just an amazing feeling!  I instantly felt thinner!  haha  Maybe that makes me sound crazy!  But, it's true!  I never want to forget that feeling!    I wonder how I will feel when I reach MY goal weight!  Only 47.2 pounds away!  I use to wonder "if" I make wonder "WHEN" I make it!  Because...I know I'm going to!

Several people have told me that I'm an inspiration to them.  WOW!  That is absolutely the BEST compliment anyone could ever give me!  It truly inspires me to do even better and try even harder to get to my goal! 

I've heard people talk about this before...but didnt think that I would experience it.  Sometimes...when I look at myself...I still see the "old" me.  The much bigger me.  Weird!  I'm 140 something pounds lighter....and I still see the 339 lb me at times.  And when I go shopping...I tend to buy stuff too big and have to take it back!  I look at smaller sizes and think "That will never fit me"  but sure does!  

Those of you who have been through this know....and those of you who are thinking about or getting ready to have surgery will see.....THIS IS AN AMAZING JOURNEY! 

Yes, I have some issues with sagging skin.  Not HORRIBLE...but...bad enough.  My arms and my breasts are the worst for me...and will be the first things I get fixed!  But, for those who are worried about things like that...I will definitely take the skin and the amazing way I feel now over not having sagging skin and still being big!

Oh yeah, the hair loss DOES stop!  Mine is coming back now!  I love my hair again!!!  Still gonna stay with the shorter do' as sooo many people tell me how it suits me!  I was worried that the shedding was NEVER gonna end...but like all those who've been through this before me said....It does stop and it does come back!

I hope that everyone is doing well....until next time....


PS...If anyone reading this has any question/concerns or just needs someone to talk to...feel free to contact me!
1 comment


Feb 22, 2009

The weight loss had slowed....a LOT!  But, looks like things are back in high gear!!  Thank God!  I was getting a little worried!  But, here it is...a week later....and I'm down 108 lbs!  YAY!  I bought a pair of size 16 pants yesterday and they FIT!  They were a little tight in the waist....but....not too bad!

Here's a pic!!!!  I look mad...hehe....but...I was really THRILLED!!
2-21-09Size16.jpg picture by gabiggurl24

4.5 months out and....

Feb 15, 2009

I weighed on Valentines day...4.5 months after my surgery....and.....I was down 101 lbs!!!  YAY!!!  I'm sooo excited I cant stand it!
On Sunday...I weighed again...just to see if it was really real...and guess what???  The scale said 236....that means....103 lbs GONE!!  OMG!  I couldnt believe it!  The weight loss had slowed for several weeks....I think I lost like 5 lbs the month of January! And now...BAM!  It's coming off again!

This process is amazing!  I LOVE MY RNY!!!

And I cant wait to see Dr Williams and Janet next month!!!

Only hair is still falling out like CRAZY!  I hope this slows down soon...or I may have to go wig shopping!  :)


I will upload my new "After" pics later on today!

A little over 3 months out!!

Jan 09, 2009

WOW!  Sooo many things have changed in the last 3 months!!  All for the better! 

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If you look CLOSELY in this can see that my collar bones are starting to show!!!!

I'm sooo glad that I decided to do this!  By far...the BEST decision I have ever made!

I went on Tuesday (Jan 6) for my 3 month follow up! I saw the Nut.  She's cool but said I need to eat more veggies   But, being the "good girl" that I am....I will try!  Janet was wonderful as always!  I love her!  She makes me feel soooo good and successful!  She was so excited to see me...and I was excited to see her too!  Once I realized that I wouldnt actually see Dr Williams....I was disappointed....but was PRAYING that Janet would be there!  I cant wait to go back for my 6 month follow up!!! 
I also saw my PCP on the BP was 110/70!!  OMG!!! And I havent taken meds since the first of October!!  YAY!!

So far, by my PCP's scale (which I try to weigh on every Monday afternoon...when I get up (I work 3rd shift).....I have lost 86 lbs!!  WOOOHOOO!  I have went from a size 26/28 to 18/20!!!!


It's been a while!

Dec 23, 2008

It's been a while since I updated!  I've been a very busy girl!!
6 more days and I'll be 3 months out!  I'm down 75.6 lbs!!!  I started in a size 26 jeans and am now in a 20!!  And they are a little loose in some places (the stomach and butt!)!!!!

Tomorrow morning I'm leaving for NC to see my family for Christmas!  I'm excited for them to see me!  Most of them havent seen me since the week after I had surgery!  They are going to be SHOCKED, I'm sure!  I cant wait!!!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Love n Hugs,
  Kelly O.


3 week visit with Dr Williams!

Oct 22, 2008

Yesterday I went for my 3 week visit with Dr Williams....and....I have lost 35 lbs!!  WOOOHOOO!!!!!  I am soooo excited!!  I cant believe that it's really REAL!  I have really done this...and it's working for me!
Also, Janet (the nurse) said that my BP was beautiful!  YAY! 

Some days it's tough...when I want to sit on the couch and eat pizza all day. I just have to remind myself that eating like that is what got me in this situation to start with. 
Other seems "normal" to eat only a few bites and be content.

Until next time....God bless you all!!


My new Furbaby!!

Oct 17, 2008

Yesterday evening my best friend who is a groomer at a Vet's office called me and told me that someone brought in a chocolate colored male poodle today.  He is about 7 years old...he was matted and was infested with fleas. But, the lady who found him couldnt keep him and they wanted to know if I wanted him. 
I saw him...and fell in love IMMEDIATELY!  He's soooo adorable!  He does have a few bald spots on his hind legs...appearantly from sleeping on concrete!
I went through this same thing a little over a year ago....which is when I got my baby, Riley! He is also a male poodle (he's the white one)....and was also mistreated by his previous owner.
So, now...I have TWO boys and I already love them both to pieces!!

This is Charlie!

Charlie and Riley together on the couch!

Charlie again....doesnt he look sooo cuddly!!!  :)

My First Meal!!!!

Oct 14, 2008

I just had my first meal of REAL food!!!

I baked some fish with salt and a little pepper...I had about 1/2 oz of that and a couple of very small bites of potato!  So far so good!  I dont feel "full" but then I didnt actually feel hungry when I sat down to eat! 
I was soooo looking forward to eating but when it was actually time to sit down and eat I got scared!  I was sooo scared of getting sick. 

Silly me didnt weigh the night before, I didnt know exactly how much I had lost.  Yesterday was exactly two weeks since surgery so I decided to go to my PCP and weigh.  I went there the Friday before surgery and I weighed 339....yesterday I weighed 311!!!  That's 28 lbs in 2 weeks!!!  WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!   

Until next time....God bless you all!

High School Football Games...

Oct 11, 2008

I'm in NC visiting my family.  Last night (Friday Night) I went to my brother's football game.  WOW!  Hot dogs, pizza, nachos, and coke!  That's all I saw ALL night!  Talk about MIND HUNGER!  I felt as if I were going to cave!  hehe  But, I thought about the weight I want to lose...turned up my water bottle....and moved on!  ((not that I could have really eaten any of that anyway this early out))

Something rather exciting DID happen Thursday night!  My brother has huge feet (size 16) and he was pretending he was going to slip my mom's sandle on.  Then, I was like "Let me try!"....KNOWING that my feet are size 10 and my mom wears an 8-8.5!  OMG....the sandle FIT!!  I guess I've had to buy bigger sizes because of all the water retention in my feet!  THAT was a wonderful feeling!  I keep sliding them on and walking around in   I think my mom is getting sick of me screeching over how I can wear her sandles!

I'm heading home in a few hours  :(   I'm going to miss them terribly!

About Me
Wilkesboro, NC
Surgery Date
Aug 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 63

Latest Blog 16
My new Furbaby!!
My First Meal!!!!
High School Football Games...
