
Mar 14, 2007

so my it has been a long time since i wrote well whats been going on is i went to my dietician appt and found out that i should have been seeing her during my supervized diet. well no fear she said we can see each other every 2wks to make sure we get in enough visits now i have my phyce eval on the 20th and i see the sleep lab tommorrow it really depends on if i have to come back for sleep test which most people have to have 2 visits 3 all together so i think that will take the longest time other than that where looking to be approved in the end of april if this sleep stuff doesnt take all year long surgery in may/june i cant wait well ya.ll talk to yall then good luck

on my way

Feb 07, 2007

so it seems as if i am on my way i have phyce eval march 20 see the dietician on the 26th of feb sleep consult on the 15 of march last dr appt on the 19th i,d say i am on my way.


Jan 29, 2007

phyce eval scheduled march 20th

good news

Jan 19, 2007

so i dont have to go by the new rules so the weight i lost does count all i have left is my other consults.

new crap

Jan 08, 2007

happy new year to all its january 8,2007 so HAMP changed their guildlines to there bariactric surgery so if you were less then 4mths in your diet then you have to start over with the new rules which are as follows paticapate in the 6mth" I can change program " and loose 5% of your current body weight once registered in the program so since i was only in it 3 mth i have to start over i have already lost 18.2lbs current wght 360lbs  now i have to loose 15 more lbs. i guess i gone this far i can go the rest of the way huh well wish me luck.   thanks to all who have replied you go treece lose all that weight it wont be long before i,ll be next.

current wgt

Dec 29, 2006

365.4 (new wght)1/8/07 360.1


Dec 26, 2006


mood right now

Dec 24, 2006

well at this point i have something on my mind i must get off my boyfriend of three years ERIC we were talking about the surgery and what all i was going to need his help with. i expressed how inportant things were and i really needed him to be supportive when it came down to the wire. (we have disscussed this before where he seemed to not care if i had the surgery or not he just wanted me to be sure with my choice) however while we were talking this time he tells me that his family has told him to not let me do it. he has stated to them that he plans to support me in this but then tells me maybe their right whoknows if i will even want him when i lose this weight.! i personally am pissed off so i asked him if he felt as if i settled for him like i couldnt get any one else and he responded with silence so i asked him if thats how he really feels he was quick to say no after he realized what he said.  how dare he every man i have saught after i have gotten and belive me i dont have low standards well i thought i share that with you,ll     see ya   kesua.  oh yeah i forgot to tell you,ll i have already lost some weight my current this morning at the hospital is 368.2 i am so proud.  bye


Dec 22, 2006

okay so  I find out I have to lose 8lbs and not gain 10lbs others i have talked to say dont gain anything and to lose as much as i can so thats the goal wish me luck.   kesua


Dec 18, 2006

okay so finally i get to see the dietician today i find out how much weight i have to lose i cant wait. so wish me luck that its not a lot.  kesua

About Me
Champaign,, IL
Surgery Date
Nov 25, 2006
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