My old profile continued...

Jan 24, 2009

May 10th 2003

Well the weight loss has slowed down but it is still going! I am down to 180 Lbs. My goal is 160 by a year out. That means only 20 to go in the next 4 months. As long as I am a good girl I know I can do it. Honestly I have gone through a little bought with depression. More like anxiety. I get real worried that I won't be able to keep the weight off....or I will fail this like every diet I have tried. Basically I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. It almost like it has been to much of a good thing. Now I am trying to focus on all the good things and let myself be happy. It is hard sometimes when everything in your life goes right because then you think that pretty soon everything is going to go wrong. I also still see FAT when I look in the mirror. Even though I am only 20 from goal. I am going to see a therapist to help me throughtheses mental issues. In my opinion this surgery is harder mentally than it is physically. Would I do it again?? YOU KNOW I WOULD!!!

May 26

Down a couple lbs to 178. Weight loss is definatly slower. I am just taking it a day at a time and trying not to be to hard on myself. The Doc put me on some anti depressants to help with anxiety issues. It is a hard adjustment to not be able to eat normal meals. The best way to put it right now is I am adjusting. the newness has wore off and now I am trying to get acustumed to this new life. I am trying to retrain all my old habbits. Now it's up to me. Kinda scared. God will take me through this, he has brought me this far.

June 13th

Today is my 9 month surgery anniversary. I am down a total of 170 lbs. I have lost more than I weigh. I am at 164. 4 lbs from goal! I havn't been able to workout that much this week because of a lung infection so I suspect I won't loose much right now. I think I am going to push my goal back to 155. so 9 lbs to goal. I need a TT bad but it is 11,000 dollars. Money I don't have right now. And I should probably give it awhile anyway because my husband and I may want to have more children eventually. It is somewhat scary being this far out becaue now the reality sets in. You can very easily eat un healthy again or eaqt to much. This surgey gives you the oppurtunity for lifestyle change. It is not a magic solution that takes no effort on your part.
I was in the local paper this week for the final follow up story on my surgery. Everyone loved the article. I will post a text copy of it up here soon. The pictures are pretty cool to but I can't get ahold of those.
I went to a martial arts tournament last weekend and fought in the Womens Black Belt division. I beat 2 ladies to get 1st place in my division. Then I fought the winner of the other black belt division and beat her to win Grand Champion and 100$. It was alot of fun!
Life is finally getting back to normal after this life altering decision and I am learning to make it a lifestyle. It is is a daily struggle just like dieting was but it is alot easier to maintain with this tool. Thank you God for all your blessings.

July 6th 2003

Weighing in around 159. Martial Arts is going awesome! I am the new assistant instructor for the adult kung fu program. The local paper did there follow up story and it was wonderfull. Everyone loved the dramatic before and after shots. The reporter that did the story is sending copies to some national magazines like Glamor and Shape.

Ok It is July 20th and I am frustrated. My weight has been fluctuation and I am starving all the time. I think it might be due to a large amount of working out but sometimes it is hard to tell the difference from head hunger and real hunger. Sice vacation last month I have been bouncing around 160 give or take a few Lbs. It is tough to mentally adjust to feeling hungry more often, being able to eat more, and the weight loss slowing down at the same time. It can get overwhelming. For example......tonight I got the munchies. So over the course of a couple hours I ate a sugar free fudgesicle, quite a few sunflower seeds in shell (which of course are not filling) a handfull of baby carrots and ontop of that about 8 animal crackers with peanut butter. Needless to say I feel kinda guilty. I can't really enjoy food now cause I am always worried about over eating. Anyone else have a hard time adjusting as they got closr to a year out?

July 22nd. Ok so I have actually been at about 164 for over a month. My scale was so wack! SO when I weighedlast week I was 164 (at my mother in laws house) The same I was last month. THAT SUCKS! So technically I am not even at goal. I went back today and weighed 162. So 2 Lbs. Maybe I finally broke the plateu. I am really concentrating on eating lots of protein, especially considering my hectic workout schedule. I get about 1500-1600 calories a day. But as much as I work out I don't think that is necisarilly bad. I want to see 145. I think I can I think I can. Making good choinces a day at a time.

August 2nd

Hello!!! I weighed in at my mother-in-laws house yesterday and it said 159. Cool! It was afer an INTENSE sparring session with alot of big mean men but hey, it still said 159. And I am not going to weigh again till next week. I went to a National Martial Arts tournament last weekend and fought the #1 rated woman in the nation. She beat me but I did pretty good. This is like the NFL or NBA of KungFu so just stepping in the ring was a win for me. Give me another year and those girls will be scared when they see me. :O)) Anyway, I am getting anywhere from 12-1800 Calories a day and I sctually have energy. High protein, low carb and eating every 3 hours or so seems to keep me running strong all day. I have 6 weeks to go untill the big 1 year mark and I am hopeing to get down to 155. At 1 and a half years I want to be at 145. I relize now that just a lb or 2 now is like loosing 10 before in perportion to my new weight. It is a hard adjustment to make, going from loosing like 10-20 lbs a month to just a couple if I am lucky, but if you think about it it makes sense. If I lost that much now that would be scary. I would love to have a TT someday if I could afford it. But it isn't worth putting my family into a tight finiacial spot just to have a flat stomach. Plus I need to work on being happy with who I am and not rely on drastic changes to make myself happy. This is a tool, I know that is cliche, but it is true. I am learning how to use it and finally I think I have controll of my life.

Aug 29th

Ok, I have come to the conclusion weight loss from here on out will be extremly slow and that's OK. Have to mentally switch gears and just make good choices everyday. I am around 158 right now. I am hoping to be 155 by a year out which is in 3 weeks, but if not it has still been amazing loss. I am enjoying Martial Arts and working out hard everyday. I actually have biceps and triceps with good definition for the first time in my life, it's kinda cool. Size 12 pants are getting baggy and that is way cool! In 3 weeks I take the written and physical test in hopes of getting hired on as an entry level police officer at a local agency. I have to do 21 or more pushup, 38 or more situps in 1 min... sprint 300 meters in less than a minute and rin 1.5 miles in about 14 min. If I can pull this off it will be amazing, especially considering a year ago it hurt to walk a mile . Thank you God for all your wonderfull blessings! Everyone wish me luck!

March 9th 2004

So much time has passed since I have made an entry. I am about a year and a half post op now. Things are going great! I decided not to go for the cop job. To much risk. I intisified my martial arts training in preperation for my 1st degree Black belt test and sucessfully passed over this last weekend. It was a 4hour non stop physicall test. It was hard but worth it and a life long goal finally reached. I am now the assistant instructor for the adult program and also the childrens program at East West Martial Arts. I was rated #1 female fighter in the Northwest and life is just good. The Lord has blessed me. I weighed in at 161 this morning. Havn;'t lost anymore but have maintained well and added muscle. I am in the best shape of my life. I pray I can continue on this path and stay fit for life.

October 2004

6Months since my last post. It is so amazing how life just consumes you the further post op you are. I thought it was just a myth that long long term post ops didn;t come around as much just cause life gets busy and the surgery isn;t the focal point of your life anymore. But it is true. So much has happened since my liast post. For the most part I was maintaing around 165 but I had a little bounce back after my Black belt test cause I slowed down on the working out. I went from about 4 hours of training a day to 2 and gained to almost 175. Not a big deal though, bounce back is normal. But guess what? I found out I was pregnant!!! It is October and I am now 7 Months pregnant. I am at about 195. I really wanted to stay under 200 but with over 2.5 Months to go in pregnancy I doubt it. I am watching what I eat, swimming, weight training (more moderatly than before of course), and still doing light martial arts activity. I havn't been able to Spar (fight) in 6 Months and it drives me a little crazy but I know it will be worth it. We know we are having a boy. His name is Samuel Victor Davisson. I feel him move around so much. I can see him to little rolls and kicks and punches. He is already a little martial artist.
When I was pregnany with my daughter at this point in gestation I was closing in on 300 Lbs. I felt her move alot less because of my size and her frontal this is a totally different experience. It is hard getting pregnant and gaining weight after going through so much to loose weight and become athletic. But I put it in God's hands. It is his will. I plan to return to martial arts completly after I deliver (which is set for a planned Csection on Dec. 27th.) (My daughter was csection due to breech position). And my goal is to get back down to 165 with 6 months.
I was featured in Septembers issue of Prevention magazine. They contacted me about 8 Months ago and asked if I would be in a story called "How I Got the Body I wanted" It was about 5 different women and the different ways they reached their goals. I agreed. In March they flew out from the East Coast and to about 30 rolls of film. I ended up being the cover girl of the article. It showed my before and then the after was me doing a Side Kick over the title of the article. It was quite an experience. I was 6 Weeks pregnant when the picture was taken but still not showing. On top of that, Just this last Saturday, the magazxine called and said that the new Jane Pauley shpw was interested in flying the 5 women who were in the article to New York THIS WENSDAY to be on the taping of her show this Thursday. I was shocked. Unfourtunatly as of this morning it may not happen, the producer hasn't confirmed, but just the thought that it was a possiblitly is flattering! i told the guy from the magazine that I don;t look exactly like my after pic right now because I am 7 month pregnant......but he didn;t seem concerned. He said if they do the story that will just be a cool addition to my experience. Seeing as how Sam would never of been able to be conceived while MO. Hope you guys are all doing well. I will keep you all posted. Much Love!

Feb. 4 2005

Samuel was born Dec. 10th 2005. He such a beautiful little miracle. It has been almost 2 months since his birth. I am at about 178. I dropped down to 176 after working out for a couple weeks, then injured my back (from over doing it to soon I think) and gained the 2 lbs back. I am kinda nervous because I read an article that said 85% of patients gain back up to 50% of there lost weight by 5 years out and the other 15% gain back even more. It was so easy when you didn;t even have to try to loose weight and it came that it is more up to me and what I put in my mouth....and especislly after having a baby and putting on a few lbs.....I am a little nervous. I think when I can get back into my martial arts and my routine fo good I will be able to get some of this "baby weight" off. I want to get back down to 165. Though I got as low as 159 I spent the most time around 165 and I think that is a pretty good weight for me. I need to nip this extra weight in the bud right now before it get's out of hand. It is hard to have the extra weight and also be laid up with my back because I want to go out and do something about it, especially after hearing that horrible statistic. I do not want to become a statistic. 13 Lbs and I will be happy...then I jusdt have to work on maintaining it.
Since I am done having children I am going to see if I can get my insurance to pay for a TT. So I am about to embark on yet another fun adventure. Get this few Lbs off and get a TT.....that'll be by goal. Thank you Lord for this blessing and please help me to make the best of it.

Feb. 23 2005

Hi all. Thought I would do a quick update. Things are going well. I have been working on getting alot of protein, drinking my shakes, taking my vits and I feel good. I haven't weighed myself yet but I think I might have lost a few. I have been getting back into the swing of my excersise routine. Weight training, running, Martial arts and it feels great. The baby is doing wonderfull! He is so precious. I hope all is doing well for you guys. God Bless.

August 24 2005

Life is back to normal. I fluctuate betwwen 162 and 165, depending on how well I am doing at staying away from the carbs. They are evil but sometimes so tempting. Samuel is 8 months old and so gorgeous. He was worth every sencond of pregnancy. Martial arts is back in full swing. I competed in sparring last weekend and placed 3rd. Normally I wouldn't be all that excited about it but the 3rd place was in the mens division. I won 2 out of 3 matches and only lost the one match by a single point. When there is no other girls to fight they give you the option to fight the men. I am glad I did it, it was a great experience and now I know I am back in the game.


About Me
Battle Ground, WA
Surgery Date
Jan 25, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
About 6 months before surgery. Can anyone say Good Year Blimp?
At personal Goal weight. I am going to try to loose another 15.

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