My 8 week appointment today!

Jul 22, 2009

So happy to finally get to the point where I am supposed to be healed.
Seems like such a little thing but to be able to swallow pills again will

make my life alot easier.  Good news is I have lost 30 lbs since surgery,

I had complications so I am now released to start exercising so hopefully

I will loose quicker.  The office says I am where I am suppose to be but it

is hard when my friends have lost 75 lbs at this time.  They told me I weighed

less to begin so I have less to loose.  I will accept that. 

I only have 65 more pounds to hit what I should be at and that is  5'2"  125 lbs.
They wanted me to weight  115 lbs.  I would have been too low at that weight.

Good news is my blood pressure is back to normal, (Big Deal ) and I had one of the
strongest asthma meds taken away forever. Pulmonary Doc so please with my progress.

Thanks to all my new friends and support for encouragement.  Keep it up I know it gets harder
when you get closer to your goal weight.

God bless all in the process of good health.

