Could this be it?

Jun 30, 2009

I got denied today for insurance approval because of lack of documentation. Incomplete 5 year Medical History, Incomplete 6 month supervised diet.  (Which I have) It was my second denial letter  and the office will not send out again after 2 denials. So I took it into my own hands and called the insurance company and faxed in the information myself...they are now reviewing my file….I feel bewildered this has been a 2 year journey trying to get approved. If I find out I was denied a third time- I’m going to throw in the towel. And look for other means of controlling my weight.  I just feel really sad…I have a appointment with my PCP Friday...hopefully I’ll find out if I was approved or not by then if not I’ll talk to her about other means of weight lost. I’ve just come to the terms I guess that this might not just work out for me. I guess I'll have to accept whatever god's plans for me are.   I'm going to keep calling hopefully I can find out within the week ,the deadline for an approval for my surgeon to do it is within this week. I found out today that the surgeon actually hasn't been doing the surgeries for two months is but willing to do mine because I've been seeing him for 2 years, so hopefully I'll be posting an approval soon.


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