VSG - 1 Week Post-Op

Mar 12, 2009

This experience is nothing like I'd imagined.  I have two small incisions on my upper abdomen that are closed with steri-strips.  No sutures or staples.  No dressings.  No pain, discomfort or distension.  No appetite.  I've fully resumed routine activities, including cooking.   Note, however, that my children are grown, my profession demands no physical activity and my doting husband does most of the housework and laundry.

Post-op "issues" are limited to NO appetite, increased GERD and (forgive me) sticky poo.  Fortunately, the latter two are normal and expected.  The complete lack of appetite has become a bit of a problem.  Eating doesn't even occur to me until I get light-headed.  Consequently, I'm ingesting too few calories.  Additionally, I don't think to hydrate until my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth.  After a week, there's evidence of dehydration and mild malnutrition.  I believe I've identified the deficiencies early enough to recover without medical intervention.  To avoid further problems, I've set a timer to alert me to eat every two hours. 

I just had a thought.  This may be the first Easter in 26 years that I won't need to replace the candy 2-3 times before it actually gets to the kids' baskets on Easter morning.  "Kids"...sheesh.  They're grown adults who refuse to dispense with Easter basket and Christmas stockings.  Anybody else with "kids" like mine?
1 comment

VSG - Day 3 Post-Op

Mar 08, 2009

I'm home from the hospital.  My VSG was performed by Abdelkader Hawasli, MD on Fri, March 6th at St. John Hospital in Detroit.  Dr. Hawasli and his team were outstanding.  I had significant nausea, minimal vomiting and negligible pain within the first 48 hours post-op, but these problems have resolved.  I still have some moderate discomfort, as expected, but not enough to require pain medication.  

There were two problems I hadn't anticipated.  Strangely, I had repeat episodes of urinary incontinence within the first 48 hours post-op.  I attribute the incontinence to the affects of anesthesia and removal of the urinary catheter.  Whatever the reason, the experience was very humbling.  The second problem I hadn't anticipated was the impossibility of keeping oral medications in my system due to the nausea and vomiting.  Without meds to treat bipolar, I may be at risk for an episode of mania or depression, or worse, rapid cycling.  Hopefully, I'll be able to take the meds today.

John still hasn't met the criteria for VSG.  He's considering LB, but truly prefers the VSG.

Update March 4, 2009

Mar 04, 2009

John and I are now patients of Abdelkader Hawasli, MD.


Nov 21, 2008

Sadly, the problems John and I are having with the staff of Grand Health Partners has continued.  We are now considering other surgeons.

Post Date 10/29/08

Oct 29, 2008

Today is October 29, 2008.  I've had consults with the internist, behaviorist and surgeon.  The lab work is complete.  I'm merely waiting to be scheduled for the VSG. 

John fell short of a BMI of 50, and therefore didn't immediately meet the insurance requirement for surgery.  He must participate in a six-month, medically-monitored diet plan prior to approval.  We're so disappointed.  We're praying that BCBS will lift their restriction for VSG to patients with a BMI greater than 50.  Below 50, BCBS limits patients to the RNY or lapband.

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Surgery Date
Aug 24, 2008
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Post Date 10/29/08
