11 Days Post-Op

Dec 28, 2013

I've been meaning to start a blog about my journey, but like most things, I procrastinated and so here we are.  To quickly recap my weight history:

I was born weighing 5 lbs some odd ounces and was a petite toddler.  Between 6 and 7 years of age, I began putting on excess weight and truth be told, never stopped.  I was riddled with low self esteem and it didn't help that my pediatrician  called me fat to my face as a child.  (One should never, NEVER, think or assume that a 6 year old won't be damaged, scarred or remember something they overhear)  (Thanks Dr. Beerman) (See I even still remember his NAME!!)  I was a wallflower in school, tried to rebel but was too introverted and shy to make any headway.  I changed schools one year into high school (totally my decision and one of the biggest life changing steps I've ever made on my own)  and went to one in a very rural area.  It was like night and day.  I never lost weight though.  Just kept slowly gaining. Throughout my childbearing years, things went normally.  I dieted off and on my whole life, and was able to lose weight, but never able to keep it off.  Atkins, Weight Watchers, Physicians Weight Loss, countless diets revolving around everything from cabbage soup to vegetable smoothies.

On March 22, 2010, I quit smoking.  At the time I weighed around 230 and had been at that weight for several years, neither gaining nor losing.  within the next 20 days after quitting smoking, I gained 20 pounds.  I began to walk, rigorously.  I developed plantar fasciitis and that put a halt to my walking.  Over the course of the next three years, I battled lower lumbar bulging disks and bone spurs on my spine, pain in my feet and occasionally pain in my joints from osteoarthritis.  I began taking meds for numerous different issues, but miraculously not high blood pressure or diabetes.  In November of 2012 I went to the initial class given by Beverly Office.  I had been referred to Dr. Bilton by my spine doctor and am ever so glad that I chose him to be my surgeon.  Ms. Beverly has been a Godsend helping get everything ready and in order for the insurance.  I love them both. 

Now...let me stop here and say that no amount of forethought or contemplation will get you in the right mind frame for how things will be after the surgery.  You are used to large portions and unlimited choices.  This will not be the case afterwards and even being told this isn't going to bring it home to you.  I knew this going in and still I am struggling with trying to wrap my mind around not having but a couple of ounces to eat rather than a cup of each item.  I want the different tastes just like a regular meal, but because my total amount is about 3 ounces right now, that means that I get only a couple of bites of each item or I can choose just the one item and eat what is now plenty of it.  It's just so surreal.  My mind still feels like I should be having jumbo portions and if I can't change this way of thinking, I will be doomed to fail...again. 

On 12/12/12 I had my first doctor's appointment to begin my 6 months of doctor assisted dieting required by my insurance.  This was the most humiliating thing I have done in years, simply because I was expected to follow a 1500 calorie a day diet and i'm not entirely sure what the purpose was other than to prove that I couldn't do it?  I made it plain that I knew I could lose weight on a diet, because I had done it before, but that I couldn't keep it off.  I went to the doctor every month from December through June (a total of 7 weigh ins.)  During this time, I also had to see a psychiatrist and have an EGD done.  Neither was a problem.  I was a bit nervous about the EGD simply because of the thought of a tube being inserted down my throat seems painful, but Dr. Bilton did it and I remember nothing until after over.  My surgery was scheduled for August 22, 2013 and I had some blood work done 2 weeks prior to the surgery date.  I was to go to have Pre-Admission Testing a few days before the surgery but I never made it to the PAT.  I received a call from Ms. Beverly who told me that my antigens were up for Hepatitis C.  I was devastated and mortified.  I cried on the phone to her not understanding what this meant for me and my plans for WLS.  I was made an appointment to see a Dr. Sundar, Gastroenterologist.  I was tested again and by some miracle, my results came back negative and no liver damage.  At this point, there were some delays that had nothing to do with me, but finally I was given another surgery date.  December 17, 2013.  Over a year since beginning this journey and my surgery was on again.  Nevermind that it was happening right before Christmas...I was ok with that.  It was happening! 

The days leading up to the surgery are a bit of a blur.  We had a family gathering in Memphis for my husband's family, in which I ate like I wanted to and was used to, then 24 hours before surgery I had to fast.  Clear liquids only and nothing at all after midnight.  I couldn't sleep, so I spent the night taking care of my new granddaughter and getting ready for my three required days in the hospital.  My husband had to work that night and wouldn't be off in time to take me, I wasn't even sure if I would get to see him before they took me back to prep.  My best friend drove me and this gave us some time to talk and hang out before they came to get me.  My husband did make it and my mother did as well so I was able to see them all before and I was calmed by their presence.  I remember that in the process of setting up the IV, one male nurse blew a vein and another nurse had to come and do it.  That was the last thing I recall, before being awakened to help move myself into my hospital bed.  Everyone was so nice and positive.  I recall bits and pieces of conversations, and mainly I remember sleeping and the dilaudid pump, which I didn't want but was given anyway.  I wasn't heartbroken over it...lol. 

I had six incisions, all under 1/2 inch.  These were covered with a clear liquid bandage, no stitches. I was told I needed to be up and walking the hall within 4 hours of surgery.  I accomplished this task easily.  I was sore but nothing that couldn't be managed.  I wasn't allowed to have anything to drink the day of the surgery to stave off nausea.  By the end of the day my throat was so parched I couldn't even find spit to swallow.  Luckily, I had taken a tube of green apple chapstick and through putting it on thick and then licking my lips, managed to keep my throat from feeling so dry and sore.  I threatened taking a bite of it and chewing it like those old wax bottles with flavored water in it.  I was so scared to do more than sip, I wasn't sure I would be able to take the meds the doctor had me resume.  No pill larger than an M&M.  Time released meds are frowned upon because they go through your system too fast for the "time released" part to help you.  If a pill can be crushed, or can be given in liquid form, those are the preferred methods. 

I sipped on clear liquids the 2nd day and the 3rd day in the hospital, I was allowed full liquids.  I went home Friday night.  Once home, it took a few days to settle in.  It was difficult getting comfortable in the bed, but i ended up sleeping with a body pillow against my front side facing my husband so that he wouldn't elbow me in the gut in his sleep.  I went back in on the following Monday and was told that in 6 days since the surgery, I had lost 19 pounds.  I was also told that I could start soft foods the following monday on the 3 week mark.  This is just about where I am now.  Getting close to that soft food step.  I won't be healed on the inside until about week 8 post-op, so I was warned not to overfill my stomach pouch before then or I will risk popping stitches which would mean problems. 

So, that's where i'm at.  I haven't started walking yet, although I know I should.  Gas is common for me, as is diarrhea.  I don't know if this is common or not, but it seems it would be considering I can't have anything solid yet.  The first few days after surgery the gas, hiccups and burping was painful.  It's gotten better.  I constantly feel gurgling in my stomach and intestines.  I've been sort of scared to leave the house because of the quickness with which the diarrhea comes on and with the gas behind it, there's pretty much no holding it...lol  Sorry for being so vulgar about it, but it is what it is.  Anyway, there's my story up to this point.  There are, of course, details i've left out, but if anyone reading this has any questions regarding my trip so far, and I have anything else to contribute, I will gladly tell it.  I hope this blog helps someone on their journey.  It's not an easy one, no matter how many people say having this done is the "easy way" of losing weight.  That's bullshit.  This isn't easy!  It's necessary though.  For me.


About Me
Kennedy, AL
Surgery Date
Nov 26, 2012
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 1
