I abandoned the web site

Oct 10, 2008

It is so bad that I have not commented on the site for more than a year.
I have to start by saying that I am doing really good. I have not had any more complications since I moved away to CT. I think I did the right thing- moving away! I had alot of stress!! I felt like the move made me heal better.I have been in CT for almost a year now. I have not seen a bariatric dR. yet, but have followed up with my new primary DR. on the reg.
I just want to apologize for not giving you an update on me. I have noticed that most of us will probally do the same. Get so wrapped up in life and the weight loss that we forget about the ones who were here to support us thru it all. I must admit that I just got so tied up in the move and all, and trying to get together in a new city that I have neglected the site. I will try to post some before and after pictures for you all. Now that I know how.
Well I now weigh 136.5 pounds- I was a little disapointed that I lost more than 130 pounds. I was worried at first, but now I have been at a stand still for a while. I eat anything I want!! I can now eat way more than I could before. I have learned that the trick to eat in moderation, and eat little now then a little more of it later. I usually can bring part of my lunch home from work,and eat it for dinner. I eat snacks all day long. Sweets use to bother me,but now I just know what I can eat! I know that I cant eat a bunch of sugar at once basicly. When I look at how much I have lost I realize that it is the size of my 12 year old - who now weighs approx. 140. That is scary !!! I do not want her to feel the way I did. 
Any way the one thing I love about CT is the ppppppppppppay!!!
I am making twice of what I made in NC. People talk about the cost of living here is high, but it is not that different when you are making more money. People can work at Walmart up here and make 11.45 hr to stock if you know what I mean. I now manage a group home here, a little different than Activities director in a skilled nuring unit. Who am I kidding alot different. I take care of autistic children ages 18-26. I love them to death. Well I think the hardest thing for me so far is seeing myself in the mirror. I like what I see , don't get me wrong but I just feel different when I look at myself. It takes a little getting use to ya know. I am now dealing with how people see me now. I know I should not care,but it means alot for me to know that people know that only my body has changed and not me!!! I have had to deal with my sister in-law and her sh-- but I know it's hating on me and my weight loss. Well that's it for now hope everyone is doing well and God bless you all. I promise to update you more often. 

Stomach ulcers

Sep 24, 2007

I have had a pretty roaky road! I have had to hospitalized for bleeding. I have had to have 4 blood transfusions. They say that the pouch has a ulcer that seems to keep bleeding out. It is so much that happpened- that it is draining to even talk about right now. But , one thing  I do know is that I need to get onthe ball and always eat -only what I can. I need to get my protien. I am on meds everyday now!! I have to take carafate liquid 4 times a day. I also have to take an acid reducer daily. Well, I am moving to Ct. next week. i am hoping that I stay well. Our family will be living in New Haven. I will not have to work for a while. We decided that I can rest and try  to get stronger. I think this the smartest thing we can do. I really feel like this is a great move. I just got out of the Hosp. again. So I will not be returning to work. This is great I can stay home with my children for a while,and relax. 
I will keep you all posted !

Back on the grind again!

Jul 15, 2007

Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that I am back and better than ever.
I know I have been out of touch since surgery but, I do not have a working computer at home to keep you all updated. 
The day of Surgery went well for me. My husband stayed with me the entire time I stayed in the Hospital. He was a champ!! I only had one problem.  That damn cathater was killing me the day after surgery I told them to take the damn thing out. It was irritating to me!!! Well back to the surgery : 
You do not remember anything until you wake feeling like - Did I even have surgery? The pain was not really bad.  It only began to hurt a little on day two. They give you a morphine pump that you can use every five minutes. That was ok for a while, then the little pain I was feeling would return. I expected to not feel anything at all while on the morphine! But it is not a very strong dose. I was then given tor-something alternating morphine that knocked the pain and me out then. That is all I really did was sleep. I came on my period the night before surgery!! Crazy I took care of two things at one time. I felt not one cramp while in the hospital! Must have been the Morphine ha? But, all and all I do not regret having surgery. I have been experiminting with my food to see what i can tolerate. I am not lactose intolerant as some people are after surgery. I am still trying to get my protien in. My Dr. instructed me to concentrate on getting in fluid the first three weeks so that I did not become dehydrated. So that is what I did. although my urine is still very dark. I also had to be put on microdantin for a bladder infection. I kept feeling the same discomfort that I felt when I told them to take the cathater out. It felt like my urine was just sitting in one place/like i could not urinate.  On day two in the pm when the nurse finally came to take it out I had 1000 cc's of fluid rush into my bag as if it was just sitting in my bladder!!!
But all is well now! I am back at work! It feels strange to be back. I am down to 230 pounds now - my Doctor said  before surgery wt. was 258. After my 2 week diet I was down to 252 so I think I am doing pretty good as far as the wt. loss. My clothes do not fit the way they use to. People notice this too! That feels strange. Last night I layed my clothes out for work and didn't think about them not fitting because it is just habit to lay them out. This morning I had to put a belt on to keep the pants from sagging. My goal is to loss 60 to 70 more pounds that would put me at 160-170 I think I will be comfortable in my skin then. Now I can not wait to be able to eat reg. food.  well I am going to be starting my new job soon and will be putting my 2 week notice in here today or tomorrow. I feel that they will ask me not to work my notice out. They did not think that I would even come back after surgery. But you know you have to plays by the rules in order to get a good reference from them. I knew that I had a new job before my surgery. I just had to take care of one thing at a time. I had me all messed up for a minute. Then after the response I got fom you guys it made me realize that taking a deep breathe and taking one step at a time was the right thing to do. Although I am faceing alot of other decisions I do have a better out look on my life now. Thank you guys for being so supportive of me in my time of need. Thank you for your prayers and all of your sweet thoughts while I was out on sick leave. Any one about yto take this step- good luck and keep your loved ones close at all times. Never worry about the small stuff and keep it 100% and everything will work out just fine for you. 

Much love to you all 

Oh my God it is almost here!!!

Jun 18, 2007

I would be telling a lie if I said that I am not scared! i am feeling really anxoius. I am more clumsy than I have ever been! My heart flutters when I think about how soon it will be here! I have a great support team. I have so much going on: 
The Surgery is next Monday!!
I execpted a new job!!! ( more money!!!)
My Husband was offered a position in New Haven Ct.!!!
My car gave out on me , and is in the shop for repair!!
My boss at my current Job has been shorting me on my hours to stay under her budget, so she can get the end of year bonus!!
I am sstressed at work with prepairing the activitiy schedule and covering everything while I am oout!!
Debateing if I should give a 2wk notice when I get back or -just do not come back-and leave my boss hanging since she screwed me over!!
Just too much going on now!
I am going to post my pics, Just got so much going on man.

Two week liguid diet began today!

Jun 10, 2007

Well I am on my way to the losing side! I have 2 wks till surgery! I am very nervous! I have had nightmares this past weekend that were off the wall crazy! This must be stress or something. I hope to post some pics soon ! until then

It is official!!!

May 15, 2007

Hello family!
It is official, I have a surgery date of  June 25th at approx. 11 am
I have an appt. w/ my surgeon on June 5th. I am awaiting a call from my nutritionist to schedule with them. But I guess I am on my way!!
I start my liquid/no carb diet on June 11th. So June will be a busy month for me.
Pray for me !

Why am I feeling so down

May 13, 2007

I feel down for some reason! I really can't explain it. I just seem to want to go in a hole somewhere alone and be by myself. A friend of mine said it could be the upcoming surgery. That is not it ! I am happy to know that I am going to have the surery. This is something that will change my life!! It will change me! It will make me happier than I am right now! Has anyone else felt this way aafter getting an approval?
If so tell me what the hell I am feeling!!!

What ? Can you say that again!!!!!

May 10, 2007

Yes I am pleased to report to my crew(you) that I have been approved for surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have heard these words over the phone before then you know exactly what I mean/and how I feel! I am so damn happy! But I really can not put it into words right now because I feel like I could explode! I feel like I am walking on cloud 9. 
Well, i found out by calling my insurance company on 5/8/07. I called the day before,but they had my file under review. I was thinking that it would take a while to hear back from them. Now all I am waiting on is a date. I really want to be able to t ell them when I want to do this! I know I might sound crazy but I keep wanting to call again and asked them to repeat it to me. I guess I wont beleive it until I see the letter. I think I expected eveyone to be as happy about the approval as I am. But I have to realize this is not life changing for them, like it is for me! As long as I am happy about it then I guess it should not matter. I found out while at work and went to tell some of my co-workers, and I just did'nt get the reaction I thought I would get. They said things like ohhh, that's good Kim- and keep on going on with there business. I went home to tell my husband, he was happy that I was happy about it!
I was out of work sick for Monday with a stomach virus which turned out to be the Flu. So I really wasn't feeling well when I found out at work on Tuesday. I told my husband that I wish I felt better on such a happy day. Well, i know that I can't keep calling the Doctor's office and asking about a Surgery Date. I will wait and contact them on tomorrow or Monday Morning. Until then 
be blessed cause I am!!!!
Thank you lord for always staying by my side
even when I can't see you, I know that you are always there. Please help me through my journey lord, keep me strong so that I can prosper lord, Lay your hands on my fellow OH family and help them through there journey, Lord- in your name we pray Amen

Stepping on toes

May 03, 2007

WEll today i called the surgery coordinator, I explained to her that I called the insurance company to see if they had everything that they needed to complete my claim. I let her know that I was not trying to step on any toes. She expalined that the insurance company called them looking for my weight documentation, and that they usually wait to send all of the paperwork including a doctors dictation explaining the need for my surgery. She stated that I did step on her toes a little!
Because she has a certain way of doing things. She stated that she will send them what she has since the ins co has contacted them. She also stated that once you get a reference number that you have to complete things in a timely manner or the ins co will close the case. So she is going to send what she has. I explained to her how scared, and excited I am feeling and that I just want to know what the answer will be. She said to me that she knows because she has also had the same procedure. I was surprised to hear that. Because she looks like she has always been thin. So now the insurance company should be letting me know something soon! Wish me luck
They also set a date for May 30th- but that is just while they are having the claim processed. Once I am approved my surgeon will contact me with a surgery date. Until next time!!

some things are meant to happen!

Apr 21, 2007

I am at work looking throughthe profiles on line,and thinking about how bad I want to go to school and do my nursing classes-the strangest thing happened to me! (I was going to wait until next year to go back to school- but phoned ecpi a few months ago just to get the info on night classes) The school phoned me on my cell phone at work to say that they will be having classes not in may but in September this year!!   This is great ! it gives me time to try and adjust to my new life and time to save some money. This is God at work! He knows everything. He knows that I don't want to be an activities Director for the rest of my life. He knows what type of income I will need to make it,and to be able to do for my girls. Thank you God for always being here for me! So this is the plan: If I am approved for surgery next month sometime I hope to have a surgery date of 6-29-07,7-2-07,7-6-07
so that I can return to work by the last week of July or the first week of August. School begins Sept. From 6-9:30 pm mon-thur. This may seem like a lot but, I love a challenge! Pray that this goes like that so that I do not loose my mind! I need to go to my Info session on next Thur at 6pm in order to be one of the 30 that can sign up for this course. I have to take a teas test (what ever that is) to register. That should not be very hard hell I got my CNA certification, MedTech, Emt-basic, and my Activities coordinator certification next is LPN (i pray). After completing my LPN I would like to train to be an Administrator or Director of Nursing somewhere. The DON we have here now is just Dumb! And I do not talk about people.  (forgive me lord) I am excited my husband and I picked out a new bedroom suite on last Thursday. It is beautiful solid wood. (dark Cherry stain) We needed a new mattress set since last year!! I tell ya our bed sleeps like your laying on bricks.
So I don'think $1200.00 is bad for a matress set that should last for at least five or more years. It reminds me of my Grandmas tall mattresses. They call it Charlseton style (that's funny my granmothers' from Charleston Sc- they must have named it after her bed - R.I.P. Grandma!). 
I called the surgeons office again onThursday. I spoke with Justina(she gets all the insurance and pre-approval stuff done) about the approval process, she told me to feel free to call her direct line if I have any queations about this. She reinterated that the pschologist usually takes 2 weeks before sending them the paperwork they need to submit to the insurane company. She told me to call her on Next thursday or Friday to see if he has sent this info to her. So you know I am going to call her real early Friday. Until then 
talk to you then

About Me
west haven , CT
Surgery Date
Apr 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 63

Latest Blog 12
I abandoned the web site
Stomach ulcers
Back on the grind again!
Oh my God it is almost here!!!
Two week liguid diet began today!
It is official!!!
Why am I feeling so down
What ? Can you say that again!!!!!
Stepping on toes
some things are meant to happen!
