I love my sleeve!

Sep 13, 2011

That's all I can say. :D

Rough day...

Sep 02, 2011

Today has been the roughest so far.

I didn't want to get out of bed and slept way later than normal. When I got up, I went right to the routine of eating and drinking.

I'm sick of being so aware of eerything that goes into my mouth. I know this will pass but I just want to mindlessly grab a bite outside of the house without planning and packing. It's the buyer's regret that everyone talks about. The weight loss is great and every other day until today, I was either OK with what I needed to do or really happy I made this choice. Today... pbbbbth.

I want a full dinner with a salad today... and I'm pissed that I got so big that I needed to take this drastic measure so I could get back on track again. My past piss poor choices have deprived me of what I want. In more ways than one.

I'm going to go grab a SF chocolate pudding and go to bed and hopefully wake up on the right side of it tomorrow.

Protein tastiness... IMHO, that is.

Aug 31, 2011

In my arsenal of protein powers, I have quite a variety. I did this on purpose and have been pretty happy with my choices. I have the following:

Nectar Fuzzy Navel - This is delicious mixed with orange Crystal Light and a ripe, frozen banana. It's like a frozen cocktail. The trouble is, you do have to spoon the foam off the top before it's drinkable or you get that whiff of whey in your nose and lots of unneeded bubbles in your tum.

Nectar Unflavored - No protein is unflavored, truly, however, this stuff can be stirred into all sorts of things without really being noticed much. I've mixed it with pudding, into my pureed stews and veggies. It was really unnoticable in the pureed Wendy's chili. I bought it exactly for this purpose... to boost the protein in whatever I'm eating. I use unflavored greek yogurt the same way. Whatever I can find that might work with it, I add a spoonful.

Click Vanilla - Click is delish. Period. It's replacing my Starbucks coffee craving quite nicely. However, the coffee flavor is pretty strong. I tone it down by making my drink frozen with milk and a little SF caramel syrup.

Unjury Chicken Soup flavor - This was a godsend my first two weeks out and I still have a cup of this soup every day for lunch or a snack. The trick is to mix the scoop of powder in cold water until pretty blended and no lumps. Then add hot water from the tap to 8oz. and mix again. I've also been known to pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds or so to get it really warm. Seriously, it's good enough that when I'm cleared for soft veg, I'm going to add them to the broth.

Isopure clear Alpine Punch - mixed with SF Hawaiian punch, it's not so bad and very portable in the little plastic bottles.

Isopure Dark Chocolate - 50 grams of protein but... YUK. This is for when I'm only feeling like messing with protein only once. I mix it with less water than advised, hold my nose and truck on.

Don't underestimate the power of powdered milk! I take my half gallon of skim and add powdered milk to it and I swear it's just like good ol' 2% again.

I'm sure that eventually I'll progress into the creative and complicated recipes that others have tried and posted. There are SO many :) But for now, since I'm still in mushy hell, I'll make do with what I have.

Oh! Meats taste so much better when blended with a little bit of instant potatoes.

Liquids, boredom and the "Big D"

Aug 20, 2011

The days are passing pretty slowly since my surgery.

My mom, who was here with me the first 4 days, has journeyed home and I'm stuck in the house alone and stuck to the TV and walking a path between the recliner to the kitchen and the recliner to the bathroom. I've watered my flowers on my porch, petted my cats, napped and fretted.

I'd love to get up and finish unpacking, take out the trash or mop my floors but as a newbie, we can't lift a thing so... I wait for my mom to come for another visit.

I'm so sick of the full liquid thing, however, I'm pretty sure that I'm healing. I can feel myself getting stronger every day.

The biggest problem is the liquids - in, liquids - out issue. I'm in the bathroom every hour or so and it's pure colored water. Yummy! I sincerely hope the pureed foods starting on Monday will help plug that little problem up so I can leave the house for longer than 15 minutes.

On a good note, even though I'm trying to stay far away from my scale, I hopped on this morning to have a peek. I'm at 294 right now. I understand that most of my loss is probably water, however, it made me smile a bit.

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The surgery and the days after.

Aug 16, 2011

I promised an update and I wish I could have made it back to my computer before now, however, today was the best day I think :)

The morning of surgery, I was numb, I just wanted it over and got ready quickly and was off. The ride was full of giggles and conversation meant to distract me and I wasn't feeling too bad about the procedure even if I kept repeating quietly over and over "I can't do this."

I got to the surgery floor, checked in and after a brief wait, I was called back to change into my gown, collect vitals and start my IV. I asked for a medicine to calm my nerves right away and the nurse agreed and started flipping through my paperwork. Of course, my signed consent form was missing. The surgeon's office didn't have access to the paperwork and couldn't refax and my surgeon was still in his previous surgery. So I sat shaking for 3 hours. I cried so hard I almost got up out of the bed and left. Finally, Dr. Nease came out and was cheerful and reassuring. He signed a new consent right away and the nurse doped me. It was too little too late in my opinion because I was rolled into the operating room within the next 15 minutes.

I remember asking the anesthesiologist to let me know before he started to put me under and I remember a hollow and distant agreement but nothing after that until I woke up... sleeved.

Now, everyone is different regarding pain. I thought I could tolerate pain pretty well and would just be really sore when I woke up BUT I woke up to a huge gas bubble in my chest. I felt like I'd beeen hit by a car and remember begging for more pain meds. The nurse did comply but I think she had to dose me slowly and keep me awake to make sure I was fully back from being under anesthesia. After about 20 minutes, I felt uncomfortable but very calm and had the feeling of being wheeled into an elevator and into a dark quiet room.

It was peaceful. I felt nurses buzzing around me and injecting things into my belly, arm and IV and I heard my mom's voice. I remember her saying that it was almost 9pm. The nurses explained my pain pump and said they would be back at midnight for a stroll. They left me with lemony mouth swabs and a "puke tray".

When they can back at midnight, I woke up easily and felt pretty cheerful. I poked my pain button, gathered my pee bag and off we went. That gas bubble was still there but It had worked itself to my shoulder and seemed less severe. At least I could breathe.

That whole night I slept, walked and hit the button.

The next morning I was dry as a bone and my mouth tasted like a copper penny. Finally they wheeled me down to radiology to have my leak test. Those girls were a hoot. It seemed like they wrestled with my pee bag and my IV so much. Thy made me sip something akin to gasoline and the doctor said I appeared leak free, however, my new tummy was so swollen that I was draining into my intestines too slowly to pass me on to sips and chips.

So, he decided that we'd wait and try again... an hour later. I admit, I took the cold washcloth they gave me and sucked the corner for a teeny bit of water to get rid of the gasoline taste. He passed me but only sips and chips - no  other liquids and no big drinks of water.

I pestered my nursing staff for three cups of ice at a time and crunched and sucked on them so happily. It was heaven. But there was a worry that Dr. Nease would keep me another day... I thought, oh well, no problem. I can sip, walk and push this button forever.

The next day, I had a long shower and learned that wrestling with my JP drain was going to be challenging. An hour later, Dr. Nease popped in and said "wanna go home?"

After that, the IV was taken, Lortab Elixer was prescribed, catheter was removed, clothes were thrown on, incisions were given a last check and I was wheeled to the front door.

My home stay has been odd. I've been up and trotting around the house, making this and that to eat and sip. I've not slept a whole night in my bed because it's too uncomfortable.

Today, less than a week later, I got my JP drain out. Here's where my pain is confusing me. In some ways, I'm so glad it's gone. But it also seems like the hollow tube inside me that it left is aching soo sooo badly right now and my drain site is sore and warm. It has to get better tomorrow when I take a bath and let a little warm soapy water get to it. I hope.

Until then, I'm ssipping liquid Tylenol and trying to not move. The whole thing has made me more nauseous than anything else and I've only been able to keep down some milk this evening. Tomorrow will be better!
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Grocery shopping and other stuff...

Aug 06, 2011

Hey all!

I've completed my grocery shopping not only for my two day pre-op clear liquid diet but also for when I come home. Here's the scoop on that:

broth of all types, veggie, chicken and beef
sugar free popsicles
apple, grape and orange juice
crystal light

Cream of broccoli, shrimp, chicken, mushroom and onion soups
Liptons instant soup packs (strain the noodles, of course)
instant dry milk
Organic skim milk
Hoods Carb control chocolate milk
Sugar free pudding
carb control yogurt
plus all the pre-op stuff as well

I also have a full arsenal of protein supplements but only one small bag of the chocolate milky type. The milky junk makes me want to puke a bit. :)

I can't stress enough: Isopure protein, the clear stuff, is actually pretty darn good. You can make jello with it and up the protein content in that or just sip away. It just kinda tastes like fruit punch.

During my pre-op class I was informed that I'll have a JP drain which almost made me chicken out. The drain will be hanging out with me outside my stomach and pinned to my gown for a week and then removed at my 1 week checkup after surgery. I was told also that due to the number of meds I'm on I might go home with a feeding tube as well. Neither sound fun but I'm resigned myself to the fact that both are temporary. I'm sure they will suck but...

My pre-op doc visit was my cheerleading that I needed. I laughed and cried and received the final lecture from Dr. Nease that let me know that I'm taking care of this problem early and while I'm young and fairly healthy. It's the best gift I could possibly give. He also gave me permission to up my Klonopin intake to basically sedate myself into being "ok" until surgery. AND BOY HAVE I. I'v been high ever since :)

I think I'll stay clear of OH until after I get home from surgery. It's making me more nervous now than helping me and I really would just like to be lazy and relax. I'll provide an update with a full description later, perhaps on the 12th or 13th. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
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Date set!

Jul 28, 2011

Oh NOW i'm scared to death.

My date is set for August 10th and that is only a week from this upcoming Wednesday. Under two weeks!

The "what ifs" are settling in hard and heavy now.

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Protein Supplements and such

Jul 13, 2011

I've heard that after the surgery, your tastes will change so getting attached to any protein supplement worries me, however, I've also heard whispers of an amazing supplement called Nectar.

I found Nectar on Amazon.com for a reasonable price and also for their subscribe&save program (in case I like it) so I can have a 2lb tub delivered every month. It comes in fruit juice flavors and also dessert flavors so you can mix it up instead of just having to deal with the milky nasty shakes. I ordered the lemonade, fuzzy navel, medical unflavored and strawberry mousse. We shall see.

I've already stocked up on my espresso flavored Click protein to add to my decaf coffee and have tried the Profect protein shooters. The shooters are a bit mealy but they pack a powerful 50 gram protein punch for sure.

I bought baby spoons with long "adult" sized handles at big lots at 6 for $1.50. I found some 8oz plastic canning storage containers at Lowes with the canning supplies. They have screw-top lids so nothing should leak out in my lunch bag and they should be pretty handy for travel. I researched the tiny containers and some places wanted a ridiculous amount of money for the same thing only they had printed cute little animals or fun faces on them. I'm not even sure if I were a mom and trying to please a baby that I would opt for cute and printed over practical and cheap.

I invested in a food processor/blender combo that is really high powered. It was a steal from Kohl's at $55.99.

I bought all natural chewy vitamins for my 2nd week out but I've already started on them and have added calcium chewables and a huge dose of biotin daily. The vitamins were a steal at Kroger. They were buy 1 get 1 and both had a $1 coupon attached. Overall, to get all of my vitamins I spent less than $20 which is much better than I had hoped.

I still need to buy some simple groceries for after surgery. I'd love to keep up with my own chicken broth because it's so much better tasting BUT... the pre-packaged stuff is easier and had the exact calorie count listed.

All in all, I think I'm ready. I'm really scared right now just because it's surgery and it's a big change but... I mostly just want it to go well and to be over. And, while I'm wishing for things, I'd like the first two weeks to be over as well... I hear they are pretty rough. :)
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Jul 07, 2011

Per Aetna insurance here is what I was required to provide before they would approve my surgery:

6 months of PCP visits showing restricted diet and exercize requirements
1 psych visit
3 nutritionist visits with proof of weight loss
weight loss surgery seminar or class as given by my surgeon

The only thing that was a fight was my PCP charts. If I could advise anything to anyone interested in this surgery, please voice VERY loudly every time you go into the doctor's office that you need your weight, height, calorie intake and exercize documented. Even if you're not ready to have the surgery yet, go ahead and have this information documented in your file every time that doctor lays eyes on you. It will make life so much easier.

I have everything in and I feel like a kid who's finished all of her schoolwork for the year. However, I know the real work is just getting ready to start.

The way I see it, this was all BS paperwork. After the surgery, at least there will be some payoff - the weight is going to be coming off!

I'm going to give my insurance lady at the surgeon's office a quick call to make sure everything is progressing as it should. I need to get this show on the road!

Changing of the guard.

Jul 02, 2011

So, my PCP has screwed me once again.

Yesterday was my third attempt at getting my flow sheets completed at $35 a pop for co-pays. I thought we were finished for sure this time and even celebrated a tiny bit until I got home and counted the paperwork. She had completed 5 sheets, not 6 as required and stated when asking for the paperwork to be finished. AND... AND!!! two of the charts are from the same month. I had also stated they need to be from different months.

Now, of course I'm not an M.D.

I do not have the education. M.D.s typically want to make sure they point that out at every chance they get to anyone who will listen or they have captive. However, as a stupid mere plebian, I would have never made the number of mistakes with paperwork that my M.D. has made. Go me with my silly little undergraduate studies.

I have to continue this fight after the holiday and hope I can get it right. After once more $35 co-pay, of course.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2009
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