Miiiiiiiiiiiiight have a stricture

May 21, 2013

There is no way that it's normal to double over from taking sips of water and to then throw it up . . . and I have random sharp tummy pains. I feel so miserable. I don't know why this is happening to me. This isn't what I wanted at all . . . I hope this endoscopy tomorrow will fix it.  I feel awful :( And I'm pissed that I was in the hospital for 5 days and they didn't catch it! Ugh.


Sleeved at Last

May 20, 2013

Welp, had my surgery Wednesday May 15, 2013 and I could not be weaker and happier!

I had a long recovery in the hospital and am just coming home after 5 days. I vomited a lot because liquids were hard to keep down and kind of still are; comes with the territory of a swollen tummy :/

I feel "kinks" when I feel the liquid go down, so I just take a deep breath and grit and bear it because I don't wan to go back to the hospital for dehydration.

I'm pretty weak, and this water/milk diet isn't helping, so I'm returning to school next week. I've already done the first day exemption procedures.


Ugh, I feel like shit, but I'm glad it's over with! Until next time!



1 more week!

May 03, 2013

My date is the 15th of May! I'm so excited! there are going to be more fees than I anticipated, but I do not giving a flying biscuit in Skittle rainbow hell! My MOOPE saves me from it being too expensive :D

I'm on a no-carb, low-carb pre-op diet right now, and I'm doing pretty okay - my PMS is coming on and not making it easy, though X( Apparently, I don't have a pre-op liquid diet. Oh well. I'm in the process of ordering samples and whatnot to try after surgey to know what I'll like. I'll buy some chicken broth and protein powder a bit before my surgery when I go home after finals.

I've still been exercising and building great muscle so I won't be too out of it when I start exercising again. A WLS friend is also sending me clothes! Yay! I'm too stoked right now! But now I have to study for finals . . . blah . . . 



Apr 20, 2013

Told ja! I'm meeting my surgeon Monday! I wrote a whole blurb on my feelings and junk, but it got erased and I don't feel like typing again!

To summarize:

Been exercising, drinking water, met other sleevers my age, and ready to go! I want it done after the semester's over, but we'll see since I have testing and junk. Make room on the loser's bench for me!


Getting closer

Mar 29, 2013

So hopefully I'll only have 2 more nutritionist visits and one more behavioral visit before my request gets sent to the board. Sooooo~~~, I'm hoping I'll be done at the end of April and will be able to see my surgeon before summer classes start :D

Now I have to focus on not gaining any weight. Spring Break just wizzed by and I'm 3 pounds heavier -- time to crack down this week. I'm also meeting up with some fellow 20-something sleevers next weekend! I'm excited to see them and listen to their experiences!

On a high even though I have to watch my eating! And I have a portion of a research paper due, blaaaah. I'll trek through this regardless of grad school, I've waited long enough!

That's all for now . . . Next time I'll be writing about my surgery approval :)



It begins!

Jan 28, 2013

I just had my first behavioral health and nutritionist appointments. Behavioral health appointment went great! I feel that he really believes in me and my sincerity  I just have to keep showing him I'm committed to this surgery and I'm serious! I have to see him 2-3 more times? 2 more months maybe?

My nut appointment went great as well! I wanted to show her I knew all about the VSG! The only new info I got was how the process was going to go for me. I have to keep a food diary now and start up being active. No probs! I have to go through her 4-6 more times, so about 2-3 more months on a round-about bi-weekly schedule. She brought up my BMI being 39.8 (you need 40 w/ no complications) and I've emailed my endo juuuuust to make sure.

After that's complete, I'll go through my endo again and get referred to the surgeon, but let me not get ahead of myself -- let me focus on these appointments first!


On my merry way

Jan 08, 2013

Wow. It's been 4 months since my last blog.

No Mexico for me. Here's why.

Soooo, since I've gained, like, 20lbs this past year, my weight now qualifies me for WLS. My BMI is now 40. There's a class, but I found out today it's not mandatory. As soon as I speak with my endo Thursday, I think I can start scheduling my appointments with the behavior health folks and the nutritionist. May take about 3-4 months to get everything prepared before I speak to the surgeon.

Oh, yeah -- I got accepted into grad school. So hopefully I'll have surgery by the end of the current semester. 







Just Keep Swimming

Aug 21, 2012

Finishing up my grad school application stuffs this week. I'm so very nervous. I'm not a brainiac, but I'm also not a dummy! Hopefully my charming personal statement will capture them. I dunno what I'll do if I don't get accepted . . . cry in the fetal position? 

Anyway, apparently, I'm still under my mother's insurance. I don't even want to go into why or how, but I am. I've also made the decision that if I'm accepted into grad school, I will go get my surgery. In Mexico. Yup. No insurance hoops for me, just aftercare with insurance here at home. 

So, so very nervous.

When life gives you lemons . . .

Jul 14, 2012


So, I've ventured back to tinking about WLS. With no insurance, I'll have to pay out of pocket. If things go well by the end of the year, maybe I can get the surgery in March. I'm planning on attending grad school in January 2013, so they'll make me get school insurance anyway.

There'll be no constant blogging until I can get a better idea of what's going to happen.

Keeping the dream alive I suppose. I guess I can officially say, "I'm baaa~~~aaack!"

Surgery isn't going to happen

Mar 16, 2012

 Yup. This account is going ghost. I'll have no insurance, not enough money to self-pay and I need to be 20 lbs heavier to be considered. It all seems so counter-productive so I'm calling it quits. Nothing ever seems to go my way. My doc gave me phentermine, but I mean . . . oh, well.

Thanks to anyone who was kind enough to friend me, help me, and support me :)

So long folks.
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