Better Late Than Never!!!

Jun 22, 2010

I'm disappointed, let down, sad and frustrated.  Looks like my surgery date won't be until Feb 7,2011 - yup, you heard me right...It seems as tho Dr.G has had so many revision patients he has been neglecting his other surgeries.  Of course I'm upset about this and agitated they didn't advise me about this at the time of my inquiry but supposedly he decided this after I was already in the process.  I can understand his decision even tho I'm sad I wasn't sheduled before all this blew up but what can one do???  Unfortunately my insurance approval is only good until 12/14/10 so looks like Tina will need to resubmit again to insurance and I can only hope they approve it again.  I don't know whether I should try to lose weight or just keep steady and don't gain????  Who knows!  So, now I will have to wait 7 more months (hell, I could pop out a kid in that amount of time!) and hope that an opening comes available and not too many people in front of me on the wait list. I looked into other surgeons however neither are in my network so I would be looking at spending almost $20k out of pocket - money I don't have.  So - I wait and wait and wait....I'll continue to research and use my time wisely.  Good things come to those that wait right??? 

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About Me
North Lauderdale, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 21, 2001
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