Early 2005:

I have finally decided to do something drastic about my weight problem.  I can no longer just yo-yo up and down in a constant weight battle, feeling depressed and deprived all the time!  I'm tired of having a low self-esteem and tired of feeling like a failure.

I have 3 little boys and a wonderful husband.  I've been overweight ever since reaching puberty when I turned 12.  From then on, I knew that I was heavier than the other kids, but just chubby, not "fat".  I was a size 14 all through high school and college, weighing in the 150s.  Not too terrible, but not where I wanted to be either.  My most successful diet was the Zone diet in college, but finally ended that because I couldn't afford it.  As a poor college student, buying so many fruits and veggies was EXPENSIVE!  I actually got down to 138 in college, which felt great!  I think I was that weight for a whole week before I started gaining again.

Then, I met my husband......on the internet.  After what seemed an eternity, we exchanged pictures, which was very scary for me!  What would he think of me?  How can I pose for a picture that would make me look the least "chubby"?  Well, for some reason, he was still interested in writing to me, even after he saw my picture, so we continued to email each other.  The scariest day of my life was actually meeting him in person for the first time.....now, there's no hiding!  Again, he still wanted to see me again.  And, there started my uphill battle with a worse weight problem.  We saw each other every weekend when he would drive down, and we ate out a lot, and I got comfortable.  I kept my weight in the 150s though.  We got married and pregnant, and after having my first son, gained up to 180 or so.  After having my second son, I topped the scale at a little over 200, which just devastated me.  How could I let myself do that?  I joined Weight Watchers at Work, and lost a little, but wasn't consistent, then found out I was going to have my third son.  After all of the morning sickness while pregnant, and the nursing afterward, I actually got down to 155 pounds, but as soon as I stopped nursing and went back to work, I started gaining again, all of it in a matter of about a year.

I called my insurance company to ask "for sure" what their policy was around covering weight loss surgery.  They said it was a definite exclusion.  All the time.  I have an HMO insurance plan, and the lady on the phone told me that most all HMOs would deny the surgery.  So, I've decided that at the end of the year, during open enrollment at work, I will see if I can switch to a PPO. 

June 2005:

Maybe that insurance switch will come sooner than expected!  I've been trying to post out to a new position at work, with no luck.  This week, however, I accepted a position that will require me to move to Louisiana (from Texas), and I'll have to change insurance companies as part of that relocation.  What luck!  That sure wasn't the reason I accepted the job, but looks like it might be a side benefit of moving.  I've looked into the available insurance carriers, and it looks like United Healthcare is the way to go.

July 2005:

I have started my new position in Louisiana, and am now covered on a new insurance plan.  I called the insurance company this week to ask specifics on coverage, and they require a "Medically Necessary" diagnosis along with a few diagnostic tests before approving the surgery.  So, I have an appointment on August 9th for a consultation with Dr. Bellanger in Baton Rouge.  My husband will still be in Houston since he hasn't moved yet, so I'll be going alone. 

Aug. 9, 2005:      The consultation session was good.  It was a group session, and there were about 4 other couples there as well.  He also has a nurse who had the surgery, and looks like she weighs about 140, and is very happy she had the surgery.  Dr. Bellanger is very nice.  I definitely will go with the gastric bypass, as opposed to the lap band.  I need something very permanent.  Plus, my insurance won't cover the lap band or the fills.  After the group session, we went in individually and were evaluated and talked personally to him.  I don't think I even had any questions other than how do we get this process rolling???  They weighed me, had me fill out a ton of paperwork, and said they would schedule me for all of the diagnostic testing.  So far, it looks like I will require a sleep study, a psychological evaluation, blood work, and a nutrition evaluation.  I have a BMI of 40, which barely qualifies.  I weigh 208 and am 5'0" tall.  So, now, I just wait for a call telling me when all of my appointments are.

Aug. 10, 2005:     We closed on our house today.  Yippee!  I can finally sleep somewhere other than a hotel room!  Even if it is on the floor.  Our furniture and all that won't arrive until Aug. 26th.  So, it's just me and my oldest son.  He already moved here so he could start school in the right place.

Aug. 12, 2005:     I go next week for the blood work.  I also heard from the psychologist's office.  They are sending me a test to take and mail back to them.  Once that's done, they will schedule the office visit.  Test???  I also received a call that said that I don't require a nutrition evaluation until I'm approved also.  One less thing I need!  I haven't heard from the sleep clinic, and I really wish I could get that scheduled.  I would love to get all of this over with by the end of August.  My calendar is so full with our move out here!  I'm dying to get this ball rolling!

Aug. 16, 2005:     I sat and took that darned test tonight.  It had 566 questions!  And wierd questions!  Surely I'm not psycho........  Both the psychologist's office and sleep clinic called today to schedule appointments.  Once those are done, I'll be finished with all of my prework!  I'm worried about squeezing those into my busy schedule with the move and work.  Plus, the sleep study is overnight, so I have to plan it around Manny's work schedule and child care.  I know it will all work out, just maybe not as fast as I would like -- I want it NOW! 

I'm realizing more and more every day how much weight I've gained.  Things are getting harder and harder to do...like shaving and sex!  I painted this evening and thought I would die!  Plus, I'm sooooo sore from taping off that room yesterday...how pitiful!

Aug. 25, 2005:     I saw the psychologist today.  Short and sweet and to the point.  He seemed impressed that I had so much knowledge of the surgery.  I've been so excited about getting this thing going, that I think about it all the time!  I guessed I passed.  I have no "unrealistic" expectations of the surgery, and I am aware of the risks involved.

Aug. 26, 2006:     It's moving day...well, actually, the movers are delivering our stuff into the new house today.  I'm feeling pretty useless right now, just directing traffic.  I had my lab work done at the Vista Surgical Center yesterday.  As soon as that's in, they'll send the results to Dr. Bellanger along with the write-up from the head doc. 

Sept. 2, 2005:     Wow, what a week this has been!  Sunday night, we braced for hurricane Katrina that ended up coming onshore just east of New Orleans.  Monday was spent couped up in our new house watching the wind cause havoc.  Praise God we had no damage to our house, only part of a tree down in the lot next to us.  It came within yards of our fence, but we were spared.  We had tons of debris to clean up afterward, but nothing compared to what many are going thru.  Our daycare reopened on Wed, and I was able to go to work that day to cool off.  Our electricity (and A/C) came back on that night at 10:30, after 65 hours.  I have never appreciated the modern conveniences that we enjoy so much!  So, with all of this, my sleep study that was scheduled for last Saturday night was cancelled, and I need to reschedule. 

Sept. 19, 2005:     I finally had my sleep study on Saturday night.  It was miserable!  I sat in a strange room for 2 hours watching TV.  Then I had straps and about 20 cords attached all over me and was then expected to fall asleep comfortably!  Between it being too hot, too noisy, and being afraid to move for fear of messing up some wire, I slept horribly.  I feel like I got maybe 2 hours of sleep?  I ached all over when they woke me up, and then slept for about 4 hours after I got home and washed all the goop out of my hair.  Yuck.  Dr. B. should have the results by the end of the week (hopefully), so maybe next week, he'll contact the insurance company???  I can't help but sort of plan out in my mind when the best time would be, working around Manny's work schedule and the holidays.  Anyway, now I just wait I guess.

Oct. 26, 2005:      I finally got the phone call I've been waiting for from the doctor's office!!!  I've been approved for the surgery!!!!  I am beyond excited, I can hardly contain myself.  I was dying to tell Manny and my mom, but I had to wait nearly all day -- that was miserable!  Manny and I and the boys went to celebrate tonight.  We went to Sno's for the first time.  Really good restaurant.  It looks like I'm going to have it on Tuesday, December 6th.  My boss has already approved that day.  I still need to see the internist and Dr. B again.  Then, I'm ready!  It's only 6 weeks from yesterday!

Oct. 31, 2005:     Surgery date is only 5 weeks from tomorrow!  I think I have everything arranged at work, just working on getting a laptop to have at home.  Hopefully, that will work out.  Now, it's just getting all of my pre-op appointments scheduled, working around Manny's night shift, and my own work schedule, trying to take as little time off as possible.  I now have a pre-op screen scheduled for Nov. 28th at Vista.  Hope that goes good.  My calendar is so full.  I'm getting anxious about keeping everyone happy and in their right places, but I know that this 5 weeks will go by fast because I'm so busy.  That is definitely a good thing!

Nov. 6, 2005:     Time is going by so much faster than I ever would have imagined!  My surgery is now only a little over 4 weeks away, 30 days to be exact.  Thankfully, work is keeping me very busy, which makes the weeks fly.  Next week is filled with meetings and finishing the budget, then the next week I'll be in Houston for training, then the next week is Thanksgiving.  The very next week is my last week at work, full of doctor's appointments, meetings, and closing the books.  I keep thinking of little things that I wonder about, like when I'm at a restaurant, I wonder what I'll order the next time I go there.  Or I wonder how I'll ever stop drinking caffeine?!?!

Nov. 12, 2005:     I went to see Dr. Bellanger on Monday, but haven't had a chance to write about it yet.  It's been crazy here.  Manny went with me, which was good.  I wanted him to be able to meet the doc.  It was really just a visit to re-sign the consent forms, get weighed, and ask any questions.  I had gained 10 pounds since August -- ughh!  They didn't act surprised or appalled, and Mom said that it's probably common, since people probably tend to throw caution to the wind and eat whatever they want since they know they are having the surgery.  He said 2 weeks off work would be reasonable, especially since I'd be able to ease back into it with the holidays.  I won't be able to lift anything heavier than 15 pounds for 4 weeks.  I'll get my diet instructions when I meet with the nutritionist during my pre-op visit.  He also gave me samples of Protonex for my reflux.

Nov. 19, 2005:     Counting down the days now, only 17 more days until surgery!  I'm not excited or anything!  I think every time I turn around, something else makes me picture myself thin, and wearing cute clothes, and smiling like I'm finally happy.  Not that I'm really unhappy, but honestly, living in an overweight body is uncomfortable!  And I can't just take it off like I can take off pantyhose!!!  We went to Taco Bell last night, and sitting at their table was so uncomfortable!  The chair was too close to the table, and of course, it was bolted to the floor.  I couldn't lean forward to hold my food over the table because there was too much body and boob in the way -- how embarrasing for me, even though I'm sure no one noticed.  Tonight I saw pictures in our computer that Manny had been working on.  They included pictures from 2004, during the summer, when we went to Los Angeles.  I also had pictures of my 10-year HS reunion from that summer.  I just looked at those pictures for a really long time.  That was pretty soon after I stopped nursing Zach, and I was down to 155 lbs, and loving it!  I was actually pretty in those pictures.  My hair was cut and fixed real cute, I was wearing makeup, I wore jewelry, and my clothes looked good on me.  It made me think about going to get my hair done right before the surgery.  I remember feeling so good about myself for having lost weight.  And, that was only a year and a half ago.  I can't wait to feel that way again!

Nov. 22, 2005:     Two weeks!!!  Cool!!!  Just got a call from Dr. B.'s office.  Surgery has been moved to the Lake hospital because of decreased staff at Vista.  He doesn't feel comfortable anymore doing it at Vista.

Dec. 3, 2005:     A ton has happened since my last entry.  First was Thanksgiving.  Mom and Dad insisted on having only dishes that I like for lunch with the turkey since it is a sort of last meal for me (at least of the holiday sort).  We had augratin potatoes (my fav.), broccoli rice casserole -- yum, a fried turkey, gravy, dressing, and rolls.  I was so stuffed after that!  Last Monday was all of my pre-op stuff.  It was sort of chaotic because my surgery had been moved.  I met with Mona, a nurse at Vista at 7am.  Dr. B. still wanted me to meet with her so that she could give me all of my pre-op instructions, even if I was having the surgery at the Lake.  She made sure I haven't had any Aspirin or Ibuprofin lately, and stressed that I will never be able to take them again (too harsh on a tiny stomach).  She also talked about washing with antibacterial soap before I come to the hospital.  On Sunday, before my surgery, I need to eat healthy meals.  Monday, eat a lite and healthy breakfast and lunch, and then only clear fluids for the rest of the day, and nothing after midnight.  After meeting with Mona, I headed to the Lake for my pre-op testing.  I had my blood drawn, and EKG, a chest x-ray, and then we sat forever to have a gall bladder ultrasound and an upper GI.  That barium stuff I had to swallow was awful, and I was sick for the next 2 days, nauseated with a headache.

Finally by 2pm, we were done and had finally gotten to eat lunch.  We headed back to Vista to meet with Marla, the nutritionist.  What a sweetheart!  Turns out, her sister-in-law works with me!  Small world!  I will be on clear fluids for 10 days after surgery, and it will include a bottle of protein drink each day.  Each bottle has 45 grams of protein.  Then, I will mix some kind of protein powder into my broth to get more grams in.  Anyway, after talking about the rest of my diet, we were pretty overwhelmed.  So much of what she said really put things into perspective as to how much I will be able to eat.  It looks like I will be trying VERY soft proteins the weekend before we go to Alvin for Christmas.  That will include protein shakes 3 times per day.  After I met with Marla, I went back to Dr. B's office.  He explained the situation of the move, but also said that he intended to move the surgery back to Vista, assuming they fixed the staffing problem after some corporate meeting held on Wed.  I found out this week, that it was officially moved back to Vista @ 8:30 am on Tuesday, the 6th.

On Tuesday, I went to the internal med doctor, Dr. Meloncon.  What a character!  He prescribed Aciphex, because the Protonex isn't working as well.  He also talked about my vitamins after the surgery.   Marla wants me to start on 2 multivitamins, 2 calcium citrates, and a b-12 every day starting right when I leave the hospital.  Dr. M. has his own opinions.  He said to wait 2 weeks before doing the multi vitamins or the b-12.  He also said that with my history of kidney stones, not to do the calcium for at least 3-6 months.  We went shopping after we left there and got the b-12 vitamins, the protein sport drinks, the protein powder, some soups, broth, sugar free fat free jello and pudding, and popsicles, some decaf hot tea, and some crystal light mixes.  Wow.  It felt so good getting all the stuff to prepare for me coming home -- made it feel that much closer.  Today, I got a new knit nightgown, and a house coat that zips down the front.  I'm hoping I can wear them home from the hospital.  I also got some liquid Tylenol and some chewable Gas-X. 

Dec. 4, 2005:     I can't believe my surgery is actually the day after tomorrow!  I worked today getting parts of the house ready for while I'm gone.  I've done laundry and dishes, and packed some of my suitcase.  Mostly though, I've spent my day trying to keep 3 loud boys at a controlled volume so that Manny could sleep -- no easy feat.

Dec. 7, 2005:     Well, my surgery date has come and gone.  In fact, I'm still in the hospital.  It hurts more than I thought it would.  I had expected it to be a lot less painful than my c-sections, it's just in a different place.  Can't write much, still in a drug fog and having a hard time keeping my eyes open......

Dec. 9, 2005:     I'm home now, came home last night around 8:30.  The doctor took forever to release me, partly because of a mixup over the fact that I lived in Texas??????? (I moved from TX to Louisiana 6 months ago!).  Once we finally got that cleared up with the nurse, he finally came, but it was already late -- in fact, he hinted that he had been shopping -- Manny was FURIOUS!!!  At least they didn't keep me an extra night, I think they were thinking about doing that.  I was running a fever on Thursday morning, so they ordered a chest x-ray, which came back showing an area which looked like it wasn't fully expanded.  They just made sure the fever came down, which it did, and made sure I was walking and doing my breathing exercises.  Anyway, glad to be home.  I got nauseated after we got home, and also after getting out of the shower.  Apparently, too much exertion, I thought I was going to pass out after my shower -- wouldn't that have been good?  I still get dizzy when I'm up, so I don't want to get up by myself.  I'm waiting right now for Manny to get home from an eye appointment, so I can get up and walk some.

Dec. 11, 2005:     Day 5 after surgery -- down 10 pounds! -- 208 now.     I wish I was able to really celebrate.  I don't think Manny is very happy that I've lost that much, actually he doesn't know.  As of yesterday, it was 7 pounds, and he didn't seem happy.  He doesn't like the fact that I get on the scale every day, sometimes more than once -- he says, "What does it matter?  You know you're going to lose!"  All I can say is that it is satisfying to see the numbers go down like this.  I think he just doesn't want me to get disappointed.  He is also worried that I'm not taking in enough protein.  It's hard!  It's true what they say, that your taste buds change.  I don't know if this is the case, or if my medication is the cause, or what, but nothing that I put in my mouth tastes good, it's almost as if everything is too strong and I can barely handle it!  Those protein drinks that I was supposed to be drinking are HORRIBLE!!!!!  They're like drinking pure sugar syrup!  None of the broths are good.  It's just a struggle to get down more than just water, which I know isn't enough, but at least I hope it will keep me from getting dehydrated.  I also didn't think I would be this sore for this long.  It sucks!  I think it's worse than the c-sections, but maybe that's just because this is happening now.  I mean, it hurts to turn, bend (at all), sit, stand, lay down, walk, ANYTHING!  My incisions are still sore to the touch and are starting to show bruises around them, but I'm also sore on the inside.  There are 2 places on my abdomen that are swollen and sore, that aren't under an incision.  I think they must be where the stitching was done internally -- makes sense to me.  I've been doing my walking as much as I can, at least three times per day for 10 minutes each.

Dec. 13, 2005:     One week -- 14 lbs lost!!!     I had my 1-wk checkup with Dr. B. today, and they seemed pleased with my weight loss.  They also said not to worry right now about not getting in the protein during the day -- I'm not really getting any!  The only 3 things that I can stomach are water (easiest), peach hot tea (decaf), and sugar free mixed fruit jello.  That's it.  Broths make my stomach turn, those protein drinks make me want to hurl, and the protein powder is just out of the question.  Just writing about them right now is making me nauseated!  Seriously!  They also said that nausea, especially in the morning, is usually caused from having an empty pouch, and seemed happy to know that my hot tea helps to settle my stomach.

Dec. 14, 2005:     16 pounds lost!!!      This morning, the nausea was much worse than it has been, I was hoping that it wouldn't get any worse.  I woke up with a horrible taste in my mouth, so I decided to brush my teeth, which prompted lots of dry heaves.  After about 30 minutes, I tried drinking some water, which lasted only maybe a minute before I was back in the bathroom throwing that up -- not pleasant.  I felt a little better after that, and Manny was able to make me some hot tea (I couldn't go into the kitchen without getting nauseated).  That seemed to settle my stomach.  I tried some jello for lunch, it was amazing that I could only hold about 1 tsp of jello before I was full!  That's crazy!

Dec. 16, 2005:     Well, the end of this week has been HELL!  I have been so sick since Wednesday, throwing up, gagging, and just feeling overall miserable and nauseated.  It sucks.  I called the doctor yesterday, and they prescribed phenergan, which has helped I guess, although not as much as I had hoped.  Crying has become a very common occurance around here, which I'm told is normal, with all of my emotions running rampant.  I swear, this is just like being pregnant again!  I tried a scrambled egg white this morning, and actually did decent.  I slept through lunch, and for dinner, I tried a chocolate protein shake.  It was actually pretty good.

Dec. 29, 2005:     Well, Christmas has come and gone, and I only lost 2 pounds over the span of a week.  I was sort of bummed when we got back home from Alvin.  I know that logically my body will catch back up after losing so much weight so fast in the first 2 weeks.  I have lost 23 pounds in 3 weeks -- what am I complaining about???  I think my clothes are starting to fit loose, or at least they are now comfortable.  My shoes are definitely loose.  So far, the only thing I've had a problem eating was some pan sausage that Grandma made.  I thought I'd be real brave and try some.  It made me dump some, and I ended up throwing it up and was sick for probably an hour after that.  Then, last night, I had 2 baked chicken nuggets and 3 tater tots with the boys.  I had had them the night before and was excited because they sat so well.  Last night was a different story. All I can think of is that I ate them too fast or did not chew well, because they came back up too.  That sucked.  So, I'm steering away from greasy foods or fried foods, and ground meat or sausage for now.  And I need to pay more attention to how I'm eating.  I think it just won't work eating with the boys unless Manny is there.  I lose focus too easily.  One thing I've tried that was wonderful was Wendy's baked potato and their chili.  I've read that they work with lots of people.  I wish we had one more convenient.

Today for breakfast I was able to eat 4 slices of turkey and 4 slices of cheese from a lunchable, then had the ham and cheese from the rest of the lunchable for lunch.  They both sat real well.  Together, that was 20 grams of protein.  That's still not enough protein for the day, but maybe I can squeeze in 1 or 2 protein shakes later?

Jan. 12, 2006 (5.5 weeks post-op)  30 pounds lost (BMI 37!!!!!)     I was so happy to get on the scale this morning and see 188 on the scale, thirty pounds down!  I finally reached it and also finally broke the 190 pound mark.  I'm sort of afraid to get back on the scale tomorrow, scared it was just a fluke.  Maybe I'll finally be able to convince myself to weigh only on Monday?  People at work are really noticing, and most of the people I have contact with daily know that I had this surgery.  I eat with them every day -- they don't hesitate to ask why I only ate 4 bites of my food!  They are all curious, and all seem to think it's cool!  The last 2 or 3 weeks have been pretty good.  I get nauseated after I eat probably about 70% of the time, and probably 30% of that ends up coming back up, always at night.  Sometimes I can eat something one night and it sits well.  Then I'll eat it again the next night and it comes back up.  I think stress has a lot to do with it, especially on nights that Manny works and the boys are wild.  Those are usually my worst nights.

Feb. 11, 2006      Wow!  A whole lot has happened since my last entry, even though it's only been a month.  So the last entry was on a Friday.  Well, the next day was when I started feeling nauseated more than usual, and was having a hard time holding down food.  Sunday and Monday were worse, and I stayed home from work.  Tuesday was even worse.  What really sucked was that Manny was working, and for some reason, the night was worse.  I was basically throwing up everything, including water and lots of foamy stuff.  I made myself go to work on Wednesday, the 18th, but called the physicians assistant to ask her opinion.  The Phenergan was not really working, and I was scared I was getting dehydrated.  Holly called back, and said she was convinced I had a stricture, which is what I was expecting.  She said the foamy stuff was my spit, which wasn't even going down.  So we scheduled a procedure on Thursday, Jan. 19th.  Everyone said I would just feel soooo good after they stretched it out, that I would be a new person!  Wednesday night was HORRIBLE, waking up every hour, throwing up each time in a bucket.  It was just miserable.  I checked in to Vista on Thursday morning early, got an IV started to get fluids into me, and went back to pre-op probably around 9AM.  They used general anesthesia this time -- I got the impression from Dr. Bellanger that he wanted that as a precaution in case he found a different problem.  I came out of that procedure with no problems, but was still very nauseated all the time!  Dr. B. said he was surprised that the stricture wasn't as small as what he was expecting -- he expected it to be pin-size, but was actually the size of the tip of his pinky.  He expanded it to the size of his thumb, but said that I shouldn't have had as many problems as I was having.  So, he ordered a gall bladder ultrasound, which I didn't get until the next morning.  It was inconclusive, but he was sure that's what the problem was.  So, on Friday afternoon, I had my gall bladder taken out.  He used the same incisions as my gastric bypass surgery.  I went home on Saturday night, still on clear fluids, and still not feeling good.  All was assumed to just be because of the surgery.

Well, I stayed sick, and only got sicker, especially on Monday night.  Monday morning, Manny called Holly, to let her know I had been puking every 5 to 10 minutes.  I was actually resting with Phenergan, so she gave us the option of staying home on the drugs and seeing if I got any better.  That's what I chose.....I felt guilty for some reason for asking for too much.  Let's just say that by Monday night, I thought I was dying, and realized that I had made a bad choice.  I was up all night, throwing up every 5 minutes -- really more dry heaves and more foamy stuff....that's all that was in my stomach!  I basically hadn't had anything to eat or drink since before the stricture surgery.  I checked back into Vista on Tuesday morning, the 24th, not knowing what they could possibly do but re-hydrate me.  It took 5 attempts to try to start an IV, after which, they ended up putting in a central line in my neck.  The IV in my arm had blown, so the anesthesiologist had to put one in my wrist, which was sooooo painful -- I screamed (very unlike me).  Everything was ultra sensitive, I guess, because I was so severely dehydrated???  It ended up that my potassium level was a 2.3 (with a normal level being 3.8 - 4.0).  Manny said (he works in a lab) he would have sent the sample back thinking that surely there was an error with the sample.  Dr. Melancon said he had never seen anyone that low.  So, for the next 3 days, they pumped me full of potassium (it's yellow....called the banana bag), vitamins, and fluids.  I refused to go home this time until I was eating solid foods.  I went home on Thursday night, feeling like a whole new person, and have been fine since!!!  Who knew that POTASSIUM could do all that!!!

Feb. 14, 2006           It's Valentine's Day and Manny is working tonight.  He has tried real hard to make up for it though.  Among other things, he got me a gift card to Victoria's Secret.  I can actually shop there now???

March 10, 2006        Weight 174 (44 lbs lost).      It still feels so good to see that scale go down a pound.  I've been losing about 2 pounds each week, which I still feel is slow, but at least I'm losing!  I still know that I need to be exercising, but I'm still working on that.  I did a video the other day, and it felt so good!  Then, that weekend I painted, and couldn't move for 3 days!  We're going to Alvin next week, and I'm wishing I had lost more weight.  I'm afraid that people won't notice, since I still weigh 174 pounds, which is about normal for me when we lived there.  Maybe by the next time we go back, I'll be down a lot more.  I can't see us going until maybe July???  I just need to get my butt in gear and exercise!  I know that I should also watch my fat and calorie intake.  I'm just eating what sounds good and doesn't make me sick.

March 24, 2006        Weight 172 lbs (BMI 34) after 3.5 months (46 lbs lost).         Our trip to Alvin was good.  It was my birthday, so we went shopping.  I found some size 16 pants at Foleys that fit!  Oh my gosh!  On Saturday, I shopped some more and now have some shirts that don't just hang on me and some pants that fit!  It feels good!

April 5, 2006            Weight 168 lbs (50 lbs lost forever).         Wow!  I actually made 2 milestones this week.  I broke the 170 pound mark, and am now officially in the 160's.  I also reached a loss of 50 pounds, which is halfway to my goal.  I think that of all the milestones I've reached so far, this is the most gratifying.  I was actually getting sort of discouraged because I actually went this whole week without losing any weight.  Finally, I got on the scale and was down a pound!  That made me at least feel a little better.  Then the next day, I was down 3 more!  How in the world can that happen?!?!  Ok, granted, I only really have a BM once a week (I know, not a normal topic of conversation), but 3 pounds?  The other thing I've been dealing with this week is my strange appetite.  I was actually worrying because I thought my stomach capacity had gotten much larger, but then this past week, it seems I can only eat tiny portions again!  At least I'm reassured that the tool is still working.  Then I worried because I was able to eat a whole cheesecake bar without dumping!  I was actually disappointed and scared!  But, the next day, I ate 2 robins eggs at work, and they made me very sick, throwing up and nauseated for the next hour.  I was actually glad!  LOL!!!

May 19, 2006           All week I weighed 158, but this morning I was at 160.  I'm not sure why, but I'm not worried.  I saw the physicians assistant on Tuesday.  She ordered my 6 month blood work.  Hopefully everything will look good.  Since the appointment I've taken my 2 multivitamins every day and a b-12 vitamin.  I have also exercised the last 2 nights.  She scared me, telling me that at this stage, I would slow down in my weight loss.  I have been struggling for a few months with guilt over not exercising, so her warning helped.  So, I signed up at work for the Commit to be Fit program, weighed in, and committed to exercising 3 hours per week.  The last 2 nights I've rolled the elyptical trainer into the living room and used it so that I could have a fan and also watch TV.  I need to get a fan for our exercise room so that I can't use that as an excuse.  I told Manny that all I needed was a TV in there, and I'd be set.  Anyway, since exercising, I've gained 2 pounds!  Go figure!  Can't eat chocolate!!!  Makes me sick!

May 21, 2006          My blood test results all looked great!  Still exercising, but trying to figure out what I like.  Weight lifting is fun because I don't get all hot and sweaty......

May 30, 2006          Weight 156 lbs (down by 62).          I did good last week with the exercise.  I did the cardio as planned, then did arms, and then did cardio again.  I got frustrated again because I gained during the week, even though I was exercising.  I didn't give up though, because I know logically that my muscles were probably retaining fluid and were swollen.  And, today when I got on the scale, I was down 2 more pounds....YIPPEE!!!!

June 24, 2006         We're on vacation right now in Branson.  Yesterday we spent the day at a water park.  It's the first time since I don't know when that I spent the day in my bathing suit -- probably since my honeymoon???  And, I didn't mind!!!  I had a tankini skirt suit that I feel covers me enough, but I also know that I'm 65 pounds lighter than I was 6 months ago.  Yep, I weighed 153 when we left, which makes me 65 pounds gone forever.  I have some shirts that I tried on again about a week ago that now fit me -- they didn't a month ago, so I know I'm still losing inches.  I was on cloud 9 when I tried on those shirts!   We looked at all of our pictures on the TV tonight after hooking up our camera.  I'm happy with how I looked.  Of course, I want to continue losing because I'm not completely satisfied, but I'm not totally appalled by what I look like -- and my face seems prettier  :)    I know Manny has been giving me tons of compliments.

July 22, 2006          What an exciting weekend for me!  I thought yesterday was cool because the scale said 149, but today it said 148, which is even better!  I cannot believe I have officially lost 70 pounds!!!  I haven't weighed this "little" in like 10 years, when I lost a little weight in college -- I think I remember getting down to 138?  I actually went to Old Navy yesterday and was able to buy some jeans for myself!  They were a size 14 short, and low-rise, and I'm thinking that maybe I should have tried the 12s?  I need to get a belt.

Aug. 7, 2006           Weight 144 (down 74 lbs)!!!      I can't believe....still.....that this is happening to me.  We took some 8 month progress pictures tonight, and I still can't believe the change.  We downloaded them to the computer and looked at all of them.  I was a fat cow before!  It so grosses me out to look at the pictures taken 3 days after my surgery.  It just doesn't look like me.  I looked so unhappy.  I emailed them to Mom and Dad, and then called them to tell them to go look.  They sounded shocked and happy for me.  How cool.  I was wearing my new "skinny" jeans from Old Navy, and Dad insisted that they had to have been a size 8 -- but they're 14's.  Oh well, what do men know?  Should I take that as a fabulous compliment???

Dec. 30, 2006          Weight 132 (down 86 lbs)          This is just nuts.  My weight loss has slowed down significantly, but not completely.  I am still losing, sometimes 2 pounds in one week -- I just never know.  The craziest thing for me has been these past 2 days, trying on some clothes that my mom sent back with me after Christmas.  They all fit!  Many of them were size M, and a few SMALLS!!!  Also, while we were in Alvin, she insisted that I try on a pair of size 10 jeans, and of all things, they fit!!!  OMG!!!!    Talk about a confidence booster!

My work is starting a new Commit to be Fit program in January, and this one is a team event.  I am going to be the team captain for some of us on the Finance team, and we'll be logging in our miles.  In April, when it's over, the team with the most number of miles per person wins.  I feel that this will help to keep me motivated, and help me to lose these last 15 pounds!

Jan. 1, 2007      So, I started my next journey tonight.  I have made a New Year's resolution this year to exercise more.  I know that I have to set a resolution that is realistic, attainable, and just do-able.  I hate setting resolutions because I've never kept them.  This year has to be different -- I have to get serious about exercise and losing the rest of my goal.

So, my resolution is to exercise 3 or more times per week, even if it is only to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  I can at least do that.  I know that I have to make this a habit, and I think this is a very realistic goal.  My other goal is water drinking.  My plan is to take 3 bottles of water with me to work every day and to brink them home empty.  I may have to start with 2 bottles and work up to 3 because I also know that drinking water is a habit as well.  So, I walked tonight for 25 minutes at 3.5 mph, and did 3 sets of 20 crunches on the fitness ball.  It's a start!

June 24, 2007       Weight 130 lbs (88 lbs lost)      So, it's now June, officially 18 months after my surgery, and I guess I'm done losing the weight.  It seems that it worked for 12 months, because I really haven't lost anything since January.  I really still want to lose 10 more pounds, so I'm trying to do it the old fashioned way.  I exercised today - once again realizing that my #1 weakness right now is the lack of exercise.  That's all it would take to help me lose these last few pounds, but it's just so hard!  I'm finally finished with all of our vacations and t-ball.  It's nice to go back to a normal schedule.  No excuses!

July 4, 2007     Weight 128 lbs (90 lbs lost)     It's been nearly 2 weeks since the last time I wrote in here, and I've been doing great!  Right after I wrote in here, Sunday, a week and a half ago, I read an article in my Glamour magazine.  They have an online fitness/nutrition program going on right now, and it's free.  So, I logged on a registered.  You're supposed to log every calorie and every workout, to keep track of how much you eat and how much you burn.  So, I've kept up with it faithfully now for a week and a half.  Manny made a commitment with me to eat healthy too!  We've been drinking fruit and protein smoothies, eating turkey wraps, egg whites on whole wheat muffins, and broiled salmon.  And, I have been having so much fun!  I know that the surgery helps because I can eat a healthy meal, in small portions, and I'm not tempted to splurge on seconds because I'm full.  And, between meals, I can do good because I don't get hungry.  This is so different because before, it was so hard to diet because I was always so hungry!  But the biggest change has been exercise.  We added a package to our cable in order to get FitTV for only $5.50 per month, and it has tons of exercise shows throughout the day.  I've done some sort of exercise show EVERY day, except for 2, since we signed up last Wednesday!  It's fun!

July 6, 2007     Still at it, and it's amazing.  I try not to think about all the times in the past, where I have quit or given up, not followed thru on a commitment.  I REALLY don't want this to be the same!  I'm trying hard to turn this into a daily routine, and to assume that it is a part of my day, but at the same time, I don't want it to interfere with what other people in the house want or need.  So, today, we figured out how to record off cable onto a VCR tape, so if there's a show on that I want to do, I can record it and do it later.  I made healthy spring rolls tonight, and loved them.  Only 80 calories each!  Tomorrow I won't be able to move my arms -- did a bicep/tricep show today.

Dec. 4, 2007      Well, again it's been too long since I've been out here and updated!  Not good.  So, several months have gone by, and I'm still the same.  I weigh 128 pounds, so I guess I'm here to stay.  It doesn't really matter how much exercise I do, or what I eat, I stay the same.  Of course, I'm not stupid either.  I know that I can't go crazy and have everything I want!  I am still eating fairly smart, and small meals.  I know that my stomach has expanded because I can hold more food.  So, I get paranoid, that I have to eat smarter.  I DO NOT want to gain this weight back!  

The most exciting part of my life is the end of this weight loss journey I've been on.  I am finally taking the last step and having plastic surgery!  I am soooooo excited!  I don't care what kind of pain and torture I have to go through....I can't stand to look at myself with no clothes on!  So, I went for a consultation with my plastic surgeon about 4 weeks ago.  I LOVED him!  Dr. Dean in Baton Rouge.  He gave me options and also gave me his opinion.  So, I'm having an extended tummy tuck (it will go around to the back, but not all the way around).   He says I have enough on the sides to need that, and I agree.  He's also going to do a breast lift, but says I have enough tissue left that I don't need implants to get a C cup!  If you say so!  I just told him that I didn't want to come out and think I was too small.  He reminded me that I'm not used to seeing myself in small proportions, and I will have a small tummy and small hips.  Big breasts won't look good on my small frame!  Wow, no one has EVER told me something like that before!!!  He said that he wouldn't have done the implants now anyway because of all the pulling and tugging on my breasts and tummy.  He said that it tends to distort the implants during healing and can cause dimpling, which I don't want.  So, I'm trusting his opinion and going with it.  I can always go back later!  My surgery isn't until March, so I have a while to wait.  I want to pay cash for it, so we're saving up.

March 10, 2008           128 lbs
My surgery date is this Friday!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!  I am beside myself with excitement!  My mom and dad are driving in to stay with me (my mom will stay for a week).  I rented 2 recliners to use for a month for recovery....one for our bedroom and one for the living room.  That way, I can at least sleep in the bedroom each night, and I won't feel so secluded on the first few days while everyone is in the living room, and I'm in the bedroom!  And, I don't have to get my husband to move that big thing back and forth.  A pump machine is arriving on Wednesday to use on my legs the first few days to avoid blood clots.  The house is all clean, which feels good.  I'll do a little more laundry on Wednesday and Thursday nights to get back caught up.  With 3 little boys, that job is never done.  I'm not making meals before hand.....I'm blessed with a hubby that does all the little things around the house that need to get done, like laundry and meals.  I got all of my prescriptions filled, including a nausea patch to put behind my ear before the surgery and keep on for 3 days!  That'll be nice!  We even bought frozen peas this morning for ice packs.  I read that panty liners make great ice packs for the breast incisions when they're wet and frozen, so I got some of those too.  Hey, I'm not embarassed to try anything.  I'm not sure what else I'm missing, but I can hardly wait!  We have to leave my house at 5:30 in the morning to get to the surgical center.  It's supposed to be a 5-hr surgery.  I just pray that it all goes smoothly, and that the results are even better than my wildest dreams!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 -- 129 pounds!
Well, surgery date has come and gone.  I'm actually at home today working from home.  My husband tells me that the surgury only lasted a little over 4 hours, but I was in recovery longer than expected.  So, we left about the time I expected....around 1:30.  My mom was able to be here for the whole thing.  I had an extended tummy tuck.  The incisions look amazing!  They haven't oozed or bled any really.  I also had a breast lift.  Dr. Dean insisted that I had enough of my own breast tissue left to not need an implant.  Amazingly, I think he was right!  I have boobs that are in the right place!  Up high, and full!  The breast incisions are bothering me the most today I think.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 -- 135.9 pounds
Funny how much can happen in 2 years.  I am actually nearly 3 weeks post-op from another plastic surgery procedure.  I had surgery on March 12th.  Almost 2 years to the day from the last time.  This time I had breast implants, and lipo on my sides, flanks, hips, upper butt, abdomen, mons, neck, and had the side boobs fixed and flattened.

About Me
Prairieville, LA
Surgery Date
Dec 01, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Day after arriving home from surgery
8 months post-op @ 142 lbs

Friends 10
