Patty_Butler 19 years, 10 months ago

I spoke with Chrystle this afternoon and she sounds absolutely wonderful. She said she is feeling terrific and was about to get her first shower. She is in a special bariatric ICU and will be moved to a regular room today and will be released tomorrow. She is well on her way to having a great new life. Patty

Teresa B. 19 years, 10 months ago

I talked to Chrystle last night on the phone..she had her angel there from liv-lite..Michelle.. she had been up walking and she sounded great..very upbeat...but that is Chrystle!!!! I just love her..she is so full of life..she is having her leak test done today and should be coming home tomorrow..hopefully!!!! Let's all pray things go well and she can handle the drive home...I will be talking to her again today sometime so I'll let you know how things are going...

Teresa B. 19 years, 11 months ago

I visited with Chrystle today in the hospital...they were getting her up to a chair when I got there..she did very well. While I was there the Dr. came in and took her NG tube out..she said what a relief!!!!!! she was eating ice chips and talking ..speech a little slurred...DRUNKERED hahahahaha!!!! She is going to have a great recovery...she is so high spirited and spunky...makes for a good patient.. I will update later with more info as it comes.

Shirley B. 19 years, 11 months ago

Chrystle, Hope you're feeling better! Take care of yourself and drink your water, LOL! Shirley

nick 19 years, 11 months ago

Chrystle, we hope that everything went very well during your surgery today. Best wishes for a safe and speedy recovery. God Bless, Nick & Sherry

Patty_Butler 19 years, 11 months ago

I spoke with Randy, Chrystle's husband, a little earlier and Chrystle is doing fine. He was concerned because they still had the respirator on her but the surgeon assured him it was just precautionary. Randy didn't want to leave the hospital but he had their 3 year old son who had been there since 10:30 this morning and was quite tired and irritable (that's understandable - long day for a little guy). The nurses told Randy that they would not get her up tonight because she had such a late surgery and didn't get to her room til so late. So it will be up for a shower and walk tomorrow morning. I will call Chrystle tomorrow afternoon - want to give her plenty of time to rest tomorrow morning and will give an update then. My angelette is now on the losing side - on the way to being able to run and play with her baby. Patty

Teresa B. 19 years, 11 months ago

I just talked to Chrystle's husband and she is doing well.. the Dr. said everything went good..he said that she is hurting right now but resting comfortably..I am going to see her tomorrow so I will update more then...Chrystle take care!!!!

ErikaL 19 years, 11 months ago

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers! I wish you a speedy recovery and continued success with your journey!!! God Bless, Erika L

Becky F 19 years, 11 months ago

Hi, Chrystle, Best wishes for an uneventful and successful surgery and a speedy recovery!!! Blessings to you!!! Becky

StalkerVal******* 19 years, 11 months ago

Hi Chrystle, I am so sorry for your postponement but all things happen for a reason and as we all know a death in the family can not be helped. Wishing you well and good Luck sweetie hang in there..Hugs Val2
About Me
Weedville, PA
Surgery Date
Apr 30, 2004
Member Since
