Water, water, and more water

Feb 15, 2011

Well, I had a wake up call today. I went to my OBGYN and they needed to do a urine test. I couldn't go. It took 3 bottles of water and over a hour and a half. When I finally went, it was not much at all. Reality check, I was dehydrated. I felt fine. I still feel fine. I guess I have been so busy getting the protein in that I forgot about how much liquid we are to have. I noticed that I could get it in a lot faster when I was walking around. So, now I'm walking a lot more at home. I need to stay healthy. Like I said BIG WAKE UP CALL FOR ME TODAY.

Back in stride again...

Feb 13, 2011

Well I think I'm back in stride again. The last 3 days we have gone out, Walmart, Sears, Park, Sam's Club, etc. I'm taking it slow and carrying protein drinks and water with me. I've learned to drink seasoned broth and crystal light when they eat lunch and dinner. I'm bloated today due to woman problems but other than that I am good. Got on the scale and it said I gained 5 lbs. I thought it was odd at first but then when I thought of my women problems, constipation, and that it was a different time of day than the first time, I made excuses. I haven't had anything but broth and protein drinks. My husband found a new Boost with lower calories so I will start those as soon as I finish these. I'm drinking 3 protein drinks a day, 32 oz of water, and as much broth and crystal light as I can. Oh, I occasionally have light cranberry juice for breakfast (8 oz). I'm trying to get all of my liquids in. This is not easy but looking at the pictures of everyone, I believe it's going to be worth it. My first goal is 190 lbs so I can get life insurance. Pray that it happens real soon.


Feb 10, 2011

I am walking outside 3 times a day now. It's going slow but it's going. I'm trying to fill my day. The kids are home with me this week so I have someone to talk to. Next week, I can drive. I think I will go to lunch with one of my friends and get some hair care products so I can figure out how to get my hair in order before I return to work! Still trying to take it easy though. It's very hard to do but I am sitting. No naps during the day. Need to get back on schedule so I can get back to work. Looking forward to the next step in this journey. I love the new friends that I have made along the way. I look forward to the support meeting on the 19th.

Hunger...I think?

Feb 07, 2011

Well, I experienced what I thought was hunger yesterday. I warmed a frozen pizza for the kids and while it was cooking I thought my stomach was growling and I experienced the most hunger I've felt in a long time. But I couldn't believe it. I've gone out with friends and family and watched them eat while I was on the liquid diet. I even cooked their food. I can't believe that after all that time I am hungry. After I posted it and heard others comments, I realized that I am not the only one. It's part of the experience. I have to learn how to handle it. I'm not hungry and do not have to have food. This is a very interesting experience. So much to learn. I thank God for the ability to learn so I continue to loose.

I'm Home!!!

Feb 05, 2011

Hello Everyone, Thank you for your many prayers, thoughts and concerns. I'm home now and I'm up and moving around. Let's see, what happened. Well...while I was waiting to get my IV, the Dr. came in and said he thought I was a good candidate for going through the navel. He said that it was more difficult and would take longer, but there wouldn't be a scar. At that point I was ready so I said "OK". I've been warned about that habit! The next thing I remember is PAIN! I asked why it hurt so much and the nurse said, he did in one hole what normally happens in 5 holes. It felt like a c-section all over again. I had 3 of those so I remember that feeling well. The difference was the air bubbles that traveled up in my upper back. They hurt. I begged them to let me go home. Once I got home I took pain medicine but that was it. I found if I got up and walked it felt better. I was weak but I was home and walking. I found that if I could lay straight back and go to sleep when I woke up the pain was dull. Today is my day of trying to get all of my liquids in. I'm up to 6 oz's a hour. Maybe I can get 8 oz's a hour tomorrow. That's the goal. I have one every day. I also walk 2 minutes a hour if possible. And finally, I'm using my blowing/sucking thing. It helps when I feel like coughing. I hope this isn't too much for you guys. Good luck!

Last day of Pre-op! Yeah!!!

Jan 30, 2011

So it's my last day of pre-op and I am at home trying not to watch the clock. That stuff that they have you drink is NASTY! It taste like salt. I don't care for the clear liquid stuff either. I've added some Crystal Light fruit punch but it's still worse than the Boost. Have a to do list that I'm trying to get done so I won't concentrate on the clock. So far it's working. I've been up since 5 AM and the laundry is started, the floor is swept, the couch is febreezed, and the bills are paid. There are quite a few other things on this list and I will keep at them for the rest of the day. That is, in between bathroom breaks. That stuff really works! Praying I get a early morning surgery. Thanks for your prayers. See you on the other side.

Last Day of Work

Jan 28, 2011

Well it is my final day at work until 3 weeks after the surgery. I thought I would be upset, but I'm not. LOL I've done well with the liquid diet. I have not cheated at all and that feels really good. I will be running around with the kids this weekend so I'd better make sure I take a cooler and a ice pack.  I'm really looking forward to the results of the surgery. I'm going to concentrate on the positive and not worry about the negative. I have given that to God to handle. One of my friends at work gave me a woman's devotional book, some magazines and some lotion. She is so sweet. She told me that it would give me something to do when I was feeling better but couldn't do too much. God is always sending me angels.

Prep Work

Jan 22, 2011

I have been called a control freak and organized, not sure which one I really am. Probably both. Anyway, I spent most of the day yesterday preparing the main course for meals for my family for 2 weeks. My husband works 10 hr days and I didn't want him to have to come home and have to cook on top of everything else. I've purchased 4 types of protein drinks to have a sample of things after the surgery. I have a case of Boost to drink during my week of liquid only. Not sure what I am missing though. Going shopping for "new hair" next weeks. I'm going to try a optional look since I can't relax my hair right now. I thought I would try it after 6 months since I hear that you should stop shedding by then. So much to learn in a short time. 
1 comment

Pre-Op Meeting

Jan 20, 2011

Yesterday, my husband and I went to my pre-op meeting with Dr. Portenier and the hospital. Let's just say that I was not prepared. We met 3 people who are scheduled to have the surgery around the same time as I am. 2 next week and me and another lady on Feb 1st. I learned that I jumped the gun with the vitamins. They walk you through all of that at your group meeting so I have to take all of that back. I learned that you may have problems with your gallbladder later and if you are having problems now, they will remove it during surgery. I learned that you will be on a liquid diet for a week prior to surgery. I learned that your hair sheds. I learned that you should return to Duke for any medical complications since other Dr's will not want to mess with you too much if they are not familiar with dealing with bariatric patients. I learned the entire process will take at least 5 hours from start til I get into my room. It could take more if there is a problem with the surgery before me. I learned that you get notified the day before surgery telling you what time to be there for your surgery. I learned that you have to retake all of those blood test, EKG and X-rays again. Like I said, overwhelming for a person who thought she would be meeting with the Dr. asking questions, filling out some paperwork and leaving.

4 weeks pre-op

Jan 09, 2011

This weekend I bought most of the vitamins that I will need. I have my blenders but still need a few things such as the mug warmer, weights and the books that were recommended. My family has major concerns about the surgery but I am calm. My son won't leave me in a room too long cause he believes he has to check on me to make sure I am alright. I really feel bad for putting them through all of this. However, I know that it is best for everyone that this surgery is completed. I will take my measurements tomorrow and my weight. I pray that I make good friends to go through this together.

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Nov 08, 2010
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