Nov 2002


I am 33 years old, married mother of 3 daughters. I have struggled with my weight in one fashion or another for my whole life. The last 10 years have been the most trying and depressing regarding my weight management efforts.


I am researching bariatric surgery to see if it makes sense for me and can provide some assistance in managing my weight.


July 2003


After a very long and unsuccessful initial attempt at weight-loss surgery, I am attending a seminar put on by another surgeon to see if I can get the process fully completed. Still learning about WLS and have decided that Lap-Band is a viable option for me at this time.


July 2003


After a long waiting period, I was finally able to see my PCP once again. (She was out on extended FMLA - January through June) My primary reason was to push for a LOMN. I was stunned to find out she had written the letter February 2003 and sent it to my surgeon. I was unaware as the surgeon's response was that he had never received a LOMN from her office. I feel more strongly that WLS is a good option for me. After a back strain injury this past month, I have put on 10 more pounds in just two short weeks. I am suffering from skin breakdown and infections on my legs with extreme pain. I am waiting to hear from my surgeon.


August 2003


All my information has been submitted to my insurance company and they indicate I will have an answer in the next three days. I am hopeful they will approve the procedure.


August 2003





May 2006


Have a surgery date of 06/06 scheduled for LapBand. Denied by a second insurance carrier. Tired of fighting the insurance companies and will be self pay.


July 10, 2006


I am so happy to be on this side of the surgery!


Words cannot describe how wonderful it is to see the number on the scale falling ... the numbers sure look better on the way down!


Since my surgery on 06/06/06, I have lost 21 pounds and I feel wonderful. I found a fill doctor in my area and cannot get in until August 4th but am pleased with my results so far.


I have given myself one year to lose my weight. Next June my goal is to be 140 # or less.


I wish I had known how wonderful my experience in Tijuana would have been... I would have done this years ago!




Well, almost 6 months have passed since surgery and what a difference this lapband has made in my life.  Preop weight:  225   today:  180.  My goal is to lose 40# more between now and 06/06/2007.  It is definitely not an easy solution to obesity and not for people who don't want to think about good food choices and good healthy habits.  I turned 37 this month and am excited to think that the years to come will be healthy and happy!




Seven months have passed and I am down 55 pounds.  Currently at 170 from a high of 225.  I am feeling much better and much more energetic.  I have begun going to the gym again and found a class I think I will like.  Currently at 1.6 cc in a 4 cc band.  My last fill was in October and I think its about time to get another as I have lost 17 pounds since then and the band feels much looser.


I am very excited about the next few months!


Surgeon Info:

Surgeon: Pedro Kuri, M.D.

Nov 2002 My appointment with Dr. Cirangle was a positive experience. My husband attended the appointment with me not only for support but to ask questions regarding the procedure and the impact it would have on me. Dr. Cirangle did not mind that my husband attended the appointment with me. Dr. Cirangle is very knowledgeable about all the bariatric procedures and presented the pros and cons of each. He explained why certain types of surgery are recommended over others based upon starting weight, health, risk factors etc. Dr. Cirangle thoroughly answered all the questions on my list. We left feeling more informed about the surgical options available and the possible risks and/or complications associated with surgery. He was very generous with his time and put us at ease.


After my surgeon learned that I was not approved by insurance, he no longer returned calls.


2006 I had been in contact with Dr. Kuri's patient facilitators for several years. After a second denial by a differently insurance plan, I will be going self pay through Dr. Kuri's practice.


About Me
Oct 07, 2002
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Latest Blog 13
2 Years out today!
Not much is new...
Band check
It's all in good time!
