The Holidays Are Upon Us...Again!!

Nov 20, 2010

It's been quite a while, but it's been crazy busy.  Not only am I starting my Junior year of college, my oldest has begun her Senior year of high school!! I am soooo overly excited and overjoyed for her.  The weight loss has slowed, but it's still going on.  I was supposed to see Dr. Kole on November 11, but thanks to my former PCP whom has never met me(he always pushed me off on his partners) decided because I hadn't been in the office for a while, he "needed" me to sit in his waiting room for 2 hours before he sees me, Then he'll hear what's going on in my life while he's walking back out of the room and peddle a few unnecessary pills on me. All for the glorious price of a $15 co-pay!!  My girls refused to see him, he insulted the Hubby the first time he ever met him and he sat in the waiting room for an hour and forty five minutes the first visit and two hours the second visit. He refuses to go back.  So now I've changed our PCP, I'm going to meet him the first of the year, let him know about Dr. Kole and get the ball rolling for part 2 of my weight loss journey. This will have to wait until summer now because with Senior year activities and my baby's Sweet Sixteen birthday party in April, when will I have the time to devote to me and my care? So I figure after our summer vacation, I can proceed. I'm down 139lbs, but I still have a looooong way to go!!  So much for all of that. I have a new venture in my life as well, I know, with everything going on in my life already, I have become a Pampered Chef Independent Kitchen Consultant.  I love every single aspect of it.  I've gone back to doing what I used to love. I can d this now because I can stand for long periods of time now, my back doesn't hurt, and my feet don't kill me when I'm cooking.  I found that a lot of my issues with my weight were the fact that I was eating what was readily available. So now I'm preparing everything, the whole family has gotten involved. They love what I do, they love the kitchen tools and seasonings.  I'm just glad they are on board with everything I'm doing.  I've decided after my daughter's graduation, I'm getting my second tattoo. On my back/ right shoulder and something incorporating both girls' names.  Well, gotta run, as usual, homework and sleep call.  Be well and I'll be back soon!!! Have a blessed, safe and joy filled Thanksgiving everyone!!!

It's been that long, huh?

Jun 26, 2010

My goodness, I feel terrible.  It's been quite sometime since I've dropped a note.  It's been super busy around here. School (myself and the kids), hubby injured himself at work, helping care for my grandmother, just life in general.  I've made it to the 100 pound down mark!! Actually I'm at 112 pounds lost!!! Yayyyyy!!! But, there hasn't been very much action since.  I saw Dr. Kole for my one year visit, we discussed a possible second surgery.  He wants to see me again in November to see if I am at a stall, he said this could happen with VSG patients, especially those of us that have large amounts of weight to lose.  We discussed my options, RNY, DS or Lapband.  I've discussed it with Hubby and I told him, if  Dr. Kole deems it necessary, I only want to go for the Lapband.  It'll be a overnight proceedure and it could be just the re-kickstart I may need.  i'm still exercising regularly, sticking to my eating plan, have a treat every blue moon (honestly- no craving for anything really bad).  I'm going to do a liquid diet for about one week (you know the one we did just before the surgery), Dr. Kole said it could get things moving again and I may be able to avoid the second surgery.  We'll see, and I'm praying he's right.  If I do have the second surgery, only those that live in my house, my best friend and my God son will know.  I don't want to go through the drama- for what I am dubbing, "Maintenance Surgery!"  I'm not ready to argue that my surgery failed, because in all honesty, it didn't fail- I've lost 112 pounds and without the Sleeve, I wouldn't have been able to do it.  I wouldn't be living the life that I am living right now.  I've developed a confidence in myself, I love myself, to be honest- I'm having a blast!! I'm going places, baseball, hockey, basketball and I will be going to my first football game in about 33 years!!! I've been to plays and concerts, I've walked around the mall without having to stop to catch my breath.  I'm working out and I love it, even when I get an awful cramp in my calf from pushing myself a bit too hard!!!  I can walk my dog for a mile and I enjoy it.  My neighbors have noticed not only the weight loss, but my attitude, I actually stay outside and chat with them.  My family has to get me to squeeze them into my "social calendar!"  I was trying to decide the gift I was going to give myself for losing my first 100 pounds.  After talking with my best friends- they reminded me of something that I've always wanted and this would be the perfect time to get it:  A TATTOO!!!!  So I then had to decide what that tattoo would be.  I've decided on a butterfly.  Because I  have shattered the cocoon that once held me captive and separate from the world. I talked it over with the Hubby, he's all for it, he's told me he's in this with me and anything I do that keeps me or helps me get healthy and whatever I do that makes me happy that isn't illegal or hurt anyone (we both laughed)- he's all for it! He's told me he loves the fact that he sees me smile all the time, he said he missed my smile- I love him soooo much.  My kids love helping me pick out new clothes.  I've actually been able to shop in stores, I haven't done that in over 10 years!!!  I also have sent a thank you to my GYN (sorry fellas- but it is what it is)!!  She's been the other half of me getting my life back.  I've purchased my first pair of white capris, wore a pair of off white pants, and I'm buying pale pink capris!!!  i've not been able to wear light color pants, skirts, dresses, capris- nothing below the waist could be light colored- just in case I had an "accident!"  This year has been wonderful.  I LOVE MY LIFE!!! And I'm thanking God everyday for every single moment.  I'll keep you all posted on what happens.  You all are always in my prayers, please keep me in yours!

Have a great summer & be blessed

Just a Quick Update

Jan 31, 2010

Just thought I'd update everyone on the latest.  I just came home from the hospital on Thursday (Jan. 28,2010).  I had surgery on Wednesday, January27,2010.  All those "female" problems I had been having have been resolved (I'm praying).  I had a hysterectomy.  My current GYN is also looking into filing  negligence and discrimination complaints against my former GYN's (they're partners).  They totally and completely misdiagnosed my case and allowed things to go on far longer than they should of because of "fat prejudice!!" My weight was always the topic of conversation during every visit- was always the reason they "couldn't" care for me properly- this went on for 10 years.  Ladies, as a favor to me and especially yourselves, never allow a Dr. especially Gynecologists, mistreat, intimidate  or disrespect you because you're overweight.  That is what happened to me.  It wasn't that I allowed it (although in a sense I did), it was that I was soooo stunned as to what they were telling me and how they were speaking to me, that I literally froze in place.  I couldn't believe someone would actually say those things to me.  But my current GYN totally has my back, she has empathized with my situation and she has tried to do everything in her power to restore my faith, help me get my life back and to be sure I have a smile on my face every single time I left her office.  She even made it her business to sit down with my kids and husband and explained everything that was going on and that would or could happen.  She is the best, and her office is absolutely the "NO JUDGEMENT ZONE!!"  I thank God for placing her in my path.  Just wanted to keep you all abreast of the situation.  Please keep me in your prayers for an uneventful recovery- so far, so good.

Love, hugs and Blessings!!


It's been a rough month

Jan 02, 2010

Well, December along with 2009 has come and gone.  I didn't make my goal of 100 pounds off, but I'm ok with it.  I have lost 85 pounds and I'm feeling great!! I had to have outpatient surgery and was just released to go back to exercising this week.  I think that slowed my weight loss a bit, but I'm ok with it- I had to have this done.  Well, December started out pretty nice, we were all in the holiday spirit and waiting for Santa to visit all the little people in our family.  I got an early gift from hubby, he took me to see Michael McDonald on December 20!!! I have been wanting to see him for years and hubby has made my dream come true!! I love you "Big Daddy- you're the best!!"  He also gave me a jersey of my favorite football team- the Pittsburgh Steelers- and it's my favorite player(even though he's retired now- Jerome "The Bus" Bettis).  Well, after that night, our week went down hill!!
We received a phone call at 1:50am Tuesday morning(December 22), my father in law passed away in the night, unexpectedly!!  He had been ill for some time, but we never imagined God would call him home, especially at Christmas time, but it is His will, not ours.  A couple of the younger grandchildren wanted to "cancel" Christmas, because Grandpa wasn't here to celebrate with us.  We all had to let them know that Grandpa didn't want us to stop celebrating because he was no longer physically here with us, in fact in a few of his last conversations, he wanted to be sure all the grands had their gifts from him.  They then understood how important this Christmas would be for our family.  I still find myself tearing up from time to time when I think about him.  His memorial is Saturday January 9, if any of you that read this could whisper a prayer for our family, we would surely appreciate it!!  Christmas was very different, but we shared stories and pictures, laughter and tears.  Hubby took it pretty hard(as expected- they were very close- not to mention hubby looks exactly like him) because after the mention of cremation, he thought he wouldn't get to see him and say goodbye, but my wonderful mother in law made arrangements so that we the immediate family could have a private viewing and farewell.  It was sad, but touching as we all held each other and shared our "Grandpa tales!!"  I'm going to miss his deep baritone voice, his hearty chuckle and his infectious smile and most of all, his "sick and twisted" sense of humor!! I love you Dad and I miss you terribly!!!
With that I will ask that each of you hug your kids/grandkids a bit tighter and that kiss you give your significant other- let it linger just a bit longer and always smile at those you meet while you're on your way about your day!!!! 
Many hugs and lots of love!!
Happy New Year Everyone


Nov 13, 2009

Can you "freakin" believe it?!!! I finally, I repeat, FINALLY BROKE THROUGH THE 70 LB MARK!!! And baby I did it big time, I am down 77 pounds as of this past Tuesday!!!  I screamed when that scale lit up those digits. I have 23 pounds to go before I hit 100 pounds. My best friend and I have stepped up our workouts a bit.  I feel so much better when I work out. I had to miss a week because I had a really bad  cold and I was coughing so badly, I thought I was coming down with the infamous bronchitis as I always do.  But nope, just hit the NyQuil at night and his brother DayQuil during the day, sucked on a few cough drops and some hot tea, I managed to beat it. I still have a little tickle every now and again, but nothing I can't live with and use the occasional cough drop for.  I bought myself a pair of black leather riding boots. Ok, sounds great right? Well, not exactly.  I haven't worn riding boots since my Senior year of high school.  One, I couldn't afford a new pair back then as a nursing student.  Once I could, I couldn't get my "big ol" fat calves in a pair.  Well, I was determined to that after surgery I was getting a pair.  Well, last week I was shopping with my best friend and hubby was able to "float" me a few extra dollars in my budget.  These boots started begging me to rescue() them from the store because it's dark there at night and they're afraid of the dark- "this is my story and I'm sticking with it.  So I tried them on, my foot fit perfectly, but they wouldn't zip all the way u my calf.  I just sat there and my best friend said "buy them!"  She told me right there in front of everyone- "you're working your butt off, you love those boots, the love you and they are on sale for $90, if you put them on your dresser and see them everyday, that is going to be incentive for you to push through!" Well, I bought the boots, they're sitting on my dresser waiting for me.  Hubby bought me a Pittsburgh Steelers Jerome Bettis jersey and I'm thinking about buying some black leggings and a black or gold turtleneck and hopefully I will be able to wear this come Christmas day!!! Hubby's supposed to wear his Detroit Lions jersey for Christmas.  Ok, yeah I'm from Detroit, I absolutely adore the Redwings, Tigers and Pistons.  With that said, since I've been a little girl, I've always loved the Pittsburgh Steelers.  Franco Harris was my favorite football player (I did enjoy the view of other players on other teams-Howie Long and those Oakland Raiders, Joe Montana, Steve Young, etc- but I've been very loyal to the Steelers) until Jerome Bettis came along.  Let alone was he a great team player, not hard on the eyes, but he's also from Detroit!!! Any who, enough about my obsession with football(I could go on for months about football).  I will check in next month as it's getting really busy around here as it is with most of you- holday season is upon us.  My cookie and kitchen will be busy in the coming weeks.  I have lots of gifts to make.  This year, I don't even have a craving for any of it, which is good.  The only thing I'm looking forward to is my mother in law's shortbread cookies- and I can only eat maybe 2 or 3 pieces- she cuts them into tiny squares but it's a buttery cookie- I don't have a gall bladder so I'm very careful about fat intake.  But I will have a couple of pieces and that'll suit me just fine.  I have to make peppermint meringue cookies, black and white cookies, coconut macaroons, decorated sugar cookies and glass candy.  I package them assembly line style and give them as gifts to all the siblings, our mail carrier(she put in her request for the glass candy and meringue cookies-), friends and I do a big tray for the office at the girls' school- this year I only have to do one because they both go to the same school- yayyyy, and one for Hubby's Holiday Party at work..  Ok, I have babbled just too much today.  I'm feeling particularly talkative today, don't know why.  Well, back to the books- uggggh this algebra class- 3 weeks to go!!!  Going to the gym tonight with Angie- gotta move those 23 pounds.  Talk soon.....Be Blessed

Well Time Is Flying By

Oct 31, 2009

Hi all!! Can you believe it's been 6 months already?!!!!  Well, I had my six month appointment with Dr. Kole Thursday October 22.  I am down 67 pounds!!!!  Can you believe it?  I've never been able to lose more than 22 pounds when i was going to Weight Watchers, LA Weight Loss and any other cockamamie diet I've tried.  I always bounced between those same 22 and then get frustrated and quit, then gain back those 22 plus a few extra for good measure!  The best part about all of this is my heart rate is down to- drum roll please...75!!!  Dr. Kole was soooo excited he gave me a hug!!!  I talked with the Dietitian because it seems as though things are slowing a bit for me.  So she suggested keeping my diet between 1000-1200 calories a day.  I don't know what it is, on the days I go to the gym, my appetite is fine, but the next day, I am sooooo ding-danged hungry.  Well, my best friend and I are going to sit down and devise a weekly menu and grocery list.  She had the lap band almost 2 years ago.  She looks wonderful, she says she has about 25-30 pounds to go- I don't see it, I'm telling you she looks fabulous!!  She is awesome, she's been there for me through everything.  The family is doing well, the girls are doing excellent in school, progress reports were all A's and B's for both of them.  The oldest is now a member of Leadership Council and the Japanese Club.  She's met with representatives from the Creative Arts College she wants to attend, they've explained about scholarship opportunities that she could be eligible for.  They're really impressed with her drawings, the Rep. said she could be very successful in animation and advertising.  I think it would be perfect for her, she's also trying to devise her own comic strip.  I'm helping her look into patents and trademarking, that way when she finishes, it is hers and no one can "borrow" her work.  Baby daughter is just loving high school, much more so than the oldest did when she was in 9th grade.  She is loving her media arts class, her teacher says that Torie is one her most talented students and she can't believe she's self taught.  We spent years trying to find something that she would be interested in.  She's always been a busy body, then my hubby bought me a digital camera a few years ago, we asked her to take a pic of us and you could see the love right before your eyes when she took that first picture! Then Hubby bought her a lap top for Christmas, she's been manipulating pics and all kinds of things and she's been helping her teacher by assisting others when they have trouble.  I'm very proud of my girls and their friends.  They all are talented and have some very wonderful goals, hubby and I are doing everything to help them achieve them.  School for me on the other hand is not the best.  I am still struggling with Algebra.  I pray I get through it with a C and just move on.  I am excited to start my next course, Intro to Fine Arts.  I am sooo looking forward to it, I love reading about the history of art and the different artists during different periods of time.  When I'm done with this Algebra, I may start reading the text early.  I want to start a book club with my sister and girlfriends and our children, begin by reading some classics, like The Odyssey, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, etc. Maybe some newer writers as well, but I'd like to introduce them and reintroduce the rest of us to the classics that schools hardly suggest any longer.  Ok, so I'm putting away my soap box now.  I just love books, our house is full of them, and my husband doesn't read a single one- he hates to read.  But he loves when I read to him.  Anything beyond the sports page or short articles requires too much attention and time for him. Well, that's pretty much all going on around here.  Just busy as always, but now I had the energy to do it and I'm actually enjoying life again.  Be blessed and be well!!! Love and hugs 

It's Been Really Crazy Around Here!!

Sep 04, 2009

I am so sorry it's taken me soooo long since my last blog.  As usual, my life has gotten a bit chaotic.  I've been going back and forth taking care of my grandmother and father in law, I'm still in school, my kids have been keeping me busy, hubby has been working like crazy (not complaining thanking God for everyday he has a job, as so many here in Michigan are losing their jobs) and my best friend and I are making it a point to work out together 3 to 4 times a week at a new health club.  My last Dr.'s visit I was down a total of 57lbs...yayyyyyyy!!! I've been also trying yoga.  My hubby bought for me as a gift before my surgery(and a gorgeous tennis bracelet after surgery- that now has to be resized), Just My Size Yoga by Megan Garcia and a pink(one of my favorite colors) yoga mat.  My youngest daughter and I try to do it together a couple times a week.   I'm eating regular foods completely now.  I don't tolerate  much sugar very well, I can eat small amounts, but I pretty much stay away from it.  I do have to fight the "Carb-Bandit!"  I can eat carbs, that is soooooooooo not a good thing.  But I take it one day at a time, some days I beat it some days I don't.  On the days I don't, I try to push myself extra hard at the health club.  I've also figured out one of my triggers to overeat is "boredom!"  I caught myself one day when no one was home looking in the fridge, but I wasn't hungry- I literally yelled at myself to shut the door because I wasn't hungry!!  Now, I don't have that demon on my back!!!  I've been working really hard to get this weight off!!  I'm going to have my daughters take some updated photos of me soon- I just have to get up the nerve.  I don't see a change, but I absolutely feel the difference.  Before the surgery, I couldn't walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes, now, I'm on it 30-45 minutes and I do upper and lower body work outs (on different days) and ab work @ every workout.  I used to hate working out, it's still not my favorite thing in the world, but I don't feel right if I don't workout.  At my last Dr.'s visit, my Dr. was impressed with everything I was telling him about my eating and my exercise habits.  He looked at my chart and he jumped up and gave me this huge hug and told me he was soooo proud of me.  He said my heart rate when I first began seeing him, even at my first post-surgical visit, was close to 150, then down to 138, that day at my last visit, my heart rate was at 80!!!  I had no clue that me working out was having that kind of effect that fast.  I've also gone down about 3 1/2 dress sizes. I can't really see it, but everyone around me sees it, my hubby teases me that my butt is shrinking and pretty soon my butt and my back will be one!  My daughters tease me that pretty soon I will be borrowing their clothes.  I've had to buy new clothes and my latest venture (sorry gentleman this one is for the ladies, but enjoy the chuckle) has been underwear.  I had just showered and was getting dressed.  I was pulling on my capri's and my undies rolled down to my ankles!!!  I fell onto our bed laughing my head off, hubby came in and he was laughing before he knew what was happening- this is how hard I was laughing!!  I told him what happened, I can't tell you how long we laughed.  For the rest of the week, that was the running gag!!!

   Well, I think that's pretty much it for now, like everyone else, I'm getting the girls ready for school, baby-girl is soooo excited about starting high school, I'm excited for her, but I'm also mourning the fact that she is no longer a little girl.  Ohhhh well, they have to grow up some time.  I hope you all are doing well and we'll chat soon.
Take care and keep on moving and keep on losing!!!

Just Checking In

Jul 03, 2009

Well, let's see, things are going pretty well.  I'm working out like every other day.  Hanging out with my daughters, the economy being what it is, we're really not going anywhere, plus hubby's vacation is over(miss him when he's not here with us).  Baby daughter and I try to walk at their high school's track a few times a week, this week hasn't been that great.  It rained most of this week, and I think during my work out on Wednesday, I must've stepped down wrong, 'cause my right hip is in pain when I stand or sit too long.  I'll be fine.  I'm down 55.3lbs.  I actually have to make myself eat- food just isn't that important  to me anymore- NEVER THOUGHT I'D HEAR MYSELF SAYING THAT!!! Still a bit sad about Michael Jackson's passing, my heart knows he's in a better place, but on that same token,  my heart is a bit broken as he has been a major part of my life's soundtrack!  He's had songs and albums out every decade of my life, The Victory Tour was the first concert I ever went to.  Both my daughter's first favorite songs were Michael Jackson songs (DD #1's first was Will You Be There- she called it the "Willy Song" because it was from Free Willy, DD #2's favorite was Scream- she was just a baby, but when that video came on or I'd put on the CD, she would stop everything and bounce like she was dancing with him! I know that none of us are immortal, but he was a constant in my life. needless to say, I've been rocking his music (a bit more than usual) all week in the house and in my truck(the kids on the block love to hear me coming down the street lately).  I was listening to the Dangerous album on my way home from the dentist the other day, I'm at a red light, this older lady in the car next to me looks over smiles and holds up the Dangerous cd cover and we both laugh! It's kind of great having a connection to people I don't even know- just shows how one person can unite an abundance of people- if only for five minutes!  I'm just grateful his music and videos are here for us to pass on to the generation that will never physically get to partake in a Michael Jackson live concert.  I'm telling you, if you ever got to see him live, you'd agree it was money well spent! Ok, I'm done- Gonna miss you Michael- you were an awesome cat! May your soul finally rest and may you be up in heaven moon walking for Jesus- I think he'd get a kick out of it!!!
Hope everyone is doing well and may everyone have a safe and most blessed July 4th!!!

Found A Snack That Is Soooooooo Darned Good!

Jun 05, 2009

Well, I guess "ye ole appetite hath returneth!!!"  My best friend says it is a direct result of me working out regularly.  She says my body is burning everything I eat and it needs fuel.  Well, I've been seeking light salty snacks that pack a good amount of protein.  Well, I was just kind of surfing the net and found out about dry roasted soy beans, they have about 14g of protein in about a 1/3 cup serving, 4g of fiber, 6g of carbs, 6g fat.  So today I went to my local(well not so local it's not far from my daughter's high school) health food store- for those of you that live in the Detroit area it's in Roseville just past 10 mile road and it's called Health Nut Vitamin.  It's a small place but the guys that work there are soooo helpful and nice.  Back to the snack,  the dry roasted soy beans were $2.99 for a 12 oz bag- it's a good amount of these little buggers.  Well I was standing there staring at all the nuts and snacks on the shelf there and I saw the raw pumpkin seeds they were $4.99 for a 16oz bag- again good amount for the money. So I grabbed those also.  For a 1/4 cup serving they have 10g of protein, 3g of fiber, 5g of carb and about 15g of fat.  I know that sounds like a lot of fat, but we must remember, this is the good fat, the kind our body needs.  Considering I don't really put fat in anything I eat (I can't stand butter on toast and things like that- to me it may as well be Crisco on a bagel) it won't be a problem for me.  Well, I brought home my goodies and I took a tiny-tiny bit of margarine in a small skillet, I didn't measure I just poured soy beans and pumpkin seeds and toasted them until the soy beans were a little more golden brown.  I then took regular salt ( about 1/8th of a teaspoon of each), Lawry's seasoning salt and garlic powder and put them in a tiny prep bowl and mixed it around, then stirred it into the toasted seed/beans mixture.  I then poured them into a dish to let them cool, but of course I tasted a couple while they were hot- they were out of this world.  So I will measure them out by 1/4 c and put them in the zip lock snack bags and as I need to I'll drop a bag in my purse.  Hope you get a chance to try it!!!  BTW, I'm down 12.3 lbs...Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!! I've been working out almost everyday, I'm working my tail-feathers off.  Hope you all are doing well.

Ok,Everyone is Entitled...But Already?(Beware Girl Talk)

May 21, 2009

Well this week started out pretty good.  Got 100% on a paper that I had to write for my Earth Science course- if you knew this professor, you'd know that is no small feat!!  Getting baby daughter ready for 8th grade graduation.  My mom made her dress and it is an absolute dream!!  My dad celebrated his 68th year of life- God bless him, he's doing quite well and doesn't look 68 at all!!  He got to spend his birthday(albeit a day early) with his wife(my mom-of course) of almost 42 years, both his daughters, both son in laws and all but one grandchild (my nephew lives in Georgia with my former brother in law)-he'll be here Sunday afternoon to spend the summer with us!!  It was a beautiful day.  The week was going just wonderful...until Wednesday!!!  I have not seen "my dear(and I use the term loosely) Aunt Flow" in almost a year- was on Lu pron injections for fibroid tumors.  I have to find a new GYN as both of these Dr.'s were very rude, cruel and completely insensitive.  I was told I could not have a hysterectomy because it would be too dangerous to do surgery on someone my size- but they both suggested I have weight loss surgery(this was already in the works- but they had no idea and I wasn't about to tell those jerks either)- which is a far worse surgery than a hysterectomy!  They both just made up their minds that they weren't going to help me because of my size.  The last time I saw the one Dr. (last August) it was time for my yearly.  He looked almost terrified to do it as if he were going to the death chamber.  He then asked me how my husband felt about my weight, I told him he has often said no matter my size he would love me forever.  He then laughed and said "that's cute".  He then said "you are too big, I am amazed you can get around as well as you do!"  It took God and all his angels to keep me from kicking him through the wall!!!!  I was furious!!  I kept my composure, after the exam, I got dressed paid my copay and told the receptionist I'm never coming back.  She tried to convince me to give him another chance...nope- not gonna happen. So to those of you with insensitive Dr.'s- you don't have to take it- don't continue to give him your business and warn others of their horrible bedside manner.   Any who- I went to my second weigh in yesterday- I gained 5 pounds!!!!!Dr. Kole says it's because of water retention.  He told me not to get upset because when I come back to see him at the end of July, he bets I will have lost 20lbs or more.  He saw the look on my face and he knew how (forgive my phrasing here but you can understand how I feel) pissed off I was.  But on the drive home- and I didn't cry in the car (as the old me would've done), I reassessed everything- it had to be water retention, just Sunday afternoon my daughter's boyfriend was laughing at me because my jeans were falling off of me- were it not for my butt- my jeans would've been on the floor!!  I am making an appointment to see my PCP next week so he can put me in touch with a new GYN and get this situation under control.  So I guess we're all entitled to crappy days (or as in my case week).  I did get on my knees and pray for patience with my body and control of my temper.  Prayer works, I woke up this morning with a different attitude, talked with my best friend, she and I had a heart to heart and she told me how proud of me she was and to not get frustrated, especially since we know what is going on.  So with all this happening...Don't worry, I'm just fine.  That scale shall move in the other direction soon!!  Have a wonderful holiday weekend, and to those that gave their lives for me and mine to have the liberties that I have and to those that continue to fight for my liberties-I humbly thank you with all of my heart!! God bless you all!!    

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2006
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