Well - where do I start? I've always thought I was fat, all through school. I think this started because my mom was always critical of my appearance. Don't get me wrong - she loves me, I love her. But she was always telling me to suck in my stomach, stand up straight and other things. So I didn't have a lot of self confidence. I was really shy all through school. I look at pictures of me back then and I wonder why I thought I was so huge?!
I never REALLY had a weight problem until I was living on my own, working at a job where I was sexually harassed. I became very depressed and ate to make myself feel better. I ballooned 80 pounds in a a year's time. From there on, I was always dealing with my weight. Tried lots and lots of ways to lose, including phen-fen, redux and other diet pills. Tried all sorts of weight loss diets, some worked and I lost weight, but it always came back on plus more!
Anyway, since I've had three children and three C-sections, I've gained so much that it's discouraging to try to lose.
I've come to the decision that I need to do something most people would consider drastic to help myself. Since I have a drastic amount of weight to lose, the means fit the need.
I hope it doesn't sound like I'm making excuses or blaming other people. The decision to overeat was always mine. So now I need to break this habit and create healthy ways to deal with stress or emotions.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2011
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